Diet Programs Muscle Boosting Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate – Natural Lean Muscle Protein?

Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate – Natural Lean Muscle Protein?

grass fed whey protein isolate

Let’s start with what we do know – whey protein has a significant amount of health benefits; perfect addition to a well-balanced diet that will help shape, sculpt and define the human body. Fitness enthusiasts often choose whey protein as a nutritional powder to help with muscle enhancement and its recovery abilities.

We also know, that a well-balanced diet goes a long way in the health, wellness and fitness world. This includes things like a rich supply of vitamins, fruit and vegetables, minerals, and enough water.

Protein is an important component to that formula and unfortunately it is often much harder to consume enough protein for those who are looking for muscle enhancement and definition. So, having a protein like whey protein can be a great option.

However, given the hundreds of variations available on the market, where does one even begin? The answer? At the beginning. Determine what you need based on your current habits and goals, and then determine how much those goals are worth to you.

Chances are they are worth a quality protein source that delivers 25 grams of protein per serving derived from grass fed cows – 90% pure, clean protein.

About Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

Features And Benefits

  • Full ingredient disclosure on the product labels
  • 25 grams of protein per serving
  • Kosher and Halal
  • Hormone, Gluten and Lactose Free
  • Non-GMO

NutraBio protein is also deemed to be of high biological value – which means, the grass – fed whey isolate has both high biological value and protein digestibility scores. The protein is cold process, cross-flow micro and ultra-filtered.

Additionally, it contains 18% glycomacropeptides which may help control some gastrointestinal diseases. Notably, this is not common in the world of whey proteins.

Rest assure, NutraBio has also taken as much care in what not to add to their grass-fed why isolate as they did in what to include. It is a common trend in the protein world for companies to jam pack their lower quality proteins with proprietary blends or additives that result in amino spiking – you will not find this here! Several blends available also contain filler or added sugars and carbs – another thing you won’t’ find with NutraBio, along with artificial colors, GMO’s or potentially banned substances.

It is for these reasons that NutraBio wanted to remain transparent in their disclosure, and labeling for their consumers. When you take incredible care of your body through diet and exercise don’t allow an inferior source of protein undo your efforts.

How Much Protein Does Someone Need?

According to research, the average but active individual, requires 1.5 – 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight – daily. This will provide enough protein for optimal health for muscle growth and most importantly, recovery.

Is Whey Protein Helpful In Muscle Recovery?

Whey protein has the ability to digest and absorb much quicker in our bodies that that of casein. This allows for the amino acids to reach muscle rapidly and help stimulate protein synthesis – which will allow for your muscles to repair, and rebuild.

Depending on the intensity of your workouts, it can sometimes take up to two (2) weeks for your muscles to fully recover on their own, and as a result can often cause a deficit in your following workouts. This is most commonly seen when performing the same exercise with a noticeable decrease in strength.

So, to answer the original question, yes – whey protein is very beneficial in muscle recovery, and that’s not all…

More About Whey

Further research shows that ingesting a fast acting protein, like the NutraBio Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate, can increase amino acid levels, thus, increasing protein synthesis. This could be the most important physiological factor when it comes to muscle gains, strength, and recovery.

In this product, and most whey protein products, it is low in carbs and in this case, lactose, gluten, fat and cholesterol free which makes this also another great choice for low-carb eaters and individuals and athletes who require special requirements to eliminate from their diet – for performance or allergy reasons.

Here’s the deal, if you are considering adding a whey protein to your diet, be informed. Stay away from concentrated options or ones that spike amino acids or end up with tons of fillers. Ensure that the product or brand is transparent in their ingredients. A label might say 100% whey protein, when in fact you are only receiving somewhere around 25%.

You can be assured that with NutraBio Grass – Fed Whey Isolate you are receiving 90% pure protein – now that is hard to beat.

Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate Review Summary

Suggested serving is immediately following your workout as this is the time your body requires the most muscle protein synthesis which will help with growth and recovery.

Mix one (1) serving of the NutraBio protein into 6 ounces of cold water, or liquid of choice. Best if mixed in a shaker cup for up to 30 seconds. If you do prefer the protein to be a waterier consistency, simply add more water to your preferred taste.

NutraBio does carry other products including a pre-workout protein, however, this product is encouraged to be used a post-workout.

NutraBio Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate can be consumed 1-3 times per day, depending of course on your workout regimen.

How To Order

This NutraBio product retails for $79.99 but is available on their website for $49.99 for a 2-pound container.

This protein is available in both vanilla and chocolate flavors.

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