Pain Relief Joint / Arthritis Genacol – Quality Natural Joint Pain Relief Health Products?

Genacol – Quality Natural Joint Pain Relief Health Products?

Genacol Optimum is a liquid Supplement used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, joint pain, and deterioration. If you are looking for something to help ease the pain and discomfort caused by joint pain due to aging, then this might be the right supplement for you.

What is Genacol Optimum?

If your daily life is getting harder due to limited mobility caused by Osteoarthritis, joint pain or discomfort, this could be due to your joints deteriorating. Well Genacol Optimum is a liquid Supplement used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, joint pain, and deterioration. The manufacturer says it is a high quality natural product that has a “combination of four natural ingredients essential to the maintenance of joint health.

Its combination of AST Collagen, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, and MSM, are what make this product effective, as stated by the manufacturer. This combination helps alleviate pain, lubricate joints, and help fight the aging process by bringing joints to a healthier place.
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So if this sounds like what you may be going through keep reading and see if this award winning product is for you,

How Does Genacol Optimum Work?

The manufacturers of Genacol Optimum have developed a complex formula of amino acid sequences which were conceived using something called The AminoLock Sequence Technology, which was developed exclusively by the Genacol Canada Corporation Inc.

Do you work out? Are you advancing in age? Do your stiff knees and other joints bother you? Well with Genacol Optimum the manufacturer says this might be a thing of the past. Theuy claim that their combination of four amino acids could rejuvenate your tired joints.

Let’s take a quick look at How it works:

  • AST Collagen: This is going to help you with regeneration, and this particular Collagen is “manufactured based on Aminolock Sequence Technology exclusive to Genacol” and it is tasked with helping combat that annoying joint pain.
  • Glucosamine: Glucosamine uses Glucose as a lubricant for your joints, and it has a vital role in joint health, and longevity.
  • Chondroitin Sulfate: Chondroitin sulfate is a cartilaginous matrix component. This helps maintain bone flexibility, elasticity, and also helps manage the pain caused by worn out joint cartilage.
  • MSM: there is sulfur contained in MSM that helps with maintaining tissue connectivity and helps protect Tendons, and Ligaments.

    Genacol Optimum Ingredients

So far Genacol Optimum seems to have some very good properties. Also, Genacol Optimum is backed by two independent studies on its effects of joint health.

Genacol Optimum List Of Ingredients

Each dose contains:

  • Glucosamine sulfate (Crab and shrimp exoskeleton) 1500 mg
  • Genacol® Collagen AST – Hydrolyzed collagen from bovine source 1200 mg
  • Chondroitine sulfate 500 mg
  • MSM (Méthyle Sulfonyl Méthane) 400 mg

    How Much Does Genacol Optimum Cost?

    Genacol Optimum is a liquid joint pain reliever that comes in a 480ml bottle and retails for around $40 (On Amazon). The serving size is about one tablespoon per day. So that means there is approximately one month’s supply per bottle, just over one dollar a day. Not a bad price considering the cost of supplements in today’s market.

What Are Customers Saying About Genacol Optimum?

Here is one review from amazon for Genacol Optimum but I will quote it here because it is pretty good.

“What a difference it has made for me in my pain. I would recommend this to anyone with joint pain.”

Genacol Optimum Warnings?

Non-medicinal ingredients:

Caramel, Citric acid, Glycine, L-Histidine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, L-isoleucine, leucine, L- phenylalanine, Potassium sorbate, purified water, Sodium benzoate, Sodium citrate, Stévia, natural vanilla flavor.

Here is another which is a quoted post sent to Genacol’s Facebook page.

“As a former gymnast and Boston marathoner these activities have taken a toll on my joints and cartilage. I am so thankful for Genacols wonderful collagen technology which has improved my range of motion and already alleviated this pain.”

Most of the other reviews from customers seem to be along the same lines, and that is that this is a quality product that helps people with their joint pain, and helps in the recovery process that your joints need after working out.

Now with most supplements you will have people saying the opposite of wat the product is intended to do. There is not much of that going on with Genacol Optimum. Here are the manufacturers warnings direct from their site:


They also have this Risk Information listed as well:

  • Consult a health practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen.
  • Consult a health practitioner before using if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Known adverse reaction:
  • May cause slight gastro-intestinal disturbances.
  • It is recommended to use this product for at least one month to notice beneficial results.

As with all Supplements like the manufacturer states please consult a physician before starting to take anything to find out if it is safe for you in your own situation.

Genacol Optimum Review Summary

In summation Genacol Optimum seems to be a good product with its natural ingredients (some of which are proven to increase your body’s ability reduce joint pain, and help with recovery from some athletic workouts.

They have won awards for being quality products and the other products in their line come highly recommended by numerous people. But when it comes to supplements some may work well for one person and not well for another.

Your diet and exercise regiments will always play a role in how well your body will react to these types of products. Also, is you suffer from severe Osteoarthritis it could take longer to work as compared to someone who has less advanced symptoms.

All in all Genacol Optimum seems like a very legitimate and positive solution for mild to severe joint pain.

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