What Is A Free Trial Of Garcinia?
Here's most of what you need to know about how to choose wisely when buying the world's number one weight loss extract, garcinia cambogia.
Let's state the very basics in that not every free trial offer or ‘try before you buy' sample package you see is created equally. Should you avoid them all together? Well, some would say it is a great way to sample and use on autopilot methodology – and others, troubled headache-laden stories of changing their mind and not wanting the product afterall.
Garcinia cambogia has been the most sought out diet pill ingredient in the last 3 years with no signs of slowing down other than the fast rise of forskolin. You can pinpoint the popularity of Garcinia cambogia to one specific date: in November 2012, Dr. Oz called Garcinia cambogia a miracle weight loss ingredient.
Ever since, diet pill manufacturers around the world have sold thousands of Garcinia Cambogia pills. For good cause right?
Men and women desperate to lose weight have scooped up free trial offers and spent millions to buy the unique encapsulated powdered extract of a exotic-looking Asian fruit claimed to burn fat and lose weight faster than ordinary diet and exercise.
Unfortunately, these free trial offers have given the entire garcinia cambogia industry a slightly tainted reputation.
It is one of those cases where one bad apple can ruin the whole, but this review on garcinia cambogia free trial offers and sample packages is merely a way for you to either a) get informed and what to look for so you pay for what you agree to and b) virtually vent if needed so everyone can be aware and improve.
The claim is garcinia brands showcase their product and lure unsuspecting dieters into these free trials, then charge hundreds of dollars to their credit card – but it would seem they have ever right to it if you agree to their terms and conditions.
Today, let's cover the basics that can teach you everything you need to know about avoiding wrongfully setup ‘scams' and see how to spot which “free” trial offers are actually worthwhile so you can enjoy the best of both worlds – sampling before ordering, and benefiting from the ease of an monthly autoship billing program.

How Do Free Trial Scams Work?
Garcinia cambogia free trials can vary but will all typically work the same way – either done right or horribly bad. You hear about a new pure Garcinia cambogia diet pill online, you might research the pill, read some reviews, and decide you want to learn more about it and try for yourself.
At some point, you end up on the diet pill manufacturer’s official website. This is where the main part of the ‘adopting a watchful eye' begins. If you are here, you have either went through this process or have considered it at once point – and all we want to bring to the spotlight is the fine print.
Many of complaints have came in over time, and it seems the solution is split one of two ways – either understand what you are getting in exchange for a sample trial upfront or avoid them all together and buy a trusted brand at full retail price for a monthly supply.
While websites might be filled with flashy banners and psychological effects to lure you into buying, it is important you understand the terms and conditions of the garcinia free trials that by-law must be stated (which most of them do, whether hard to cancel or not is always up for deeper debate).
By now, all of us know nothing is absolutely free. So the ‘risk free trial' in its most simplest explanation can be boiled down to ‘try before you buy' – knowing you must enter your information and pay for the shipping of course which locks you into a future monthly subscription. From the feedback we have received, this is where issues arise and the waters become a bit muddy because there are very effective and efficient fair free trial offers being ran all over the world daily. It is a great value added exchanged proposition between consumer and supplier so both can form a give/take relationship.
First, you’ll see numerous banners loudly pointing you towards some sort of trial. Sometimes, this is called a “free trial”. In other cases, the manufacturer isn’t that bold and instead labels it a “risk-free trial.”
Then, to access that free trial, you’ll need to enter your name, email address, and sometimes even a phone number into the online form. Typically, the website won’t ask for your payment information at this point.
After you submit your contact information into the free trial form, you’ll be asked to provide payment by credit card. Typically, the manufacturer will display a price on the form and then slash that price to just a few dollars: $4.99 is a popular price, for example. The manufacturer tells you this price is to cover “shipping and handling”. It all makes sense so far right?
Sometimes, the original shipping and handling price will show something like $10 or $15, but the manufacturer will be nice to apply a coupon code that reduces the price to “just” $4.99.
In any case, the only point to this fee is to get you to enter a credit card and agree to legally-binding terms and conditions – which are told to be easy to cancel anytime.
This payment form is where you want to make sure you know when you will be getting your next shipment of garcinia product. If you look at the bottom of the payment form, you’ll typically see some small fine print.
This font will say something like:
“By signing up for Awesome Garcinia Cambogia Diet Pill, you’re agreeing to our Terms of Service.”
Sometimes, the manufacturer will continue to list the Terms of Service directly on the payment page. In other cases, you’ll have to read the Terms of Service on a separate page.
In any case, the Terms of Service typically features a clause like this:
“By buying Awesome Garcinia Cambogia, you’re agreeing to a risk-free 14 day trial. That trial will arrive to your mailbox within 3-5 business days. You have 14 days from the date of order to test the product and assess its benefits. If you like your free trial, then no action is required on your part. After the 14 day trial period is over, you will automatically be signed up for our Awesome Garcinia Cambogia Diet Pill VIP Program. You will be charged $89.99 for the full-sized trial you already received. Then, 30 days after your initial date of purchase, you’ll be charged an additional $89.99 plus $4.95 shipping and handling.”
In some cases, the Garcinia cambogia manufacturer uses an even lengthier description than this. They might try to overwhelm you with “legalese”. And to us, this is up for interpretation as all we are giving review to is to know that you try before you buy leads into should you not be paying attention.
In any case, the result is the same:
— You sign up for a “free” trial and pay just $4.95 for shipping and handling
– -Within 2-4 weeks, the manufacturer will charge your card the full amount for that free trial (you agreed to this in the fine print)
— The manufacturer will continue sending monthly shipments of Garcinia cambogia diet pills to your address every month until you cancel
Is Canceling is The Biggest Issue?
Is canceling garcinia cambogia free trial offers harder than you think?
It can go two different ways. Some of you may be here because of your inability to stop future payments or attempt a possible refund. There are many Garcinia cambogia manufacturers who run legit trial programs and honor the process of canceling at anytime. Many have reported they do in fact have live customer service representatives but they can be difficult to reach or overloaded with inquires. But to their credit, they post and provide the active telephone number for you to reach out and get the full details.
We have read the comments about cancelling is rarely easy. And that it may be one of the most frustrating and lengthy phone conversations you ever have in your life. Obviously, the manufacturer doesn’t want you to cancel, so they’ll take any step necessary to get you to avoid cancelling. It is a business after all and terms (seen or not) were agreed to.
However, we advise that if you want to buy a garcinia trial online, call their customer service or email support and see their response times. No matter what customer service representative company or agency you talk to, remember here are a few tactics used that could prevent you from canceling. Bottom line, call ahead.
— Long Hold Times (often totally unnecessary)
— Paying For Return Shipping And Handling And Other Cancellation Fees
— Trying To Upsell You On Other Related Diet Programs
Official Websites & Trustworthy Brands
The key is to decipher which official brands and trusthworthy websites offer a clean and clear ordering process.
You see, most Garcinia cambogia manufacturers have an affiliate program. This program basically means they reward people who say good things about them online. For those who don’t know, here’s how an affiliate program works:
— Someone signs up for the affiliate program with the goal of making money online
— The diet pill manufacturer pays that affiliate a certain amount of money for every customer they refer
— The affiliate only gets paid when someone clicks a link on the affiliate’s website, and then goes on to buy diet pills from the manufacturer’s website
— If the Garcinia cambogia pill costs, say, $100 for a one month supply, then well over half of that amount might go to the affiliate.
This is why Garcinia cambogia pills tend to be so expensive. Manufacturers have to offer lucrative affiliate programs. Otherwise, nobody will say good things about that supplement online.
Ultimately, all of this means that the positive Garcinia cambogia reviews you see online are typically written by people who have never used the supplement. They’re simply writing positive things about the supplement in the hopes that you buy the supplement, thus earning them an affiliate fee.
The good affiliate marketers can earn tens of thousands of dollars per month peddling diet pill scams – including Garcinia cambogia scams – online.
How to Avoid Bad Garcinia Cambogia Offers
Instead of getting duped into one of the free trial scam offers for garcinia weight loss advertisements, you can always buy a single bottle for a much more reasonable price and experience the results without the headache.
Buy from Amazon
Many Garcinia cambogia manufacturers sell their supplements on Amazon.com. Unfortunately, that’s not a guarantee of quality. It is a guarantee, however, that you won’t get lured into an autoship program. So if you’re interested in a diet pill and just want to try a one month supply without worrying about getting scammed, then buy from Amazon or another reputable retailer – like your local grocery store or a health food store.
Never Buy from the Manufacturer’s Official Website
It’s a huge red flag when a diet pill can only be ordered from the supplement’s official website. It means the company was unable to sell its supplement to retail outlets or even get listed on Amazon. Getting listed on Amazon is surprisingly easy: and if a supplement can’t even do that step (or worse, got banned from Amazon), then that’s bad news.
If No Ingredients Are Listed, Close the Page Immediately
Garcinia cambogia diet pill manufacturers don’t like disclosing their ingredients. If they did disclose their ingredients, then you’d learn that the diet pills consist mostly of caffeine and very small amounts of actual Garcinia cambogia.
Buy 60% HCA or Higher
If you do decide to buy a Garcinia cambogia supplement, then make sure it contains at least 60% HCA. HCA, or hydroxycitrate acid is the active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia. It’s thought to give the compound its natural appetite suppressing, weight loss benefits.
Nobody Gives Away Anything for Free On the Internet
This is one of the best life tips anyone can get about the internet. Nobody gives something away for free on the internet without expecting something in return. If a company is offering something for free, then it means they’re getting something from you. In Garcinia cambogia diet pill scams, that “something” is typically your credit card number, phone number, or email address.
If You’re Curious About a Company, Create a Throwaway Email Account
Most experienced internet users have a throwaway email account. This email account is used when you want to receive an email or confirm an account, but don’t want to subscribe to years of spam in your email inbox. If you’re genuinely curious about a Garcinia cambogia diet pill, then you should create a free throwaway email account. Otherwise, your primary email account could be flooded with spam offers for the rest of your life.
Most Popular Garcinia Cambogia HCA Extract Supplement Brands
Here is a brief list of all the user-submitted products that might be operating behind a free trial offer that you may want to make sure and double check the fine print:
- BodyGenix Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Slim Extreme
- Garcinia Lean Xtreme
- Garcinia Cambogia ZT
- Garcinia Melt
- Garcinia Deluxe
- Garcinia Replenish
- Active Garcinia
- Garcinia Burn
- GC Fresh
- Power Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Thin Secret
- Garcinia Xtreme
- Tropical Garcinia Cambogia
- Platinum Garcinia
- Garcinia Secret Diet
- Ultra Body Garcinia
- Garcinia Lyfe
- Prime Garcinia
- Garcinia Ultra Lean
- Garcinia Prime
- Garcinia Pure Select
- Aura Slim Garcinia
- Garcinia XL
- Balanced Garcinia
- Garcinia Slim 500
- Slimax Garcinia
- Total Garcinia
- Organica Slim Garcinia
- Garcinia Sensation
- Garcinia Wow
- HCA Fit
- Garcinia Bio Slim
- Healthy Garcinia Pro
- Green Garcinia
- Garcinia Plus 100
- Trim Garcinia Cambogia
- Pure Life Garcinia
- Garcinia Elite 350
- Infinity Garcinia
- True Grade Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia 1300
- Utopian Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Plus
- Original Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Xtra
- Flawless Garcinia
- Ultimate Garcinia
- Garcinia Lean
- Garcinia Cambogia Ultra Max
- Green Garcinia Gold
- Garcinia Bioslim
- Nature's Slim Garcinia Gambogia
- Helix6 Garcinia
- Green Garcinia Pro
- Optimum Garcinia Plus
- Garcinia Lyfe
- Garcinia Cambogia Go
- Total Control Garcinia
- Garcinia Slim Extreme
- Garcinia Vitality
- Garcinia Torch
- Alpha Garcinia
- Accelerated Garcinia
- Amazing Pure Garcinia
- Nutri Fast Garcinia
- SlimGenesis Garcinia
- Garcinia Purely Trim
- Garcinia Smart Plus
- Forever Garcinia Plus
- Aura Slim Garcinia
- Pureline Garcinia
- Solar Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia ZT
- Garcinia Cambogia XT
- Replenish Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Vibe
- Revive Garcinia
- Garcinia Super Slim 100
- TrimFit Garcinia
- Slimera Garcinia
- Slendera Garcinia
- Organic Slim Garcinia
- BioSlim Garcinia
- Supreme Garcinia Cambogia
- Green Naturals Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia G3000
- Garcinia MaxSlim
- Dyna Garcinia
- Garcinia Total Diet
- Skinny Garcinia
- Garcinia Shaping Pro
- Empire Garcinia Cambogia
- Vitovia Garcinia Cambogia
- Lean Garcinia Plus
- Natural Pure Garcinia
- Slim Zero Garcinia
- SlimDream Garcinia
- Pure Garcinia Slim
- MyLyfe Garcinia
- Amazing Garcinia
- SlimPhen Garcinia
- Optimal Garcinia Cambogia
- Absolute Garcinia
- Garcinia Active Slim
- PrimaLean Garcinia
- Premier Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Now
- Garcinia Cambogia Ultra
- Garcinia Turbo Slim
- Brisk Body Garcinia
- Garcinia HCA Trim
- Total Garcinia Slim
- Garcinia Delight
- UltraMax Garcinia
- Natures Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Mega Extreme
- Fresh Healthcare Natural Garcinia Cambogia
- Nutrapure Health Garcinia Cambogia
- Pure TILT Garcinia
- Green Theory Garcinia Cambogia
- Revive Nutra Garcinia
- Garcinia X60
- Garcinia Loss
- Focus Beauty Garcinia
- Biotech Nutritions Garcinia Cambogia
- Essential Health Garcinia Cambogia
- Novus Body Garcinia Cambogia
- Finest Vitamins Garcinia Cambogia
- Full Volume Garcinia Cambogia
- Kaze Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinex Organic Garcinia Cambogia
- Clean Health Path Garcinia Cambogia
- Herb Wizard Garcinia Cambogia
- Live Organica Garcinia
- Health Solution Prime Garcinia Cambogia
- Top Choice Rush Nutra Garcinia Cambogia
- Nat Health Care Natural Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Extra
- Huntington Labs Garcinia Cambogia
- Whitefields Natural Garcinia Cambogia
- Prime Market Garcinia
- Greenatr Garcinia Cambogia
- ExoSlim Fit Garcinia
- Magix Labs Garcinia Cambogia
- Nusapure Garcinia Cambogia
- Nutraganix Garcinia Cambogia
- Nutriflair Garcinia Cambogia
- Shape Organics Garcinia Cambogia
- Green Garcinia Plus
- Enchanted Garcinia
- Garcinia Gold
- Garcinia Boost
- Optimal Garcinia 500
- Ultra Garcinia Plus
- A&K Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Slim Diet
- Thin Adventure Garcinia
- ExoSlim Fit Garcinia
- Slim Genesis Garcinia
- Premium Garcinia Plus
- Full Volume Garcinia Cambogia
- Garcinia Power
- Lipogen RX Garcinia Cambogia
- Lovely Lean Ultra
- Purely Inspired Garcinia
- Performa Slim
- Pure Garcinia Cambogia Max
- Focus Beauty Garcinia
- Supreme Fit Garcinia
- Illuminate Garcinia Cambogia
- Source Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Sensation
- Hawaii Slim
- X Pro Garcinia
- Garcinia Complete
- Tru Formula Garcinia Cambogia
- Biogreen Labs Garcinia Cambogia
- Diamond Garcinia
- Trim Genesis Garcinia
- Prime Market Garcinia Cambogia
- Slim Beauty Garcinia
- Natural Max Garcinia
- Slim XO Garcinia
- Gold Slim Garcinia
- Slim Fire Garcinia
- Gold Sciences Garcinia
- Garcinia True
- Slim Organix Garcinia
- 365 Garcinia
- SlimFit180
- Ascend Garcinia
- Supreme Slim Garcinia
- GarSlimia
- Nutri Fast Garcinia
- Premiere Garcinia
- BioLean Garcinia
- Advantage Garcinia
- Natural Direct Garcinia
- Sonix Garcinia
- Ultra Premium Garcinia
- Edi's Garcinia
- Garcinia X Pro
- My Life Garcinia
- Premium Pure Garcinia
- Truly Garcinia
- Garcinia Super Complex
- M80 Trim
- Lineaslim
- Ascend Garcinia
- GarciniBurn
- Garcinia Authentic
- Garcinia Life Plus
- UltraMax Garcinia
- Garcinia Cambogia Ultra Max
- House Brand Garcinia
- Rapidly Totally Garcinia
- Slim Elite Garcinia
- Illuminate Now Garcinia
- Skinny Garcinia
- Garcinia Fusion
We will do our best detective work on which are the latest garcinia cambogia extract supplements to hit the market in 2016 and beyond. This list does not imply that any one of these popular garcinia brands are a scam or up to mischievous business practices.
You can also read our garcinia cambogia class action lawsuit review in which we discuss all the options customers and consumers are fighting back against these poor practices of buying and selling garcinia.
One thing important to note – Garcinia's HCA does seem to react and respond with the body and has been known throughout South American countries as a viable option for many health conditions.
Understand that There’s Limited Scientific Evidence Behind Garcinia Cambogia
One of the most amazing things about Garcinia cambogia is that it’s hardly been studied at all. To date, most major weight loss studies on Garcinia cambogia have been performed on rats, not humans.
The weight loss studies on Garcinia cambogia that have been performed on humans have been mostly inconclusive or have shown no significant weight loss results.
Here are a few of the studies that have compared Garcinia cambogia with a placebo over the years:
In one study from the year 2000, researchers compared Garcinia cambogia intake with a placebo group over a period of 12 weeks. The researchers concluded that “No effects of the HCA were observed on appetitive variables. The active treatment group did not exhibit better dietary compliance or significant correlations between appetitive variables and energy intake or weight change. This study does not support a satiety effect of HCA.”
HCA is the active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia and the primary chemical thought to be associated with weight loss and appetite suppression – two things that HCA did not exhibit in this study.
Another two studies, including this one and another one, showed that people lost a small amount of weight over a period of 8 weeks, but didn’t think the weight loss was statistically significant.
Another two studies, found here and here, showed no difference in weight loss between Garcinia cambogia and a placebo group.
One of the best studies on Garcinia cambogia was published in 2011 and aimed to summarize all of the Garcinia cambogia studies performed thus far. That study looked at the results of 12 clinical trials and concluded that Garcinia cambogia can help you lose 2 pounds, on average, over a period of 12 weeks while taking Garcinia extract. Researchers, however, emphasized that “the magnitude of this effect is small, is no longer statistically significant when only rigorous RCTs are considered, and its clinical relevance seems questionable.”
Of course, that doesn’t mean you won’t lose weight while taking Garcinia cambogia health supplements. You might lose weight due to the placebo effect – since you think the supplement is going to work, you exercise more, eat healthy, and think positive thoughts. Ultimately, this could help you lose weight.
In all scientific studies performed thus far, however, there has been no conclusive scientific evidence that Garcinia cambogia can lead to significant weight loss in humans. It will help you lose a little bit of weight – but nowhere close to some of the exaggerated claims made by diet pill manufacturers.
By following the above tips, you can become a smarter internet user and never fall victim to unworthy Garcinia cambogia free trial offers again.
I was offered a free trail and did as they said cancelled any further account by 2 weeks but now they say they didnt recieve it if i got no confirmation email they scammed a pensioner for $131.00. Garcinia cambogia direct or SZLNBDY.COM IS A SCAM THRY DONT REPLY TO ANY EMAILS OR SO CALLED CUSTOMER SUPPORT.
Ive lost faith in humans so thankyou i will never accept a free trail ever ever again.
Please dont be sucked in they dont have ethics.
Me again i also wanted to say niether the garcinia cambogia or colon clense worked all i did was throw $131.00 down the toilet and all i wanted was to help me loose weight not money. There creatins.
I want to cancel my 1 bottle of Garcinia Cambogia and 1 bottle of Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplement. Because the product doesn’t work. I want to get my refund on my Visa check card. The check card # is 4488-5910-2530-5005 Exp date is March 2019. Check what months I want to get my refund back.
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing article. I really love the concept. Not everybody is fortunate enough to be born with lips like Angelina Jolie. Some women have all of the luck. But before you contemplate lip injections, think about a natural, non-invasive alternate. #1 Supplier hitting the marketplace.
This company is just plain BULLSHIT! They have deducted twice out of my checking account and when I called them they come up with sum bullshit story which is the same that everybody else is complaining about. If anybody knows any other information that will help me get my money back please pass it on. Other than that Im getting all information together to bring this company DOWN!
I set up a series of notes on my calendar to call and cxl the automatic rebills starting the 5th day of the trial …which was before I had received the product…The lady asked me why I was cancelling and I told because I didn’t want to be rebilled for the $89.95 plus $4,95 shipping charge and she said that according to their terms and conditions I had to at least try the product before I could cancel and to call them back if I tries it and still want to cxl. SOOO make sure you tell them that you tried it and didn’t like it when you call to cxl it
Well, here’s another one to add to your list – Vita Fit Garcinia-Cambogia – places unauthorized holds on monies under the name of AB Diet World G(roup). I called TWICE and cancelled a couple weeks prior to this and was”assured” both times that I had nothing to worry about. AND when I immediately called the customer service # I was told, of course, that I would receive a full refund. I’ve been given a “transaction Number” and everything! When I spoke, yes again, to a “supervisor” I was told that I wouldn’t be able to prove that I had made those calls and that I was not going to be allowed to speak with anyone other than him because there was no one else. I asked him if he owned the company and he said no. When I asked who he received HIS paycheck from he said it wasn’t relevant and blatantly refused to give me any further information on this “company”. When I asked how he would feel if this happened to him, his comment was “Oh, I don’t order anything from online:. They have no fear of retribution or being held accountable for their actions. And yes, I did file one report and will continue to file as many reports as I can!!!!!
I have also been scammed by a crowd in Singapore, who charge through Australia – garciniaultraslimtrim. I am $900 in the red, having received a refund for 2 orders that I returned ASAP when they arrived, but they say it ‘wasn’t them who took the rest of the money’. Yeah, right, go figure. My bank, the BNZ has a disputed transactions section and they are refunding me! Big ups to BNZ! BIG BIG thumbs down to these criminal, deceitful pricks. I am never paying with a credit card online for anything again, instead I am getting a debit card I can load with just enough to do what I want and no more. Once bitten… Alison
I ordered the 14 day free trial. I made to read everything to make sure I would not be charged for anything after the fact. I just opened my credit card statement and I was billed a month ago and just again. I can’t get a refund because I am passed the 30 day full refund. They have cancelled my account but I don’t know what I will have to pay for –I have filed disputes with my credit card company. I have gone through all of my emails and none of them say you need to cancel. Apparently it was in the fine print on my phone that I couldn’t read. The worst part is I never even used the product.
IC3 Internet Complaint Reporting
BBB for the state it was shipped from SAVE original mailing packaging
RipOff.com Reporting
Tell everyone to STAY AWAY from them. They have FOUR alias that I have found so far!
The same thing just happened to me
Same thing just happened to me but I will be cancelling my credit card so screw them and I will be filing a police report against them unless someone else have a solution…
Hi! Coreen, I know what you mean, I was billed for two bottles of supplements, I didn’t call to cancel because I didn’t know I had too, I never used the product, and sent it back, but was told I couldn’t get a refund because the package was opened, I sent it back in its original package, I were told that I needed a RMA #, before I could send it and get a refund.
WOW I can not believe how many of us are being scammed. Can you imagine the people who are making heaps of money from this? Their karma will come back on them.
Stay away from Garcinia Authentic. I have not ever received my free trial plus been charged $118.05 Australian in the next month. The number given on my order is disconnected and I have sent several emails with no response.
I will be cancelling my visa card to avoid any further payts which is a real inconvenience.
No more free trials ever.
I’m so sorry to hear this, if you are still dealing with this problem, You can try this number 888-316-7691, good luck.
Have any of you heard anything about garcinia cambogia save or VistaSave??
I just got a $89.99 charge after paying the $4.95 for each bottle . This is crap . They need a damn warning sign. I canceled my card so this won’t happen again.
Learn from your experience and fight for your refund by:
returning product to return address on original package and request a credit in writing with product return. Call numbers again and request a full refund and you may end up with a 50% (like me). File with the BBB where the distribution was! File a 1C3 online complaint. File with RIPOFF.com. This experience has cost me up front $460.00 due to my (OLD) bank overdraft fees! So I fired my BANK too! You can do that! They didn’t return any credit to the checking until AFTER the 50% refund was received. It took over 90 days! FIGHT!!!! WRESTLE!!! Never give up and by all means PRAY for the guidance, not to have this happen again!
Like most of you …. I fell for this too. I literally keep my fingers crossed that this company goes out of business: Exceptional Garcinia Cambogia. Customer service number 1-866-313-8396! I was first charged $90 for a bottle of Garcinia, then they sent me a “FREE TRIAL BOTTLE” of green coffee bean extract as a “gift”… that gift charged me an additional $90! Terrible humans on the phone, and I have no idea how they sleep at night, to be honest! I run a multi-million $ business, and I can’t imagine treating my customers any other way than FAIRLY!!!! It’s NOT okay…. I’ll chalk this up to a $185 life lesson. Uhhhhh
This is what you can do: file complaints with
Better Business Bureau in the state it was shipped from! Mine was St. Petersburg Florida
Did you contact your bank and tell them this is FRAUD?
It took SIX MONTHS and tons of follow up on my part, but finally GARCINIA had to refund 100%, but it came in increments. The only people that made money was THE BANK with their overdraft fees. We fired the bank, but don’t close your account completely until after you have received 100%.
BY THE WAY your bank has the option to keep FUNDS that are refunded to CLOSED accounts. That is what I have learned. GOD BLESS!
Be careful guys, they charged me $180 from my credit card after I canceled after risk free trial
Nut shell: I filed an IC3, ripoff.com, BBB complaints.
I did hear back in increments of refunds. I am out hundreds of dollars. My “OLD” bank made money! Every auto draft that bounced because of this unauthorized activity MADE MONEY! We had to change everything to a different bank. I have lost track of how much this HORRIBLE experience has cost. My trust is blown! There is no one to soothe the feathers. To see so many people continually being taken advantage of, is ILLEGAL and WRONG in so many ways! Praying for each victim! My problems started the first week in November and still (EVEN TODAY) have to fax and prove to some businesses that it really happened! The victim carries the burden and the business walks….for now GOD will balance this in the END!
I have been caught in the scam web of this company also. I ordered a sample bottle of Natural Mango Cleanse and Garcinia Cambogia each for $4.95 for S&H for the two bottles. Which I thought were trial and I would let them know if I wanted to order more. Then in another week, a $78.75 and $79.95 for each bottle. Plus I have not received the product. I called and complained. All they could say is that were sorry but I should have told them. Well, when the bottles came there was just a small slip, nothing about cancelling. I could kick myself for falling for this. Do Not Order from this. Once learned twice burned if I ever do this sort of thing again.
File a IC3 complaint form. File a complaint at ripoff.com. Notify your BBB from which state the shipment came from. Call and request a full refund. They only offer 50 % if anything. Then cancel your account. I closed the bank account and talk about ripple affects. My bank jumped on the opportunity to hit us with SEVEN overdraft fees. Due to AUTO PAYS. This happened the week of Thanksgiving. I still have ripple affects today. Hopefully you kept the original packaging. FEDEX can provide a receipt of what day you signed for it. Thats when the trial should have started. They don’t disclose UPFRONT and EASILY to SEE that it starts differently than once you actually start using the product. Praying for refunds for ALL the victims!
They just got me as well. Called and cancelled my “account” and got a 50% discount. They lady on the phone was very nice. I told her it was a scam and Ill be waiting to see if I truly get a refund. She emailed me confirmation of cancelled account and refund. I guess Ill wait and see. I hate to have to cancell my debit card…
can you please send me their contact details? I have the same problem and I do not remember their contact detail so I can complain. I will call the police.
Do not order Premiere Garcinia from Dynamic Nutra / Pristine Skin. The product does not do anything, good or bad. They will not accept a product back even if is not opened. They charge $90 when a similar product can be bought on Amazon for $18. They are SCAMMING buyers!!
What is your phone number? I’ve been taking apple cider vinegar for years now. Is that a mistake to mix in in the 2 qt. of water I drink daily? or, do I have to take it with Garcinia?
I wish I would have read this before being suckered into this fake diet scam. I spent $100. Bucks on one bottle of crap.
Please No one buy from this scam of a diet.
Firstly Id like to say everyone who has been SCAMMED by these assholes as I was Last night, You did nothing wrong it’s not a free offer we agreed to pay $4.95. I ordered free trial 2 wks ago it was never posted & the Tracking number given never worked saying it had not been scanned? I Became concerned i had given my credit card details For first time ever ( now the last) Probably lucky,As last night I read All OF THIS on here. Tried to contact them;”impossible”!! At 8pm Lastnite 12/2/2017 My Balance of creditcard was$176.60 Then after emailing garcinia to cancel Balance is $307.09 charged at 10pm!!!!!! Couldn’t cancel my card no operators until this morn.I contacted my bank blocked card they have reported to Fraud department.Luckily I have emails from Garciniaultraslimtrim for proof if needed.How quickly they grabbed *stole* my money as they realized I was on to them! SOMETHING NEEDS TO be done to STOP this crap.I WILL not be letting these bastards have a cent of my money I can promise you!!!! Good luck to everyone who may have had same experience. I rang a friend told her all this today she said you won’t believe me the same thing with same company happened to her many years ago,westpac bank refunded her money& canceled her card :)So there is hope.13/2/2017
File a IC3 complaint form. File a complaint at ripoff.com. Notify your BBB from which state the shipment came from. Call and request a full refund. They only offer 50 % if anything. Then cancel your account. I closed the bank account and talk about ripple affects. My bank jumped on the opportunity to hit us with SEVEN overdraft fees. Due to AUTO PAYS. This happened the week of Thanksgiving. I still have ripple affects today. Hopefully you kept the original packaging. FEDEX can provide a receipt of what day you signed for it. Thats when the trial should have started. They don’t disclose UPFRONT and EASILY to SEE that it starts differently than once you actually start using the product. Praying for refunds for ALL the victims!
Everybody should read this article before !!!!! Here was my experience:
DO NOT PAY FOR THIS!!!! They will charge you the cost of shipping, and if you don’t send the bottle back to them within 14 days, they will AUTOMATICALLY put you on a list and charge you USD $80 PER MONTH! They don’t take refunds and the place is POORLY managed, so its hard to get in contact with them!!!! DON’T BUY IT!!!!
P.S: It doesn’t even help anyways!
Learn from your experience and fight for your refund by:
returning product to return address on original package and request a credit in writing with product return. Call numbers again and request a full refund and you may end up with a 50% (like me). File with the BBB where the distribution was! File a 1C3 online complaint. File with RIPOFF.com. This experience has cost me up front $460.00 due to my (OLD) bank overdraft fees! So I fired my BANK too! You can do that! They didn’t return any credit to the checking until AFTER the 50% refund was received. It took over 90 days! FIGHT!!!! WRESTLE!!! Never give up and by all means PRAY for the guidance, not to have this happen again!
I have been charged $202.85 on 5 different statements on my bank account!!! One for $3.90 from Fresh you market, $1.05 from New you stores, $1.00 from Daily group mart, $98.95 from Daily Bod, and then $97.95 from Fresh you market. I called the only number on my statement and the lady laughed at me and said she can’t do anything she will cancel it and it will take 2 weeks to get my refund minus $9.00 for shipping and I need I need to ship back the product and pay for shipping. I asked if they were going to credit my card back then the full amount of $202.85 minus the $9.00 shipping change. Then again she laughed and said yeah what ever it is. I am going to go to my bank and fight these fraud charges!!! There is NO such thing as a FREE TRIAL!!! I am a single mom and was definitely taken advantage of and now I am more than likely going to have to get a new card number after reading all this that they keep charging your card and don’t get you a refund. I am also filing a complaint to the BBB and the IC3.gov!!!!
AGREE – file the report with BBB and IC3. I had the same issue – I did not give up and after multiple requests finally got the “we will give you 35% refund” I refused and they bumped it to “50% refund” and then finally reported to the BBB I got 100% refund. Stay on them! They are refunding but slowly and certainly different that pulling out the “$92.97 ad $92.99” the reversal of charges is coming back $32.53, then three days later $32.54, then another 3 days later $23.23, then another day $55.79, then 3 days later $37.19 and etc. By the way – reversals coming from two places “Infintecara’ and “Vitalforskin”!
I filed with the BBB the products were shipped from! Hopefully you saved the packaging from the shipments. On your SHIPPED TO YOU receipt their should be a tracking number. Search that and it will give you the date delivered. THE TRIAL date should start on the date of delivery, but they SCAM you into believing the date starts on the date of order! Also file the IC3 and file a complaint with RIPOFF.com Also, if your bank kills you with overdraft fees file with your local BBB. This was the worst purchase experience of my 55 years! RETURN unused product to DISTRIBUTION OFFICE because you won’t get a return address from any of the affiliates of this SCAM. It took 90 DAYS and tons of paper trail and due diligence to receive only HALF of what was STOLEN from me. Taken without authority is the same as STEALING in the bible. They will get their just desserts in the end! SO: BBB, IC3, RIPOFF.com and everyone you can think of!!
I ordered the $4.95 trial but never received it..with in a week i noticed another charge on my bank account so i called the bank and stopped it $94.00. the Bank reversed charges but then when the bank called them.The people said they had my address and email and and name so they felt it was ok…I dont get it i gave them permission to take $4.95 but not the $94.00. when you order something i’m afraid you have to give address to have product delivered…regardless i have turned it over to the the bank claims dept again…Just foun out again not only was i scammed but hell they scammed the bank making them believe its was authorized…I called the company and the suppose supervisor said i was blacked marked not sure what that means…so now i have lossed $94.00 and i was scammed..Thought my bank was to protect my money …NO…this company is a SCAM
An offer for a bottle of Pure Natural Garcinia Cambogia showed up as a little “add-on” item when I was checking out other items on some website – wish now I could remember which one, as I order a lot online – and I thought “why not, it’s only 4.95.” Kill me now. I never saw anything about any subscription or anything remotely like that. When I received my other order, this stuff was not with it, but it came separately. A few weeks later I received another bottle with a packing slip saying I was charged $89.95. There was a phone number to call, 1-888-272-9262, which is also on the bottle. I called them and sorta freaked out. I had no idea who they were and only know now since I have the bottle and was able to look them up:
. I had never heard of these people before nor their website. The lady I talked to was nice enough, but she seemed to have some kind of script – since I was obviously unhappy she first offered me a discount on future shipments of 25%, then when I didn’t like that it went up to 50%. I finally said that I don’t care if it’s a bottle full of gold dust, I don’t like your marketing methods and I want nothing more to do with you, I have been scammed enough by you already. I got a cancellation number from them, we’ll see if it “takes.”I placed an order with Slim-Waist-Support.com (supposedly based in South Salt Lake, UT) on December 31, 2016 for my “free trial” of Garcinia Cambogia and Probiotic Cleanse. I received the shipment on January 10, 2017. On Sunday, January 15 (today), two charges appear on my account for over $109.00 each. I am calling my financial carrier tomorrow (Monday morning) and I am calling this company in an attempt to resolve this in good faith.
IC3 Internet Complaint Reporting
BBB for the state it was shipped from SAVE original mailing packaging
RipOff.com Reporting
Tell everyone to STAY AWAY from them. They have FOUR alias that I have found so far!
who would i contact i never received the trial size..So I have no package to go off of
I got scammed too. If you email their unmonitored account they will respond. A lot easier then trying to get someone on the phone. They canceled my subscription but still charged me $140 CAD per bottle for garcinia and green something. Pissed me off royally. Called VISA and they said there was nothing they could do. They admit it is a scam but say there is no way for them to reverse the charges. I said cancel my card. Then the nice Visa lady said is it a Scam or FRAUD, hint hint. I said oh it’s fraud. They did have to cancel my Visa number and get me a new card but got all charges wiped out.
You were fortunate. Local bank in Fort Wayne, IN refused to cancel both unauthorized charges although they were still pending when they were caught. Then had the audacity to charge us 7 times (due to auto payments) and we filled out an affidavit and still lost over $460 on the whole SPAM/FRAUD! The local bank was an opportunist just like garcia companies and their alias’. They have at least FOUR names so far. I filed a IC3 I filed in both IN and FLORIDA BBB. NOTHING!
All the battle continues and I encourage everyone to keep up the fight! Certainly continue to spread the word to DO NOT TRY this predatory “NOT…..FREE trial”. After several phone calls and 5 unanswered emails – today I got an email response. First one telling me “sorry you should of read the terms and conditions more closely”. Then the offer of 35% refund. They still won’t advise what state they shipped from. I responded back my appreciation for the offer however the 35% will not resolve and I want the confirmation on the state they are shipping to Hawaii from. Wish me luck they will either respond or give me the 100% refund I am requesting! Again – good luck everyone – don’t give up! By the way the email came from
[email protected]
and the email lists a “domestic” call center at 1-888-896-5381 they claim a 90 second wait time. The call answers “thank you for choosing AT&T” and not the company name.Don’t do it, the trial period says 14 days plus 4 days for shipping, which gives you 18 days to cancel. I was charged on the 12th and 13th days for 69 and 79 bucks. Many attempts to email or call resulted in non working numbers, or returned emails due to bad email addresses. I persisted, and found the original website where one of the two emails actually worked ([email protected]) and got a return email with this phone number to call (888-684-2242) and while at first, they couldn’t seem to ” find” my account, then tried to tell me I had to get the merchant number from my bank. I persisted, telling the girl that while I knew she was just doing her phone job, and I thanked her, I also told her that the company did not abide by their policy and provided many phone numbers and email addresses that were making it nearly impossible for anyone to get through. Yet, that still managed to “find” my account to charge it. After putting me on hold a few times, she was able to come back twice, first offering my a 50% refund, then (after more persisting and clarifying that they did not follow their end of the deal by not allowing the full trial period to complete before charging me, she put me on hold again, and came back a few minutes later ( meanwhile I got two emails verifying the canceling of my account ) with offering me a 75% refund. I had to leave to get my child somewhere, so I confirmed that it was indeed canceled and I would not be charged any more, and accepted the 75%. Still not happy that I lost 25%, but I figure that was my own fault for falling for it in the first place. I also plan on getting a new bank card issued as a safety net. If you do get through, be firm but polite, insist on getting your money back and be persistant. have your order dates, ship dates, and dates your account was charged, so they can’t tell you you were too late. No more shopping late late night for me.
good luck
I have the identical story and they not answering my emails – “nice lady” on the phone let me know they have another deal right now! I told her she was not listening – I don’t even want this crap and will report it…she said “to who”……pretty arrogant but I will find someone (LIKE THIS AND OTHER WEBSITES to help try and warn others!)
I filed an IC3 Internet Crime Complaint! I reported to my local BBB and you need to file at the BBB your product shipped from. Mine was Florida. I live in Indiana. Share your experience with everyone you can!
You are ALL so right; this company is filled with SCAM artist. You are switched from person to person and you hold for 25-30 minutes because they know most people will hang up!!!
I’ve sent an email to them to cancel and tried the phone number but it does not work :( how did you find the number? Maybe they changed it again? I truly can not afford this and I only ordered it two days ago so hopefully I can stop it before the damage is done……..
FEB 2017 ORDERED free $4 trial two weeks ago & given tracking number..it’s never been sent or scanned by postal service! Realized something was not right FOUND all this info HERE last night I tried to contact them by email AGAIN Checked my credit statement balance earlier yesterday it was $176 at 10pm after my emails to Garciniaultraslimtrim it was $307.09!!!!!!! THE BASTARDs took it out no free trial nothing just STOLE my credit.I have canceled my card this morning(I tried last night when I realized but no operator available:( ) Its now in hands ofThe FRAUD department. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE TO PROTECT PEOPLE. This is the first time I’ve ever used a credit card on internet AND obviously THE LAST!! And DONT think I will be paying them ONE cent assholes .MONDAY 13/02/2017
they rip you off .they say your trial begins the day you sign up so they lie to you and there was no notice about canceling in thirty days.
Agree!! Good luck in your battle!
Same thing happen to me, this was a free trial and yes I got charged 2 times after and this suppose to be a free trail! Stupid me for trying this, now having all kind of problem to stop getting more of this.
I cancelled my subscription to Perfect Garcinia Cambogia around October 28th-November 1st and I am still being charged over $93 by the company for a product I no longer subscribe to nor received any additional product in the mail. I’m a part-time $10/hour worker/full-time student and I can’t afford for these kinds of charges on my account.
Internet Crime Complaint Center and file a IC3
I had to close my bank account and open at another bank.
Also, I filed the above claim.
FYI My old bank gouged me with 260 in over drafts too! Criminal activity here and they know it!
Thanks Nancy – going to do this along with notice to BBB!
I wish I had read this before trying the 14 day trial. This is a huge scam. They billed me without my consent and now they are trying to tell me they already shipped out the order when the charges just hit the bank a few hours ago. They gave me some BS that there is a restocking charge and a return fee what a scam these people are running. EVERYONE that has been ripped off like I have needs to file a complaint with the BBB to shut these assholes down.
Agree 100% I am filing my complaint with BBB today. Very sad I fell for this scam and sorry to see others in the same boat which means these rats are laughing all the way to the bank!
I did not order this product I called up and they told me they could not refund my card $4.05 and this was supposily ordered on December 2,2016.Ididnot .The person I talked to after I said cancel everything they would send I do not want,I just want my money refunded,I said I do not have the so called product but you have the nerve to take peoples money and outright called him a thief.He had enough nerve to m tell me to give it as a Christmas gift.That is telling a person hay you’re fat take this to lose weight.He said that they could not put the money back because it was against the federal government.I said that the money you stole from me was from the federal government. One company called evelina stole $98.41 I put them on the Ripoff Report.I told this to them and they told me the issue had been solved,I emailed and said what was solved your company is theives.Let me tell you good folks My whole account money was stolen and I am not gonna give up to collect I am that way.You do not steal that is a sin from God. So this morning December 6,2016 . I will call again Since my whole account was stoen now I have called some of the Companies and they will put the money back to my account thank God I got ahold of a person that cared.But thiscompany garcinia or what ever will be hearing today from me and I will put them on the Ripoff site.ana I will tell them about numerous complaints and I will call the BBB.I will try to do my best to put them in so much scalding hot water that I will say burn baby burn.And I do not even have their product What goes around will come back around to bite them in the ASS
Linda – I am with you 100%….I hope we win this battle – get our money back and get them out of business from every ripping off anyone else!
UGH! ANOTHER one that falls prey! I don’t need to tell my story because it is the SAME as everyone’s above!! DO NOT ORDER THIS PRODUCT!!! The Customer Service # I have (just to warn you against this one as well as ALL the others) 877-252-5922. $100 of HARD EARNED MONEY – GONE!! And who know if I will continue to have more charges against my account!
MTI-HEALTH is my scanner, I ordered a free trial (paid for shipping) then this morning I had an $89 charge on my card. They try to encourage you to continue taking the product and entice you with discounted rates (for life in my case) but you just have to stay persistent. I had a lot of trouble talking to 3 different people, but when I said that this is an unauthorized charge on my account I finally got them to say I would get the amount back in full and my account be cancelled. We’ll see if I get the confirmation email and finally the refund in 7-10 business days. -___-
Internet Crime Complaint Center and file a IC3
Good luck! I have not gotten anything refunded so far….fingers crossed they did indeed stop any additional charges….like everyone else….had a moment of vulnerability and got SCAMMED…..UGH
I got screwed out of $140.00, seriously this was supposed to be a free trial!?!? I did use product for almost two weeks and not only did I not loose weight, I gained about 5 lbs. I called and told this people that I wanted to cancel and get a refund today which was day 14. As many on here I was basically told that I would be given no money back and all sales were final. After that they have the nerve to offer me multiple discounts on future shipments. I was so pissed I told them I was going straight to BBB and the lady basically told me that I had no case with them and that it would be useless to take a complaint to them!!!! Please let me know if anyone on here finds out about a class lawsuit, this is ridiculous how a company can do this to customers and taken advantage of!!! After some loud speaking and further threats, I ended up getting a 45% refund offer for something that not only didn’t work but was supposed to be a free trial??
They are a bunch of thief. They need to be stoped. i encounter the same experience and ask for refund which they told me its non-refundable. but if i order online i should be able to return the seal package and get our refund if it is not working.
Internet Crime Complaint Center and file a IC3
Didn’t have the same issues?! I ordered my ‘free trial’ thru Pure Garcinia Elite for $4.95. I received my bottle and tried one dose. It made me very sick, so I called and canceled. I spoke with Kimberly at Customer Service. She was very professional and understanding and told me that my subscription had been canceled and that I would receive a confirmation email. I received that email within 30 minutes of my phone call. Although the pill made me sick, the customer service was outstanding.
Hey! What is there phone number? I have the same problem!
This is the phone number I have: 1-888-592-5549
ANYSSA LEAL GARCINIA PHONE #’S ARE 1-844-222-2269, AND1-844-644-0344
I just completed filling out a complaint with the BBB. It only takes a few minutes. I highly recommend everyone should do this. Don’t let them get away with this. There is power in numbers everyone needs to fill out a complaint with the BBB. So they can take action against these scammers.
What address did they give you to return the product? I have had the worst experience of my life with four of their customer service reps hanging up on me. Refusing a supervisor. Sent four emails and still no response.
What address can I send this SCAM back to?
Thank you.
YOU are a lucky one!
I too had a severe medical reaction – got “nice customer service” who also tried to tell me about the “new deal” – set me the email cancelation….then also charged me the $100 twice more! I emailed back to get it reverse the charges and take the remainder back and I had a medical reaction…..I get no response now….they simply disappeared!! SAD SAD…..I hope these honest posts help others who have been VICTUMS of these thieves!
Absolutely DO NOT BUY. This is a total scam. I used MUTLIPLEX GARCINIA. You have “14 days” then they bill your account $93.00. They are NOT located in San Deigo as they say, You will be talking to someone from abroad. If you ask where they’re located they’ll hesitate and decide which state they want to say. “Christine” said San Diego. “Dirk” said Arizona. In the meantime you’re being scammed. never mind that they now have all your personal info. I never even opened the product. But do NOT buy from them, or anyone other than a reputable dealer. These are the kind of things that make you want to NEVER shop on the internet again. They’re criminals BEWARE. Other than through Amazon, you are putting yourself at huge risk.
I called them after seeing two charges of 145.00 and 146.00 on my visa after arguing with a very rude person they told me they would cancel my account but I will never never be able to order anything from them again and gave me a 32.00 credit ya right . So then I called my visa they were super nice and said they are seeing this about 30 times a week now . She told me to send back the order I have give them the tracking # and they will track it and if they don`t give me a reimbursed they will fight it for me . She told me not to feel bad that they are good at what they do but they have mistakes because of Canadian law that they don`t know about .
So please call your credit card company and lets all refuse to pay them maybe with luck they will go bankrupt with having to pay everyone back !!!
I have one more day before the thirty days is up. I don’t have a number to call for cancellation. can anyone help me? Please!
if its the garcinia pure pro the number is 866-353-2387 check your bank account they scammed me horriabley i had to cancel my bank card , really a big hugh mess.. good luck
Scammed here. Bank account used without authority. Ordered Nov 4th. $200 taken out before close of business on the 14. Didn’t ship till Nov 6. Didn’t received until Nov 12th. I printed the tracking info from the UPS. How can this be stopped for future “trusting” hardworking people?
The number to cancel is 1-877-634-1537 if you haven’t received it yet.
Stupid Stupid ME! All these complaints on the internet and yet I ordered.
Not only is it a scam, but you can’t trust the company!!!!! DO NOT ORDER THIS PRODUCT!!!! They stole $176.92 from me AFTER I cancelled their “auto-pay/auto-ship” membership.
Bu no one’s answering the important question. HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP CHARGING TO MY CARD??? DO I JUST CANCEL MY CARD OR WHAT??
Call your credit card company mine is Visa and hey said they get about 30 complaints a week from this they told me what to do and is helping me to get my money back so call them they are there o help you …
i hear that me too!!!!! i will never fall for another scam like this hope the warning spreads they need to be shut down!!!!!! i wont ever do that again lesson learned!!!!!!
did you call them I did after the cancelling time and they cancel me I also called my visa and they asked me to send the bottles back to them and give visa the tracking info as soon as they receive it they will make sure they give my money back …hope this helps call your credit card company they know all about these scams and will tell you what you can do about it …
Internet Crime Complaint Center and file a IC3
CANCEL with bad business folks
CLOSE credit card or bank account. AT least FREEZE IT!
I just spent an hour trying to get customer service and then another half hour trying to cancel. I was billed a month before the product was shipped so they had already billed me another $170 by the time I got the first shipment. The rep was difficult to understand and kept talking over me. My fault for not seeing the small print but there was no information included either. Never again.
I too just saw that I am being scam. I try to cancel as i saw 4 orders in this month on my credit card; which i never ordered; calling them for hours then when i get someone i told them that i want to cancel, they told me I should wait until the end of October to call back and cancel; then I called back got someone else made my request again, he told me ok will cancel but at the same time asking question and that they giving me discount and 3 weeks to consider if i want to cancel. I was so mad, telling them I am not interested please cancel. however it came down to the cancellation, which i asked for a cancellation number, which they gave me. The next day I saw more changes to my account, so I call them immediately and tell them what is going on, which i recorded all my conversation with them. The girl on phone was saying they don’t have an account with me and I said really….she began to say oh, i can’t hear what you are saying …hello …hello…are you there…i was like yes…she was like I am sorry i cant hear you so then she hang up phone. I called back waiting for long time finally got someone again i told her I have recorded every conversation with them and they are nothing but a scammer and I will be reporting them. She then said my account is cancelled, which have being hear for quite awhile. Anyway I lost over $400.00 plus….so I called my credit card company and cancelled my card which i believe will help my situation. I have learnt that nothing is Free in Life anything said free is just a catch and I pray God will punished all these deceivers and scammers everyone of them and they house hold included their generations to God. TRUST me am they right person they messed with.
Oohhh that just sounds like me… uggghhh tried calling them 4 times the phone doesn’t even ring and goes direct to their answering machine and wouldn’t allow us to leave a message…
I can’t believe this is allowed to go on and the RCMP,BBB and the anti fraud have done nothing. I left a comment on Sept. and have written letters to all local newspapers in Winnipeg and to the TV stations and only CTV responded and put me on air but everything got left out so it served no purpose. WITH ALL THESE COMPLAINTS THERE SHOULD BE ENOUGH OF US FOR SOME KIND OF CLASS ACTION TO SUE OR SHUT THEM DOWN.
Well guys/gals. I fell for the free trial as well. I should’ve known better than to give out my card #. I called their number they gave me to cancel, it cancelled both transactions, the garcinia cambogia, and the mango cleanse. Now off to the bank to make sure all future transactions are cancelled as well. Hopefully all worked out, we shall see. If you really want to see if a product works, hands on, face to face buying is the best, unless you are dealing with a reputable source. Good Luck everyone!
what is the phone # to contact them… same issue for me…
On September 12, 2016, My husband felt into the trap to order Green Coffee and another Pill recommended as a supplement to the other one. He ordered it because it was offered for trial and only payment for shipping will be charged.
On September 25, our Credit Card account showed charges from these companies of CAD $142.76 respectively CAD $143.32.
My husband was declared catastrophically impaired with a serious brain injury following a car accident in 2007. The declaration of being catastrophically impaired was done after a two week hearing at FSCO (Financial Service Commission of Ontario, the government body for all financial and insurance issues). I called the company and explained that my husband cannot be responsible for his actions and the automatic charges and sending a shipment of the product is unacceptable. My well founded request that we sent the shipment back and get reimbursed and of course cancel all future relationships were totally denied and I was given a new date when I have to cancel the next shipment. Their statement was that they do not take cancellation before the deadline.
That is a scam where they get innocent and even brain damaged people (catastrophic) simply, screwed.
Called to cancel a shipment and told not possible. Customer service is not helpful or friendly. What kind of company doesn’t allow you to return a product for refund. This company is not one to be trusted or dealt with I cant believe we have a company in Canada that runs like this. DO NOT buy for here.
I’m in the same situation $300 is gone I called to TRUELIVINGHEALTHY this is what I see on my visa never answered it was silly nothing is free the way how garcinia is operating is scam big one now I’m loosing weight not from product but from loosing my money
What is the number for Canada? I called a number and they said they don’t deal with people that are not in the states
Yes the same thing happened to me today I got an email that says they charged both my credit cards 106.88 CAN each $213 total and I called the customer service and they said can’t do nothing about because it has been 14 days and it’s final order no refunds I breastfeed and I got both products last week and it’s unopened and I can’t used it neither .this may or jane lady said to give it to my family and friends but I want to call the police and fuck how was I to know about the charges I thought I agree to pay for shipping and handling for $5 but just to get in this shit DO READ
Wow. I fell for it too. From an iPhone I saw the ad with no indication that it was something needing to be cancelled. And certainly not in 15 days. How would you even have a clue if it worked or not. This is insane. The first full charge was 15 days after ordering my $4.95 purchase. I missed this on our CC bill. There were no emails, no contact information, and nothing to indicate I would continually be charged.
Then a second order showed up with 2 items! Double the charge! Unbelievable. They would not let me return my unopened boxes without charging all kinds of fees. They were willing to refund 50% of the last 2 fees but when I said that I would be willing to pay for all the fees to get full refund, then they offered 75%. I guess they thought I would not be able to calculate. Plus I said that they should be reported to the BBB but of course I can not find the company now nor information about the return address from which the supplements came.
You sound like you dealt with the same company as me. There was nothing online about being charged after 15 days. I read their privacy policy and it was worded incorrectly and stated to return product within (13) Thirty days. I called them and told them they were a fraud. Now the privacy policy has been corrected. Total nightmare of an experience. Will never order anything like this again.
I clicked on an ad for Enchanted Garcinia , I ordered two products and was immediatly charge two separate charges of 5.95 both with different company names Utopiancleanse as stated on my debit account with a phone number of 1-855-823-2478 and the other company , delightful gardenia with out a phone number.
I then found this site that I am on now and called my bank approx. 30 min. after ordering. My bank had me call their claims dept. who then cancelled my card. Claims told me to call the phone number above and get a cancellation confirmation number. So based off of all of your advise I asked him what do I do if I can’t get a hold of someone , he said that they know I tried by phone records. I called the number and spoke with Bella Salvador (if that is her real name?) Bella was polite and did try to talk me into more but I told her I wanted to cancel because I thought I was ordering something else and that I didn’t want to lose any weight. I then told her that I got the number from the bank. Bella stopped talking about the product and asked if I had contacted the claims dept. , I said yes and she gave me the cancellation number for both charges on my acct. she then stated the it had already been shipped and that I was being charged the shipping and handling fee only. With all that I have read above, I will just take that as a loss even if nothing was shipped. I am from California if this helps anyone. The Bank has assured me that they can not charge my account any further even if they try to give a different co. name and want my new acct. number for re-accuring debits.
Can’t believe I fell for this… I called and got them to “cancel” the subscription and they gave me a cancellation number which is just the order number with a C in front. Then I had to threaten for some kind of refund, they offered me 50%. They said they will send cancellation emails in 24 hrs, they did send the refund emails. However I will call my bank to make sure they are blocked and see if I can get a full refund.
The pilipino guy on the phone was rude and would not let me talk, but screamed over my voice. When I said I didn’t authorize the order, he said my wife did it……I DON’T HAVE A WIFE!!! Now this is FRAUD! I only got the 50% only after threatening to call my bank. But I want 100% refund. I am waiting to see if I get the refund and the cancellation email. Did anyone else get the subscription cancelled successfully?
i can’t even get the email..i call daily and i can’t get them to put a supervisor on the phone
I had this happen to me just was charged by two different names 130.00 together, luckily I had paid the original shipping 9.99 and 12.00 or something with my PayPal card, they have credited me and cancelled my card told me to call the company and inform them they are not allowed to use my card and so far it’s all good . I feel like someone should contact the D.A. In their area this is a scam.
On Sept. 11th I was looking on the inter-net when there was a pop up that said they were giving away 100 free gifts all over Canada and that my postal code was one that was chosen to receive a gift valued at $100. I sent an email asking if this was a scam but did not receive any reply. I am a single handicapped senior on low income but I thought I was careful. I read all the comments of people on how they loved their free gifts so I deceided it must be leget. I was to answer a Walmart survey and has a appreciation could choose a free gift from the 10 that were listed. There was a lot of make-up offers, and other things that I was not interested in and I couldn’t believe what they were charging for them. I chose the Garcenia for I heard about it and thought I might has well try it if it was free. I checked this item and then another offer came saying that I could at this time only also get the green coffee for free. I wasn’t sure but thought why not try this out too.
Then I was taken to a page where they asked for my email and then said there would be a $4.99 SHIPPING CHARGE AND i GAVE THEM MY MASTERCARD. I received 3 days later 2 small bottles and looked on my Mastercard and saw I was charged $6.00 and $8.00 for shipping. I was angry and tried to phone but was told all lines were busy and to get back at another time.
Then to my shock I received an email saying I had ordered these products and the charge was $129.29 on the 26th. I couldn’t call that evening because they were closed and Mastercard told me I had to get them to cancel for they couldn’t . I phoned all day and couldn’t get through and when I did I tried to explain I never ordered anything she gave me a no. which I phoned next day and found out it meant nothing.
I phoned all day on the 28th until finally I got through and no matter how I pleaded and cried he gave me only $64 back and I was charged $133 and $133 for those 2 little bottles and that means I am out $200 for a product that I didn’t order.
Can anyone help me and what can I do now because I can’t afford this. I am sick to my stomach and don’t know who to turn to. Can we all get together and sue them. I live in CANADA. PLEASE HELP. This is robbery and fraud and they should be shut done and required to pay back everyone.
Same here, almost, I reported to my bank, and you could report to your credit card Fraud Dept. I am currently undergoing dispute charges and a change of my debit card. With luck to both of us!
Contacted Master Card has soon has I saw a pending charge but they did nothing saying it was up to me to get the charges dropped. Of course they didn’t. I should go after MC now.
Get your credit card company to close your account and issue you a new number and take off all charges that’s what my company did
Hi..I just tried to cancel today (just got bank statement showing $178 taken out without knowing). The woman I spoke with had an accent and I couldn’t understand her good..I could tell I wasn’t being reimbursed though, I was very clearly telling her to cancel any upcoming shipment/billing for this product..she said nothing would be sent or billed to me anymore but I have to call by Nov 2nd. I asked why I needed to call she said to settle my account. I said settle my account??? I am cancelling my account, what is there to settle? This conversation went back and forth for 5 min……I pretty much said fine..hopefully I remember to call and hopefully I get someone else when I call back…needless to say it is not easy to cancel. Next time it better be
It is a scam! The conditions (that you will be charged after 14 days from ordering) should be clearly laid out on the website!!! The charges are also in U.S. FUNDS!!! After 3 long phone calls, I was given a 35% rebate but I still have to phone on Oct 2nd to cancel or I will receive another order and charges! My doctor has told me not to take these pills since I have a Heart condition.
I’m so upset about this first time ever doing something online and free trial turned into $89.90 bill is there anything else I can do to get that money back
I tried a free trial from a link from another page, revivegarcinia.com/m/v4/. You have to type the whole url in to pull anything up. Only using revivegarcinia.com takes you to a blank page, I didn’t realize this until I tried to go back and find the website that I ordered from. SCAM. I had to ask the floor supervisor from my customer service call what the address was so I could go back and look at it. THIS SHOULDN’T BE THAT HARD TO FIND. While you get a free trial + shipping and handling, the trial starts the day the product is shipped. So when you get the product some 5 or 6 days later you are already about a week into your trial of 14 days. They do not tell you when the trial starts anywhere on their site or in the confirmation email. Once you select Try Risk Free button at the bottom of revivegarcinia.com/m/v4/ you are on to the second page. Terms & Agreement are at the bottom of this page. Here is where they tell you that you must CALL to cancel your 14 day free trial but not when the trail time frame starts. They do have a customer service phone number and email. The customer service person I spoke to first told me I could not get a refund but I pressed on, he offered a 35% refund. I thought fine, it’s better than nothing. After I looked on this site at other responses I called back to ask again for my full refund. Second person I spoke to was incredibly disrespectful but I pressed on and asked for a supervisor. I have never had to push so hard to speak with a supervisor. I finally got to speak with the third person, the floor supervisor. He told me that because I already accepted the 35% the best he could do was bump me up to 75%. When I pressed a little more, he mentioned that I could return the product for a full refund since I was still within the 30 guarantee money back date. BUT, because I accepted the 35% refund, if I returned my product to the warehouse then they would see the 35% refund and not refund the rest or may not refund the rest… he wasn’t sure what would happen but most likely I wouldn’t get a full refund. I am going to check with my bank about reporting them for fraud. He told me I had accepted the Terms & Agreement but when I signed up for the free trial not once did I actually have to select I agree. If I did, it was one of those hidden, slightly off somewhere, noted to to the side of an area that no one pays attention to section. I reported this company to the FTC, FTC.gov/complaint.
I ordered Garcinia on
8-13-2016, said it’s free trial just pay for shipment cost. I was not aware the 14 days trial and the pre-authorize charges.
8-24-2016, I received the product from Florida to Ontario.
8-28-2016, Charged my credit card, 280.00 cnd. for the next order that is coming which I’m not aware of.
8-31-2016, Sent an email to cancel this, to return the money that they charged on my credit card.
9-2-2016, The staff convinced me to try it. I told them to cancel the shipment & refund the money taken from my credit card.
9-6-2016, I received an email, saying my request is beyond their refund policy. I asked how could it happen when I havent received the product yet.
This is a HUGE SCAM….
Can anybody help me to take my money back.
Hi Maria! The same situation happen to me. Can you give me the emails address where you send your cancel request?
Just so everyone knows I have contacted the FBI regarding this. I was not asked or told anything about a trail just pay $4.97. I looked everywhere to see if there would be additional charges after I ordered this product. There was nothing anywhere. Then I get two $89.97 charges today. I called two numbers two different times and I was hung up on each time. Then I called and told them I am recording this conversation for the FBI they said they would give me a refund. We will see. These are the numbers 1-888-980-1390 and 1-888-965-3108. Tell them you are recording it for law enforcement. And not to put you on hold.
So did you get a refund and stopped getting shipments?
You may have to call them. I had to call 3 times and speak with 4 different representatives with the company I used before I finally heard the last guy tell me he was refunding all of my money and that I was not required to mail the product back. I emailed customer service and asked for that in writing just in case they came back at me. I am still within the 30 day guarantee money back even though the 14 day free trial had passed. I have asked many times for an address where to return the product and they still haven’t given me one. I also wrote a formal complaint to the FTC. I had to argue really hard to get my full refund back. Basically told the company that they were breaking the 100% 30 day guarantee money back deal and that I was going to sue. There are so many people on these forums that there probably could be quiet a large civil lawsuit placed against the free trial companies. Before the representative agreed to a full refund, I told him I was going to my bank as soon as we got off the phone to report the company for fraud. He said the bank would call them and tell them I accepted 75% refund. I said that would be fine because I would be right there with my bank explaining the whole thing and then I would be meeting with my lawyer. If I do not see my refund in the next 5 days I will be following up with my bank for fraud and a lawyer for refusing to give me the return address within the 30 day money back time. At this point they have just pissed me off enough that I would rather spend my money suing them than paying them. Good luck, these people suck.
I wanted to follow up on my involvement with my-garcinialife.com. My wife placed an order on the 21st of August and immediately regretted it. She called their support line twice on the 25th and they would not let her cancel and instead talked her into calling back later. She called the next day, spoke with a representative, told them to cancel the order and hung up before they could try to talk her out of it. (note the agent tried to call her back but she refused to talk to her. They use call display on their system apparently) My wife followed up with an email, after each call, even thought the Terms did not include the possibility of email cancellations on he original order. Her third call worked as the last word they had was that she was cancelling the order. The cancellation verification was in a response to her emails. We never got to the point of having to use the Ministry of Government Services.
I hope this helps anyone else who gets trapped into this scam. Cancel and do not give them the opportunity to talk you into anything else! (at least it worked for my-garcinialife.com)
Good luck to all!
Do you write up diet plans as well? This article is a perfect basis for Nutrisystem and their $99 cancellation scam.
For Ontario victims: Consumers are protected through the Consumer Protection Actnif Ontario If the company refuses to cancel within the 14 day period, as they advertise, they are guilty of False Representation and a complaint can be lodged with the Ministry of Government Services. That is a serious offense with serious ramifications to the offender.
Don’t bother arguing with these people. Just state that you are canceling and tell them if they refuse to confirm your cancellation that you will file a complaint re: False Representation with the Ministry. If you do not notify them of canceling within the 14 day stipulation you can terminate the rebelling and continued delivery of the product, with 30 days written notice, but you will then be on the hook for at least two months of charges and would need to apply for a refund.
The best bet is to cancel both verbally and in writing before the 14 days are up. Do not try to reason with them….. That’s pure folly…. See the Consumers Protection Act of Ontario.
Wish I would have known all this sooner….I got scammed as well…..wasn’t getting anywhere to begin with then I got my bank involved…..and just like one of the posts said about messing with phone line so that it is difficult to hear….the gal from my bank was on the line as well….so she told the gal….tell her what she was saying and then she would tell me….long story short my bank did not let the bank transaction go through….so I thought all was good until I check my bank account this morning and saw that there was another charge for 89.95 was taken out….same run around….there were two products and I got charged because of the second product…..got results when I told them that I had a call into my congressman and the the better business bureau….customer service rep that I was talking to put me on hold for quite a while but when he did return he stated that my money would be refunded but that it could take anywhere from a week to 10 days or more…..he did refuse me when I stated that I wanted a email or a written statement to what he had just told me….I thanked him and stated that if the refund is received then we were good….but if not…..I wouldn’t let it go.
Wat number did u call plsss
Did you get a refund??
To all those people who say to cancel your credit card I think that won’t work and here is why. If you cancel your credit card without cancelling your account with the “free trial” company, the free trial company will continue to send the product to you and will send your account to a collection agency and report your account to the credit bureau for non payment. So it is important for you to cancel your account with the free trial company and get the cancellation numbers and send those numbers to your credit card company. Just cancelling your credit card is not enough. We went through all of this and the credit card company was very helpful in this situation. It was hard to cancel the account from the free trial company but be firm and keep at them.
Utopian Garcinia phone# is on the bottle in very fine print. Long hold times then when you get a person they play with the phone line like it’s a bad line. I just said “If you continue to play with the phone I won’t even bother trying to cancel….I’ll just call the Attorney General and the BBB.” The phone line cleared immediately and she helped me cancel future orders and said I’ll get an e-mail verifying cancellation within 24 hours. My own stupidity cost me 89.95 for the first 30 day supply. I will be following up with my bank and credit card, believe me.
I fell for this scam as well. Best advice I can give is cancel your credit card and have your bank issue you a new card and dispute the fraudulent charges.
I ordered the Pureline Garcinia and specifically said no to the Forskolin supplement. A man called to confirm the order I had placed and I again told him I didn’t want the Forskolin. The Garcinia came quickly. I tried it and each time it gave me a bad stomachache. I soon received the Forskolin in the mail also. I completely forgot about the 14 day trial and noticed that I had been charged $79.95 for it and also $69.95 for the Forskolin that I had said no to. I finally got a number to call and talked to a very nice customer service rep who quickly cancelled my order and credited me back 50% of the 69.95. At that point, I didn’t want to fight it or worry about it anymore. The number I called was 888-395-3495. Hope this info helps someone else…
I was using my iphone when I signed up and confirmed my order for Garcinia. As I confirmed, the screen page jumped and then added Forskolin. I tried to go backwards to take it off, I tried to select cancel with no luck. I thought fine whatever its $4 something I can try both. Now they are charging me the full price of both products because I am past the 14 day trial. I posted earlier today about my experience, they start the 14 day trial the second your product has been shipped. So if you get it in the mail 5-6 days later you are already almost half way through the trial. This was with Revive Garcinia. I reported my experience with FTC.
If it says Garcinia Cambogia Sensation DON’T order – if you cancel during the trial, they charge you for it OR make you send it back at your expense. RUDE customer service people too. I had tried to order Garcenia Lyfe but it went to this other and I hadn’t noticed. I wish I had looked for this site before I ordered. That’s ON ME!
I ordered Garcinia combogia from a company called Aura Slim. When I ordered it, the next screen after I made the payment of 4.95 for shipping, had a big Continue button, which I clicked and then the screen said I had ordered another bottle of pills Ive never heard of, Forskolin. The Continue button showed again and this time I looked for and found tiny wording that said No Thanks…
They shipped it to me and Ive been trying the garcinia and like it but not that much! I was just laid off my job and cant afford this stuff. Then yesterday, Sunday 8/14/16, I have a pending charge for 69.95 on my paypal account. I called paypal and they said they can’t reverse it until it shows processed. Now, today I have the same 69.95 charge and another 79.95 charge showing pending. I just called the Aura Slim company and they are letting me ship the Forskolin back and I have to pay for shipping and a 15% restocking fee. The only thing she could offer for the Garcinia is a 50% discount on this order and future orders. So they are refunding 50% and then I have to call back before 09/13/16 to cancel. After the fact, I went back to the site and on the form in size 4 font are the terms and conditions. Always look for the fine print.
Scam Scam Scam I ordered one for 4.95 then got charged 59.05 for three more months afterwards. I was in middle of moving and did not notice until once I set up my computer and service again then checked my statement and noticed something was terribly off. I looked it up in my bank account and saw these ludicrous charges had already happened. Once I called Beauty Plus whom the charges were attributed to the person I spoke with that I must have missed the 14 day cancellation clause which I did not see anywhere. She said it was under some page and under some small writing that i needed to cancel my subscription. In reality i didnt know I was signing up for anything more than just ordering a bottle of Garcinia to try it out. If this was such an important part of the process it should have been explicitly clear. Especially is it says something that after 14 daysI would be enrolled into something etc…Since this was not explicitly shown at all it gives the air of hiding and obfuscating the truth especially if the product is so good and touted by celebrity then they should not need to play these games and deliberate deceptions. Also one last thing was that on the final invoice or email I received it said none of this either. This needs to be shut down and stopped before any more unwitting persons signup especially in a time of vulnarability when people are looking for help. I will be contacting better business bureau I suggest we do the same to stop these deceptive practices
trail free empire garcinia fo 4.95 one time only, you all took 93.95 out of my account after I had paid the 4.95please put money back in my account 93.95, I need that money for an bill, the order#1720484 ref#773c67aa3
hello i would like to return the pills how to do it ?
who to contact please
SLAM SCAM- We are currently a start up company out of Florida. If you have recently been scammed out of money buying one of this products please call us. We will fight to get your money back. My name is Paul recently out of the military. I started a Family owned business. After stumbling into a job at their customer Service dept. I could not believe what we were doing was legal. I quit,and now here I am.I will not take no for an answer.I will charge 10% of the money refunded to you. If I lose, I don’t get payed.Please call me 900am-5:00pm Eastern standard 727-495-1777. Web site will be up soon.
How do we know you’re not a scam? I am so hesitant now and in serious financial trouble because of this scam that was pulled on me!!! I was totally scammed by ‘STARFITSHOP’ and ‘BTNESSNOW’ or ‘try-healthylife_supp.com’ I supposedly purchased Garcinia and Green Coffee. They were sent to my place and when I tried to contact the Customer Service to better understand what was going on and the costs associated no one would get back to me!!! Sure enough 14 days later I am charged nearly $290 CNDN!!!! That is outrageous and no one in their right mind would pay for something like that!!!! I want to fight this. I refuse to pay this money!! I want everyone to know what a SCAM this is!!! PLEASE DON’T DO IT!!!!
OH boy, I made the same HUGE mistake with ordering a “TRIAL” of the Garcinia and Green Coffee as well. I just got off the phone after about 1 hour with try-healthy-supp.com and was never so frustrated in my life with their crazy policy. I too was billed with $300 CDN which was totally a shock and gave up once they said they’d cancel my order and refund me 50%. Let’s see if it comes through. I will NEVER EVER fall for something like this again, just insane. SCAM!!!!
OMG that is the EXACT same thing that happened to me on the same day
August 26, 2016. I am still fighting with them and still waiting for a refund.
I spoke with my bank and they told me to send the product back with a request for signature return so that would be my proof that I sent the product back but the customer service will not give me their return address and keeps telling me that they do not refund and that I am lucky to get a 50% refund back. I am still waiting for the e-mail to confirm the refund and to see the refund on my credit card. I wish you luck and I wish that we could report these frauds to someone who can do something about this. Good luck all.
I purchased the ultra body cincia and the body doesn’t have any real information. I don’t have shipping bag anymore. I just woke up to find my card charged and I can’t afford the charge and didn’t realize they were going to charge me again. Please help I was supposed to travel to pick kids up from out of state for school that starts back on Monday. That was my gas fair money. It’s the first of month and I have paid mortgage car and light bill n school supplies and clothes and groceries I’m broke and that only left me with $30 and they charged me $90 for the pills. Please help 980-226-3018.
i’m very sorry for what happened to you ma’am. I’m currently working in a bpo industry where we’re handling accounts like this where we do everything not to allow cuxtomers like you to cancel the accounts. I’m not yet starting the job but as I’ve seen the e-mails of devastated customers like you, it breaks my heart. I’m plannning to quit my job.
Total scam
Accepted free trial.
One bottle arrived with no paperwork from the company on support.
Product made me violently ill.
I never agreed to their renewal clause.
I’ve attempted to contact them on 3 occasions with zero results.
I’ve been billed to date $212.00. No product has ever been received.
I wish I checked this site earlier before asking for the ‘free’ trial. Never received the trial but received my credit card statement this week to find over $300. charges starting with the ‘free trial’ shipping plus two additional full orders, still without receiving anything. Called to cancel but found out that another shipment was made this month and charge will be on my next statement. They will only give me a refund of $31. because they told me that the Trial period is finished and I should’ve called as soon as I received the Trial sample and decided that I no longer wanted the product. Could not make them understand that I never received the Trial sample to know that charges were being made. Extremely dishonest people out there. I’ve been duped and I thought I was being careful. Called VISA but they will not reverse charges.
HI I also ordered this on July 24 it was only suppose to be for one item not for the green coffee . I didn’t order this item. So i called my credit card company that i used and they said to call: 1888-554-9479 and cancel the autoship immediately. I called them and spoke to a very rude person named Jay at Healthy life and he told me that i was not allowed to cancel the policy until 14 days and not anytime sooner than that. I told him that was crazy. He wouldn’t let me talk and he asked me isnt’ this what you want how much to you weigh…this will work blah blah blah. I told him that it was none of his business how much i weigh and that i want to cancel. He refused. So i called my credit card company back and they did a conference call and we spoke to a girl name Sarah and after about 15 minutes with the credit card company helping me out she finally agreed to cancel my policy and gave me a confirmation number. We also had her email us in written form that it was going to be cancelled. Hopefully i will be receiving this within 24 hours.
just to let you know cancelling your credit card will not work. In fine print they have the right to still get your new number from the credit card unless you report them to your credit card company and they know what is going on so that they can flag it. make sure you call and let your credit card company know what is going on. I just spoke to mine today and they helped me cancel the policy. I asked her about cancelling my credit card can they still get it ..she said yes because they will just call in to the credit card and tell them to give the new number…and because the credit card company has no idea that you are in dispute with them they will give it out.
OMG!!! This has happened to me too!! No legit Company name on an email confirmations or contact information!!! I know the Company is now called Healthy Lifestyle.
I’ve cancelled my credit card as well. Is the Bank making you pay this money?? What are you going to do?? My Bank knows that I’m disputing these charges. This makes me sick, I’ve never ever ordered anything on line before and this happens. What a horrible lesson to be learned here.
I also find it interesting how the Green Coffee pills go hand in hand with the Garcinia pills. I didn’t order those, nor would I ever. I haven’t had a coffee or a tea in my life!! Yes I’ve been charged $145 for a bottle!!
You’re lucky ‘M’ that your Bank helped you the way they did!!
I’m praying to get this resolved and not at my expense!!
I received an email asking me to complete a short survey regarding my satisfaction with my cable provider. After completing the survey, I was offered a free gift of a 15-day supply of garcinia cambogia and I would only have to pay shipping. The rest of the story is the same as all of the others. I called my credit card company. I explained the situation and they removed all of the charges except the $4.95 shipping charge. The credit card rep placed a block on that company preventing any further charges on my account. The rep said that they had an agreement with that company that Chase Visa would reverse any charges that they received regarding a customer complaint.
I ordered a trial of the Amazing Garcinia and Amazing Green supplements over this past weekend. When I received my email confirmation this disclosure was in the content:
We ship the product the day after you place your order (except that orders placed Saturday-Sunday will be shipped the following Monday). You will have 10 days plus 4 days shipping from your original order date to see if the product is right for you. If you are unhappy with the product at any time during those 14 days, you must call us and cancel your order to avoid being billed for the full cost of the product. If you are satisfied with our product, then do nothing-we will bill you $92.99 plus applicable sales tax for your initial order , and every thirty days thereafter we will send you a new 30-day supply of our product, and automatically bill you the low price $92.99 $5.99 shipping plus applicable sales tax for 12 auto recurring billing subscriptions. To cancel automatic delivery and billing, call us at 1 (888) 913-7084 or email us during normal business ho urs: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm PST.
Now the thing is they don’t disclose this information to you upfront when you’re purchasing the trial only afterwards. I am positive they hope you don’t read it either.
Upon reviewing the information, I immediately called the number above to cancel my initial order along with the subscription to avoid auto recurring billing. However this was a nightmare of an ordeal. When I placed my initial call with this company that is based out of La Jolla, California the customer service representative was extremely combative and kept talking trying convince me that I should give the product a try. She kept me on the phone for over 20 minutes reluctantly not proceeding with my request to cancel. When I asked to speak with her supervisor she placed me on hold only to come back and say no one is available. Finally, after going back and fourth she did cancel my order, she said but NO confirmation was sent via email. Also she refused to give me a refund.
I then called back and immediately asked to speak with a supervisor, again was placed on hold. When the gentleman came back on the line, again I was told that no one is available. I then explained to him that I have been directly in contact with the Attorney General’s office in DC and they directly instructed me to obtain his supervisors full name. He then placed me on hold again. Surprisingly a supervisor came on the line. I started the conversation by asking her full name, she replied Monica Dale. Her demeanor was somewhat professional asking what she could do for me. I explained that I wanted a full refund for the money that was debited from my account along with an email confirmation outlining that my account had been officially closed along with a full refund. She relayed that I can return the products RTF not to incur shipping fees for sending them back. When I asked her to supply the site address where they were located she refused only stating the city and state.
So my main message here folks is READ the FINE PRINT! Be your own advocate and demand a REFUND IN FULL and if need be report them to the Attorney General office in DC it’s worth it!
Hope this helps :)
I actually did report them to the Attorney General’s Office, however I received a letter stating that they could not pursue my complaint without the full business address.
If this is for GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 60 capsules or FORSOLIN 30 capsules by PURLINE, the address is: PURELINE, 3201 W. Hillsborough Ave., #153201-113, Tampa, FL 33684-9998. There was no phone number to reach customer service on my invoice, but my credit card was charged.
I was on the 14 day trial and thought..use this product correctly to see if they work..well…i didn’t notice until 8 am that my account had been charged 79.99… I sent them a email on their forum for a refund and to cancel…the 14 day hadn’t even ended and that wasn’t right to charge me on the 14th day… Well i received a cancellation email but no refund statement..
I called on the 15th speaking with Danny and he said your 14th day concluded you should have read the agreement… I said sir… The 14th day started and you took my money… How can I cancel during the 14 days if you cancel before its over… Sir your 14th day concluded.. I asked..do you know what concluded means? It means to come to an end… Uhhhh yes sir it concluded..well if that is the case…it just started at 12:01 am of the 14…how can i cancel if you’re attacking my account ahead of the conclusion? Well… It concluded..i said let me speak to your manager because you’re contradicting yourself..well he’s going to tell you the same thing..hold on..he placed me on a brief hold and hung up…GRAYWAY HEALTH LLC..BALA CYNWYD, PA…their number is showing as GA though…scam…bhbbeauty blush or something shows on your credit card…beware..of the supposed Garcinia Cambodia sellers…
how did you get it taken care of
I just got the same scam they charged me 79.99 how can i get the phone number
not worth it didnt lose a bloody pound i only got the trial does anyone know the phone number to cancel
call your credit card company that you used and asked them who is the company they will have the phone number. I called the next day when i ordered and they told me it was a scam and provided me with the phone number. Apparently there are a lot of companies who are doing this and the one i had scammed me was from Healthy life : 1888-554-8479
I called and the agent was soo rude he won’t let me talk and i kept screaming at him to let me talk and explain that i wanted to cancel..he wouldn’t let me cancel. He said i had to cancel exactly on the 14 day and not anytime sooner…i said that was ridiculous so i called my credit card company back and they helped me call them ..so we were on a conference call. She told the rep that i wanted to cancel it and they finally agreed to do it. They gave me a confirmation number and said they would be sending me an email within 24 hours that they have cancelled the policy . So i am waiting. I have the name of the representative as well. I called again later to make sure everything was done and they also told me that the policy was cancelled.
Thanks so much to the person that recommended threatening to report these scam artists to the attorney generals office. I was getting nowhere with them ( 30 mins of back and forth on the phone, refusing to give me a supervisor, refusing to anything about the charges) and found this site while talking to them on the phone. I read the post recommending threatening to call the Attorney General and did so and bang, immediately put me on hold and spoke to a supervisor and offered a full refund, keep the product and gave me a cancellation number. I am still going to contact my credit card and ask them to block all future charges from this company as fraudulent. Thanks again to those posting to this site. The info was the make or break in my situation.
I just recently dealt with these people. This is the worst customer service I have ever received in my life.
I was hung up on, cursed at, told that I don’t understand how to read. One rep refused to transfer me to a supervisor, the others put me back in the queue so I had don’t wait on hold for a long time again.
I told them I was going to dispute the charges with my bank and the Attorney General’s office, which I did.
After several phone calls and lots of time waiting on hold, I was finally able to get my money back.
I had some luck calling 1-888-959-2660 for the Balanced Garcinia. The gentleman I spoke to at that number was quite helpful when I explained to him everything I had already been through. If you also did the trial for the Optimum Mango Cleanse try calling 1-888-493-5999. Be persistent and don’t give in.
People need to be warned about this company and their scam practices. Any reputable company would happily refund your money if you truly tried to cancel or were ill from their product. I hope my awful experience helps someone.
Best way to get your money guarantee is to tell them you will call the attorney general they’re poetically finds offer you 30 than 50 percent of your money tell them no that you want 100% of your money and they will I worked in a call center where we handled many 14 day trials they’ll return your money at least 2 or3 months back you can even get more
I don’t think that works for us in Canada. I canceled my order in less than 10 minutes after realizing how deceitful the company is. They still charge for the shipping and handling plus other charges which of course their customer service rep could not explain to me. I will be going to my bank today and from there I will decide how to proceed.
Hey guys, I have recently been caught by this scam too. I want to thank you all for all the helpful information provided. It made me opened my eyes and take a step forward in advance. I placed the order on June 13th, received the products on June 19th. In despite of the fact that I am a young person, aware of the internet scams and frauds, and also working in the internet industry, I have been scamed too. I called a canada number 844-494-3191 yesterday, and asked for the terms and conditions ofthe trial to be sent by email. It never came through. I called in again today and they provided me a website try-healthylife-supp.com and nothing poped up…
Taking advantage of the information that all of you have provided, and before the allegedly trial period is over, I have talked t the bank and I have asked them for help to prevent any future charges. It really worth it. They have put me in contact wit my VISA and they have told me that the only thing that they can do is to cancel the old credit card and create and send another on the coming 10 days. So, I did that. Tomorrow, I will call back to ask for third time the terms and conditions of the trial, and I will continue Until July 2th in which I will call back customer service to cancel the autoship vip program and ask for tr CANCELLATION NUMBER. Let you know how it worked.
You will find them here: scroll down and at the end of the page it will say Terms and Conditions. The most important clause is the Autoship Policy – Trial Policy. PLEASE READ THIS CLAUSE CAREFULLY>
Auto-Ship Policy – Trial Policy:
You must pay a shipping and processing fee of $5.99 for us to send you a full 30 day supply of Ace Green Coffee. We ship the product the day after you place your order (except that orders placed Saturday-Sunday will be shipped the following Monday). You will have 14 days from your original order date to see if Ace Green Coffee is right for you. (Estimated 4 days of shipping + 10 days of trial use) If you are unhappy with the product at any time during those 14 days, you must call us at and cancel your order to avoid being billed for the full cost of the product. If you are satisfied with our product, then do nothing-we will bill you $89.95 for your initial order, and every thirty days thereafter we will send you a new 30-day supply of our product, and automatically bill you the low price of $89.95 + shipping of $5.99. To cancel automatic delivery and billing, call us at or email us during normal business hours: . Please read our terms and conditions for more details.
Of course, the dates and the duration of the trial are very confusing (that is exactly where they take advantage of you). Be aware of your ordering date and shipping date.
As it is shown in the terms and conditions of the trial, you must call ANYTIME to CANCEL. So, whenever is more convenient for you PLEASE CALL THEM BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND CANCEL THE ORDER. They will try to make up any stupid/ilogic/buying-time excuse to retain you as much time as possible, so they could charge your credit card. Be strong, secure and confident, don’t give them opportunities to continue talking. Ask them for the CANCELATION NUMBER, and refer them, all the time, to the right of cancelling the order ANYTIME (described in the terms and conditions/ Autoship clause). That worked for me. I have got the cancellation number; that was only by adding a C at the beginning of my ORDER #. GOOD LUCK!
Caught too
Even though I cancelled 3 months ago and told my account was 0 Balance, every time I look at my account more money is being taken out. I am still fighting to get a refund.
Don’t deal with
I am sorry to say but I was sucked in as well . I realized right after I placed order tried to cancel immediately but was unsuccessful . Was on the weekend so sent email to company and called early Monday morning . They claimed already been shipped and gave me the run around song and dance how they could give me % off etc. I kept trying to make this woman understand that i did not want product and changed my mind . According to her I am going to be charged shipping and $9.99 for each product sent anyway but can return and they will not charge me if I call before July 9th . I told her I am calling now to cancel and what does she not understand. I told her that if I am charged I would report their company (GARCINIA LIFE) to authorities for fraud. By the way if you order, there is no way you can cancel before they get your money so just a word of caution ,don’t push the send button . I wish I would have checked out this site before I did .
They charged my account too. I received an email about my cancellation so I responded to that specifically asking them to provide me a copy the terms and conditions I agreed to. I told them if they were unable to provide that to me that I would turn them into the BBB and demanded a refund if they couldn’t provide me with that information. I even cancelled the credit card they charged. After sending two emails that requested a copy of the terms and agreements and mentioning the BBB, they refund my checking account fully within a week! Just wanted to share.
My housecleaner asked my help today.. Same scenario as above. Tried many phone numbers. Finally got through to a gal who was from Philllipines. She asked for last name, home phone..then told me to hold on.. Came back..now she wanted email address, last 4 digits of credit card. Then came back and said, I still need more information to find file…this time she wanted the FIRST 6 numbers of credit card.. I told her, by the time I give end, front and probably now middle she will have the whole account and I refuse to do this.. Told her the blood type is B-Postivie, and gave her the name of my cat…this whole thing is a total rip off. Don’t bother to call, they are trying to get more credit card numbers. I sent my housecleaner to the bank to cancel the card, and ask for a refund of the monies she was charged.. over $200. That, hopefully should do the trick. What a shame..
I have tried numerous times to get my 288 cdn back on my visa card and got the runaround from them each time I call a different idiot to talk to so DONT ORDER AT ALL I have a friend in the fraud squad in Hamilton Wentworth Police force and they are going to look into this also my bank will be charging them with fraud who knows what will happen I figure its lost money a very bad investment!!!!!!!!!!!!
My bank actually contacted me about these charges because they were automatic and came across in the middle of the night. They knew exactly what happened and told me to call them and demand a refund. They told me they would be waiting for a refund and would dispute the charges if necessary. Be very firm on the phone and tell them your bank will dispute the charges. As soon as I said that the lady shut up and said “hold on one second” and typed a bunch on her computer. she then told me I could do a one time return for a full refund minus the 9.95 restocking fee. I have not gotten the refund yet or even the product so from reading other comments I might be out $200 but I did receive 2 emails confirming my cancellation and I still will be talking to my bank to let them know if any more charges come in that it is fraud.
I tried the free trial and cancelled but still 288 cdn was taken from my Visa and since June 1 2016 been trying to get my money back getting the runaround all the time saying its back on my account or wait 48 hours and then wait 5-7 days total ripoff
Somebody PLEASE tell me how to cancel this Garcinia Cambogia trial. I just noticed $79.68 charged each month around the same date from Healthy Plan Accounting@adca. No idea what that is but I see that the product is distributed by Nutra Health 881 W. State Rd. #140-507 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, someone tell me how I can contact them to cancel!!!!
My bank told me to contact Try Healthy Life Support at 844-494-3191 and get a cancellation code. The cancellation means that if any more charges the bank can act on your behalf to stop further charges. You may have to be insistent on them giving you this cancellation code. FOR ALL BUYERS PLEASE BE AWARE THERE ARE A LOT OF SCAMMERS! PLEASE READ TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY.
I have gotten the same one from the same address but it is a premium cleanse and the garcinia cambogia is from 3330 N Galloway #304-99 Mesquite , TX 75150 and gives me the #1-855-974-6239 … and it says that the number is not in service …
Just wanted to express my gratitude for this warning. I had just placed an order for a free trial when I read this and I immediately called the number and cancelled the free trail… Once again thanks, because all of the hidden charges could’ve caused me a lot of problems.
Hi Angied,
I was shocked to read all comments here. I also just had placed a free trial green garcinia pro. I am from Australia…they give me a toll number 1-888-505-1080. I can not reach them. I will try again tomorrow before it will expire the next 14 days. Should I go to contact my bank to renew the new card?
I order and got hit with all types of fees and they change me 79 dollars for a trail.bottle in which was only supposed to be 4.99 I didn’t catch the warning post before I purchased And they sent me green tea that I didn’t ask for I’m so so pist I got screwed
What number did you call to cancel
Just noticed the withdrawal from my account, called the info number and they said they were going to send my an email that says that my subscription is cancelled and they offer me 50% refund. Never received the email so started to freak out and called the bank, they are gonna send me a new card. Better contact your ban instead of these terrible people
Ultra Premium Garcinia Cambogia
Purity Cleanse
Dealt with them today.
Ordered products 5/16
Didn’t receive & get charged until 5/19
So…theoretically I’m being charged from the order date & NOT the receiving date that I began trying the supplements.
Noted a $94.19 pending charge and immediately called to inquire.
First call…only canceled my “subscription” that I wasn’t aware of in the first place…& refunded 1/2 my $
I called a second time to demand a full refund before contacting my attorney and bank on fraudulent charges & received another refund less a restocking frog $9.99. READ THE FINE PRINT…NOTHING IS FREE…and don’t give up either…please notify your friends/family/co-workers of this SCAM. I intend on reporting them to the BBB.
Did you report them to the BBB? I am dealing with the same thing right now. I called this morning but the lady i spoke with was adamant that it was my fault for not reading the terms and conditions. I told her that they are dirty for doing buisness this way and ultimately it is a scam. The customer service rep responded with well we have plenty of customers who read the terms and conditions. I reiterated that this is a dirty company and just cancel everything because I do not appreciate being charged $94.19 for an automatic “subscription” that was listed in the fine print.
I cancelled immediately after reading this page. The phone was picked up quickly, and they cancelled it for me and gave me a confirmation number. I was told there would be no additional charges on my account. This was from Nutra support and I called before the 14 day trial period had ended. I also called when they opened 8am EST.
I will be checking my bank statement next month for any unexpected charges, but the service was quick and the lady I spoke to was polite and accommodating. So far I would say they do have good customer service.
Wha number did you use please. If numbers 1888- 554-9479 and also 1-866-786-8241. Is either the numbers you called
I had the same issue today, they charged me $94 on day 15 with me never being notified I had to cancel. First time I called they would only cancel any further charges and said no refund due to it being beyond 14 days. After reading everyone’s comments here I called back and actually spoke to the same person and requested nicely to get a full refund. He first said he could give me 50% back since this was my second time calling and I said NO. Once I advised him that I had spoken to my attorney who advised me to report the charges fraudulent to the bank and that they were going to file suit against them he then offered to give me a full refund minus a $9 restocking fee. I took it, $9 loss I can live with. Threaten them with fraud and lawsuit, maybe you will get lucky. I just have to wait 1-3 days to se if the refund aactually goes through now. Good luck to all. This is really sad how these people work. I decided against taking them because my doctor was worried they would make my blood pressure go up.
I went to my bank today cause I noticed charges I had not authorized. Not realizing it, the charge was in the form of a Phone Number then Health and then another Phone Number. Believe it or not both those numbers are there to help you make a phone call to the business or scam as we see clearly, one doesnt work? Try the second number. Anyways I hope this helps some of you stuck in the constant charge phase. I was able to cancel the trial. Now I will go after a full refund. How they gonna charge me and never send anything? That’s a legit scam right there. However this is after I noticed the third charge. I’m gonna be busy trying to get my money back. Good Luck.
I am going through this now. I have been emailing them back and forth for a few day. I asked for a number and they refuse to provide it. They claim its part of the terms and conditions. Here is the catch, they say to call within 14 days but provide no number. The receipt states do not reply. I finally replied and am getting nothing but stupid responses such as “could you please clarify your concern” after I lay it all out clearly. My bank said the only thing that can be done is cancel my Debit Card. These people are scum. I only hope Karma finds them and leaves them in an ugly place.
As stated by others. Nothing is free and if it seems too good to be true. It is.
I obviously had a brain fart when I ordered this product. Is there nothing legally that can be done?
I just found this site and yours is the most recent post. It’s happening to me now ,4 days after your comment…… they are charging over $200.00 CDN. for 2 bottles of the supplements….. worth only $20.00 at the most , and I only agreed to the trial ——– not the ongoing purchase. The ph#s given don’t work and the President’s choice credit card co. might make me pay .
I don’t know what to do here. Two days of heart pounding stress I don’t need ….. I can’t afford any of this , not to mention the wasted time + energy.
What can we do to stop this kind of thing ? Not buy on-line ever again ????? There must be some recourse.
I too am stuck in the same cycle in Canada – don’t know what to do….if you have a resolution please let me know and I’ll update my post on this thread if I find a resolution as well – no phone number or email seems to work…my banks says there’s nothing they can do. Incredible!!
Try this number
Hi this is happening to me too and I got the phone number from my bank and it was stated on my bank statement to try 1-844-423-7131 and 1-844-411-2881
That was for Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Good luck and if you hear of any where we can go to fight this issue please post it. I don’t know who we can contact in Canada for this kind of scam.
Healthy life brand should change their to healthy life scam. Just cancelled my cc and disputed charges.
I called the customer service number from the confirmation email 800-332-1460 and (after 15 minutes of being told I should call back in two weeks when my free trial is over) I was provided with cancellation confirmation numbers, so hopefully I don’t see any more charges.
Just call and demand your full refund. Demand over and over and over. Don’t give up, don’t agree to anything else, just keep saying full refund or threaten to call your bank. It took me 20 minutes of literally screaming and threatening to call my bank but They finally agreed to refund 100%. And I had them remove me from their system.
Fraud alert! Scam alert! I will be contacting the police about this one. They clearly state you get a 30 day free trial and all you need to do is pay $4.95 for postage. Then a rude person phones and tries to talk you into spending a whole bunch of money on that and other supplements. You refuse everything and they rudely hang up on you. Then you notice numerous charges of $135 cdn going on your credit card. Then you phone them and they say you only have 14 days to stop the subscription that you never agreed to in the first place. Give them both thumbs down. It is a scam. I think I was talking to someone in India. He would not let me speak to a manager. They will not refund my money even though the website says 100% back within 90 days. The problem is…they’ve never sent the product they have billed for twice so there is nothing to return for a refund.
I’m going to report this to the RCMP as fraud.
I’m going to cancel my mastercard. DO NOT DEAL WITH SUPREME GARCINIA CAMBOGIA…IT IS A ***SCAM****
what number did you call – nothing is working for me?
I tried to cancel and called the number on the bottle trying to return this scam. The number turned out to be for a cable company and completely dissociated with Garcinia max and cleanse blast. Could someone please help me get out of this situation. They have used debt collectors to come after me even after I cancelled my card. Thanks!
I have just cancelled my card as well. Do these people really get debt collectors from you??
just go through your history to the page you ordered it from and click terms at the bottom.
its going to be a tiny word but that is what i did and after reading a little it gave me and email and phone number to call if i wanted to stop my subscription and avoid any further charges.
hope that helps
when i read that there is a free trial of garcinia cambogia, im happy and excited because im a practical person, i want to try it first before i bought it. but when i wrote my identity in the form im dissapoint because its asking
a what state are you living but there is no philippines in there. how can i get a free trial?
Be very happy , Nemalou , that you weren’t given the free trial !
I live in Canada , and was given the free trial and now the company is charging me over $200.00 US from my credit card for the product ….. which I don’t want to buy . They haven’t even sent it to me and they are taking the $$ out of my credit card account, without my permission. You got away lucky , my friend. The credit card company can’t seem to help me either .
I would like to cancel the shipping of garcinia diet pills and cleanser I have being on to my bank to stop all payments and would like a total refund I have being charged 5 times and returned the tablets on each occasion not even using them totally distressed as have no job and can’t afford this.
Is your bank refunding the money? Mine did.
I want to cancel the Garcinia and the other pills mailed to me today – Do not send or charge to me any longer. I am not at all happy with the procedure you did by re sending the pills by mail and charging to my account.
Cancel the right now. RIGHT NOW…if this is not canceled I will report as fraudulent charges to the bank and the State of Texas Attorney General.
Thank you,
Bobbi H Lutz
My husband told them he was going to report the charges to the bank as fraudulent. Full refund, took 2 minutes.
that’s exactly what i did!!!
Did that work ?????? I sent a threatening e-mail to them (re: a lawsuit ), just now …….. but haven’t heard back yet . They’re taking over $200.00 US out of my cc account , for the product I only agreed to try. I don’t want to buy it ….EVER !
The entire thing is a scam! I did the “free trial” on one bank acct and authorized a one time shipping charge. My bank Umpqua get kudos cause they called me while on vacation and said it was fraud and got rid of all charges and shut down account. I just got home from vacation and my other bank account now has $455 in charges in it and not only that but they sold my cc# to about 8 other scam vitamin companies that started singing my account. Chase was horrible at the branch and tried to “negotiate each one for me to get some credit. I got pissed and called their online fraud Dept while at the bank and they were actually helpful. Closed down my entire account and reopened a new one for me. Changing your card won’t do it. They somehow don’t just have your card #, they have your bank account #’s. It is definately fraud and the banks need to know. Sorry for everyone else dealing with this nightmare. I have over $600 of funds tied up waiting for credits, am supposed to send product I didn’t even order or want back and all my money is on hold currently from both banks I use. Wouldn’t have even noticed but bank I don’t use much caught it! Insist that it is illegal and that they are selling your cc and that it’s not that you “didn’t read the fine print” etc. it’s total bulshit and shady theft. Ironically they companies are all supplements out of Burbank CA according to where they want the shit returned to. Just mark refused. Return to sender and don’t open!
DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE FREE TRIAL!! Nothing free about it!! Huge false advertisement saying “free trial”. You have to pay shipping and handling. I got charged 3 separate transactions from the company, 2 of which were the same amount. There is nothing about being automatically signed up for a monthly charge $89.83 if you do not cancel until the very last page, in very tiny faded font! Than when you go to cancel there is a charge of $38.41. OR You can pay to ship it back to them, but they have to receive the return within a month of you ordering it, receiving it, and than shipping it back to them! I WILL BE LETTING EVERYONE I KNOW NOT TO EVER ORDER THEM! HUGE FALSE ADVERTISING AND DEFINITELY NOT VERY CUSTOMER FRIENDLY!!
How do I get it
You dont … its horrible
It’s fake and unless you want top pay $79.95 less than one week from getting the pills which don’t do anything, you might add well flush your money down the toilet
I tried the free trial also. Nothing free about it. 4.95 each for shipping. Than they take two payments of 79.95 for 2 bottles out of my checking account. I was furious. I called and got no where. I asked to talk to a supervisor and they told me that supervisors didnt talk to people on the phone. I called back the next day and they told me since I called two days in a roll, they would give me 2 payments of 28.95 back into my account. Better than nothing but after I already lost 170 dollars and had two 36.00 payments for overdrawing my account. I learned a valuable lesson. Nothing is free. They lied and it is fraud. How can a free trail cost 170.00.
I got the products and they charged me $ 79.95 for each bottle of stuff I received. I saw they have tried to charge me again. Want to contact someone to stop this but there is no contact info. I informed my bank and they stopped the charges and will dispute it for me. You can buy the same exact thing at Walmart for much less. Don’t waste your time buying this online.
This is a total misrepresentation of how their system actually works !!! SCAM ! I ended up paying over 200$ for my ‘ trial’ offer as I didn’t cancel within 4 days of receiving my products !!! Fine print was where ???? Not in any email or information sent to me !!!
I decided to try the free trial offer of garicinia and the cleanse and call before the period ends. Well I was one day late. Therefore, I called today, to cancel and receive a full refund, a female agent answered and tried to reason with me by offering a discount price for the next order. It’s not what I wanted. I demanded a full refund. She was saying it was a valid charge and it stays. She disconnected the call. So I called back and a rep disconnected the call too. Determined to received a full refund I called back and spoke with Gary. After his proposal and my refusal and threat to call my bank and report fraudulent charges, he put me on hold and return with a full refund offer. Of course I accepted the offer. He said it should take 2-3 business days for charges to be reverse. Im going to check my account on Tuesday and verify if the charges have been reverse. Gary also stated I could keep the products. Do not give up. I kept asking is this the best he can do. I would advise against it.
Update: I checked my account and the charges were reversed: Flawless Garcinia $82.34 & Flawless African Mango Cleanse $78.59. Don’t give up and demand 100% refund.
Has anyone actually received a refund? I ordered the product about 18 months ago and i cancelled within the time frame allowed. I checked my account last weekend and noticed that they had charged my bank account 5 times ($86.49) for a product that never ordered or received. I had to cancel my debit. My bank daid that i had to contact them to get a refund.
Could you please help me I can’t get into contact with them.
It all depends on what company you got the free trial(s) from. I got trials of Flawless Garcinia & Flawless African Mango, & am about to hit my 14 day limit & plan to call tomorrow to cancel, so I don’t know if it will work. But if this is the product you bought, I can give you three numbers. The first was in the advertising, & said this is where you needed to call to cancel your free trials & not be charged: (855) 396-2833. On the bottles there are 2 other toll free numbers that say “manufactured for” and these numbers are: Flawless Garcinia: 888-288-9698; Flawless African Mango: 888-367-7055. Good luck!
What is the contact info
I didn’t even give cc info..I just got as far as giving my name and number then read the fine print and decided against it. I’ve been getting calls from a number for five days harassing me to buy..today It was an Indian guy and I polity told him j found it somewhere else cheaper and that I wasn’t interested and requested to be put on the “Do not call list”. Instead of IMMEDIATELY ending the conversation, he chose to rebuttal me yet again with..”your fat! You ordered this! Its free, give me your credit card number.” I literally gasped! And demanded to speak with a supervisor. He acted like he couldn’t hear me then hung up. I immediately called the number back and it was a recording saying that I had reached a number that was no longer in service!…SCAM!!!
Don’t order that they are Crooks they took money out of my account without my permission and they won’t refund my money it was over almost $200 I do not recommend anyone to order this
They just did the same to me today .I called and talked to the most rudest people ever. I called my bank and made a report and will be refunded tomorrow. Worth a shot to call your bank . The product it self was not FREE only to try FREE for the 2 weeks then you have to pay for it they said . CROOKED BASTARDS !!
Happened to me today. Just awful. They canceled my subscription and after at least half an hour of rudeness and arguing they say I will get full refund. I was relentless, she was awful! I never fall for these! They are good at the scam.
I need a good number to call these people. They too 179.out of my account after I cancel. ..
I wish to read your comments before bought it. Unfortunately I bought on March 6 the garcinia Cambodia and the cleanse colon 100, each product was $4.97. I thought it was the biggest cheapest deal trail that I made, but today I decided to investigate a little more about these products and how to use it and after looking in different websites and comments about the fraudulent of the trial, I tried to call them but, they were not available. The good thing is I have the place where it sent it the products, and I’m still the 14 days trial. Should I call my company bank and cancel my debt card first? Or trying to call them again to cancel it?
Please I need your help.
I personally think that you should cancel your card first to prevent from being over-charge.
how did you pay ? if with credit card call them and tell them not to autorize any more purchases from that place … I was taken for 149 $ on my cc.
Wish I would have found this website first. DON’T BUY INTO THIS!!! It is a scam and it is not a free trial within in the time frame– you can’t tell if it works. By the time you receive the order, it has already been 7 days! They got me in that I called to cancel within 14 days of receiving the product but they informed me it was 14 days within ordering the product so I was F*&^%! billed and had to pay it. But my bank sided with me and wrote it off as a fraudulant charge. I ended up cancelling my card because a month later I was shipped and billed again! Thank goodness I work with a small midwestern bank and I was more embarrassed than anything to admit I did this. DON”T BUY IT!
You are so correct havent recieved yet and i was charged 89.00$
I want to cancell any invoice from you et to be refund of an amount of 138.00$ passed on my Master Card the 12 march and be refund immediatly.
These people are crooks and thieves. I foolishly ordered the “Free Trial Supply” and was to be charged only $4.99 for shipping. They have now charged my credit card with two $87.00 charges. I contested the first charge and then they went and charged me again this month. I have contested that. They have 60 days to respond. After the first order, I got a phone number somewhere online and called them to cancel my order. They were very rude. Now I can’t even find a number. There was a packing slip in my second shipment with a phone number 844-229-5481 and all I get is a recording that it has been disconnected. There was a shipping address on the envelope and I am writing them certified letter. A lot of good that will do, I’m sure. Yesterday I cancelled my credit card and ordered a new one. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM.
Please don!t get this product,they charged my ccard $84,without me knowing,then they talked trash about it,and said that they will only give me $19.oo back,im getting a lawyer to look into this matter,they are a rip off.if they was in the right,why would they put $19.00 back instead of the full amount,
call your bank and report fraudualant charges. then they can’t take anymore money out of your bank account
UNBELIEVEABLE SCAM. Cancelled order by email after first shipment and three weeks later received shipment two and credit card charges. Called number and got incredible run around. After increased hold periods and half an hour of repeating the informtion they kept asking for more information and when I refused to give them more they saidn they could not verify me and therefore would not refund.
They’re crooks. Waste of time calling them. Cancel the credit/debit card & just cut your losses to a one time loss. If I lived closed by their place of business I would cause them a lot of grief. Bob
totally agree with you!
My wife ordered a trial size deal back in late September – I was looking at our budget for the coming year so I was going over statements etc… until I looked into her credit card statement and guess what – they have charged her card over 1800 bucks since the end of September then and get this – NO PRODUCT has ever shown up – I am a risk and fraud manager with a very successful financial institution and I am going to be speaking to the attorney general and the other government bodies that are supposed to regulate this industry – they stung the wrong person and I will not stop until I get justice!!!
I payed for a free bottle of this from flawless buzz with payed shipping. Flawless Buzz is run more like a credit card company. They automatically charge you $80 after a month of free subscription when shipping is payed for, unless you cancel the subscription. Read the fine print. If you miss this, you get charged. I got an ambiguous looking email from the company that did not reitterate this, just a little copy of my order, with no contact info. I called the company and an Indian speaker talked, I could barely understand. He kept delaying my cancel of subscription, offering a reduced subscription, just like a creditor.
What number did you call?
I need to call them
Thank you, they just scammed me. When I tried to cancle, they were incredibly rude and hun up on me! Then when i tried to call back there wasnt even a ring, it went straight to some voice recording where i couldnt leave a message or anything. My first clue was right when i got done ordering the “free trial” they called me and asked for more money. Thats when I said I wanted to cancel and he got mad at me and hung up. stupid jerks. NO ONE BUY!! If you do want to try, buy from a safe place like Amazon is what I hear. Not sure I want to even support their product though…
Keep us updated as to how you get on.Ive been stung $353 and no products either
Mason- I paid $4.96 each for Flawless Garcinia, which had the proper ingredients as was advertised on the Dr.Oz show. The other bottle is the Flawless African Mango, the cleanser. I ordered from the T.V. add. I received an e-mail immediately, confirming the purchase & an order number. It came in the mail in four days. I haven’t seen anything fraudulent as of today. The order date was 4/5-/16. Oddly, the debt card i used, we no longer have & a new one Should be here any day! So, they don’t have a means to pull out payments….unless they can get into my checking acct! Should I go to my bank & stop anything that comes to them now?
If it helps, here a number that was labeled in the charge they took out of my bank. 8774947710.
I ordered the free trial a month ago and yesterday they took out $84 then $89. I called my bank and canceled my card and filed for a dispute or whatever. I did get ahold of someone on that number and she said that there was a terms and conditions, I never even read any and none of them show up in my email either. They tried to say if I contacted my bank I would get charged for a false fraud claim. Told the bank teller and she said no and just had me sign the papers to refund my money. I’m still going to watch my bank to make sure that they didn’t somehow find out my account number. I know for sure that I didn’t give that to them, I’m not that dumb. Anyways, I hope you get all the frauds.
Worst customer service ever! Will never order again. Customer service manager Irma #322 was not willing to cancel withing 14 days and tried to argue that the product needed to be sent back. I asked why did it need to be sent back and she said because I did not complete the trial. She could not show me in the Terms and Conditions where it said I had to wait the full trial to cancel and that the product had to be returned, with me paying the return shipping. I used the product for as long as I could. I am diabetic and it made my sugar go too low and gave me stomach/bubble guts. I know it would do some things but I can’t risk low blood sugar from this product. They tried to talk me into calling later to cancel but I called to cancel today. This is unheard of and I will be cancelling my card if anything else is charged to it.
I received my FREE trial for $6.95 for one month supply. Then next billing on my credit card I was charge $94.19 by Healthdiet office 3. When I called 888-930-0942 to have them reverse charge I was told I could not reverse it. I am in the process of dealing with my credit card company and they will help me to fight this bogus, unauthorized charge. It is just “not right” to do this kind of thing to the general public. I wonder how many people just pay it and accept it as a learning lesson. Not me. I will never pay the $94.19, which is what I told Healthdiet and my credit card company. My credit card company said they would issue a credit for the $94.19 and fight the company who billed it. We don’t have the time to fight this type of crime anymore. Gives Dr. Oz a bad name!!!
Exact same experience! Same phone number and all. Same amounts. All I can say is it is a good things these folks are located in California because here in these parts we have a different way of dealing with snakes like this.
Please don’t try this its absolutely scam. They charged me $169 and even when I talked to the supervisor he never refunded the amount since it was after the 14 day trial offer. When I asked about who is the CEO he just hangs up the phone.
I wish I would have found this site first, ..this is such a SCAM, please please do not order these free trials. They have debited my account even after I spoke with them to cancel and they said that they would not, and I had to cancel my card and will probably never see this money again.
If you freeze your card before they charge you, the day of the sale, do they just take you off the list for shipping product? I’m getting a new card number. So I should be good then.
Just ordered The free trial. But after I read the reviews I want to cancel. I called the number they gave me. But just get placed on hold.So I found another number and they said you have to wait 24 hours to cancel. So I just cancelled my debit card. Not taking any chances. Would they automatically take me out of there system since they can’t charge me?
Would you please share the phone number with us? Thank-you
They will not cancel until you call and tell them you want it cancelled. They do not see your info for 24 hours in the call center, so you will need to do so as soon as possible after. What happens is if your card does not have sufficient funds, it will keep trying to charge the card until money is withdrawn. Definitely call and cancel as soon as you can. The number should be listed online somewhere, but keep in mind these companies use third party call centers to take their calls and several products are produced under similar names in an attempt to confuse you and cause chaos. For example, if you call the center I worked at, they may not handle the exact same garcinia product you purchased, and they usually only list their numbers on their product packaging.
I only say this because just until a few days ago, I worked in one of these call centers and left because I hated feeling like I was part of a business that stole from people. I would be more than willing to give you any info I can on these companies, if it means helping someone out of a crap situation.
Yes…please do tell! I just got off the phone with someone from the following “customer service number” for Diet Garcinia Plan”– 18775397735. It was the most frustrating and blood pressure raising phone call I have ever experienced in my life.
The agent I spoke to had an east Indian accent and kept speaking over me continuously and at one point pretended as though she could not hear me. NO product was received and there was a charge of $125+. She claimed that the incorrect address was entered when the purchase was made (by my family member)…so basically, they claimed to have sent their package to a non-existent address but claimed they weren’t reliable for this and would not provide a full refund!! In other words, they say that they have shipped an item to an incomplete and non-existent address but won’t offer a refund or a “return to sender” from the postal system. It begs the question…how were they able to process a credit card payment with an incorrect address?! Every professional online business I know, validates an address before processing a payment and will not complete an order unless your address is correct…
There was also NO TRACKING information or no email confirming the order. These “companies” are criminal!
My husband ordered from MHI 2 bottles of Gardenia cambodia and Ultra cleanse last year at 166.89 for both and they kept shipping it ever month until november i was able to get them to cancel automatic shipments but shipped 1 package back to them on november 10 2015 which they say never arrived. But post office said they received 4 days later. He hide all the shipments from me so i asked them to take the remaining packages back and refund my money. He said he would have to ask corporate office if they could. And i asked them to call me back no luck there. I called back 5 times and get the same run around today the 15th i have called twicw and been on hold for 2 hours … Help me I am out 959.64 !!!!!!! I need to take this to small claims court or the attorney generals office in Iowa and Arizona
They stole 90 bucks from me on the day I got the charge I reported and had my card canceled waiting to see the outcome
Did u get ur money back ??
Comment from Canada:
I NEVER ordered or received UltraGarcinia and yet my credit card has been charged for trial and two bottles ($141.35 ea).
If this is not fraud what is? Found out today that they maybe work with “affiliate” companies to get to your credit card number. I’m doing my research and working with my bank. Will report on the outcome.
Please people do not purchase this product.
14 day risk free trial !!!
Place the order on the 22nd Jan , received product on the 5th Feb and was billed $147
on the 9th Feb.
How the hell you suppose to try out product
in 4 days, also was not told I would be charged in US currency -so from $86 to $147 .
Customer care was a joke , rude and of no help whatsoever .
From reading previous comments on here , I’m not holding my breath on getting a refund but will make sure to inform other people of this company and hopefully stop people throwing their hard earned money away
They are a rip off I placed my order on Jan 26 and got my pills a week later. I knew today was the 14th day so I tried to call to cancel the membership and found out they charged me 89$ for each bottle saying that it was the 15th day and my money is non refundable. Never again will order from them.
I canceled before the 14 day trial and received a cancelation email saying any future and ongoing charges won’t be charged….am I safe now? Or will they still charge? I haven’t been charged anything yet and am afraid. I’m embarrassed to have fallen for this trick. This isn’t my card either it’s my sister’s. Not doing trials ever again!!!! I received the package today and didn’t even dare to open it!
I need to cancel my order. What email or Website did you go on?
How did you cancel?
I cancel all my orders sent back a News packages and they still tried they still charge my card one more time .had to tell the bank they said the only thing they can do is shut off the card and I had to wait 10 days to get a new one so for 10 days I have no ATM card . So yes send every thing back and cancell the card. Also they charged my credit card again months later thought I was done with them said my name was juanita Jemez and they had shipped my products I said I never got any products or packages that was not my name (not Spanish) and I was going to turn them in for fraud and to my bank that seem to work and scared them they credited my credit card bank immediately. Hope this helps
I guess I am lucky that I didn’t have the money in my account. They tried 4 times in 4 days to take $89.99 out of my account and Chase Bank contacted me and froze my account. I will be receiving a new debt card. I guess that is the best advice I can give to everyone, get a new debt card! They don’t have your account information, they have your card information!
The problem I have there no invoice in the the trial I got and no company to contract them to cancel , I don’t need the stress with my heart , I just want it to stop taking money off me , as last time they took my money for food and bank cancel my card and getting new one there do same
This is a total scam . I am out $180 and am working through VISA to get my money back.
Dont order anything.
I ordered a sample on the 1st of Jan. It was processed Jan. 4th. I received it Jan 9th. I got hives on Jan 10th- 12th. Stopped taking this. While in Mexico on 16th I noticed $92 and $89 being taken from my bank account- 8 days after I got the sample. I starting sending emails every 6 hours. No response until the 20th. And had to call them repeatedly the 21st and 22nd when they agreed to cancel my account but NOT refund my money. I’m taking them to small claims court and asking VISA to sue them too. They are scamming and stealing money from people.
I filled out online form for free trial. Gave out card #. Got booted off line, their website wasn’t working. I never got a confirmation email so I didn’t think it was going to come in the mail and then I would not be billed. I got a bottle in the mail anyways and I was billed $5. Two weeks later I was billed $79 and two weeks after that I was billed $85.
By the way they give out your personal phone number to telemarketers. I know it was them because I used a different first name and that is the first name that all these telemarketers are asking for. So now every single day I get a phone number from area code (720) trying to sell me other weight loss items. People don’t give them your credit card number they will bill it !!!! Don’t give them your phone number because they sell the phone numbers to other telemarketers !!!!
Ehh… this is the first time I did something like this. I didn’t know I’d be signing up for a package thing. It’s like the stories of Proactiv, I should have listened to my friends. Any that supply you with a toll number is just bad. Should I call the company within the first week of the 14 day trial and if they won’t, will I have to urge the BBB or change my credit card number to avoid getting charged?!?!?!!
Has anyone receive their money back??
I ordered it on January 19 for 4.95, and 5.95, trial sizes, did not know anything about future orders, they just hit my bank account for 200.00, I have called this CBH Express at 1-800-592-8413, and they assured me that since I had put a stop payment on my debit card that they would not take my money and cancel any future orders, because I was upset and I told them the garçon is Cambodia, and pure green coffee bean plus pills did not work, they proceeded to talk about my metabolism, I weigh 135lbs, and that’s not this issue its my money you are taking without notifying me, and I can’t afford it, I have other important bills to pay, I’m on a fixed income, but they don’t care. I have had my bank to cancel my debit card, but the charge is still hanging out there and they won’t answer the phone! What are people suppose to do with scams like this!!??
I ordered on the 25th, didn’t get it until yesterday which was the 30th. Came across this and immediately reported my card before I was charged. Hope this works.
Yep they got 64$ from me..
Tell I cancelled my card right away, the money was in process at the time.
I just signed up for the “free” trial. My credit card company contacted me immediately. When I reviewed the charges the company had changed me $39.99 plus 3 other charges. What was stated on site was 2.95 trial. Had to cancel my credit card and charges were taken off as fraudulent. Do not purchase this product. If it worked they would not need to fraudulently bill for it.
I too have fallen for this I have pcked up the ones that I did not authorize for debit and sent them back to address on pkt also written letter asking for refund to same mailing address and another one to theMiami address asking for refund next step will be ambudsman and small busines people in U.S.A.snd then T.V studios ect U,S,A.did not autouirize any other shipmants already fell for FREE sample 4,99 hres hoping good luck to you all Belle
PLEASE HELP I’m only 18 years old I’ve never experienced anything like this before :( I didn’t know it was a scam I called my bank and told them it was a fraudulent charge and it was still pending my bank cancelled my card and i am getting a new one. Are they going to charge my account again or am I safe? Also do I need to return the pills? Thank you :(
I say keep the pills and once you have a new card your account should be safe!
Please cancelle my order
Because my health is not good and my doctor tell my is not good for me
Sorry! and thank for your help
Has anyone that has commented on this issue even think about just putting the funds on a prepaid card??? I would never use my bank card or credit card to order anything off line…. Smh
People purchase products online every day at numerous credited online business and never run into a problem….the issue isn’t purchasing online…it’s with who you purchase from!
I had the same thing happen to me too I want to know if you can refund my 79.95 and my 77.95 i didint get them until the 14 i tried to cancel several times was on hold too long hung up got ahold of someone on the 25 finally got it cancelled i have ibs and have been sick everyday then i realized ive been sick everyday since ive started taking the pills i know it says 14 days and i didint even get them until the 14 and ive been trying to cancel tried to talk to someone on the 26 about the refund and she said she would get the manager and i was on hold for 40 mins and had to hangup this is my number i would appreciate it if you would call me and refund my money 01 /26/16
Thank you dakota
If I cancel my card before they charge me the 80 dollars will i still get charged? Please let me know! The guy could not figure out my name on the phone and hung up.
This company has been horrible huge scam been charged $189. And I cant cancel no one answers my calls or emails very frustrating!
Further to my comments of the 15th Jan, here is an update, True-cambogia.com address is True-Cambogia, Customer /support, Postbus 46, 4020Maurik, Netherlands. I spoke with my credit card company on Saturday and was advised of the following, even if you change your card number (by reporting lost/stolen) this company can still access money from you, because it is NOT the card number, but your Account Number that releases the funds. Also this company uses many different names under which they collect, and it is a continuous payment system so funds can be taken from you each month. In view of this I have applied for and been accepted by another company for a credit card, and have spoken with and written to my original credit card company and closed my account with Immediate effect. I hope that this is of some use to all of you, I know that it was a very bitter lesson to me.
I Just learned this the hard way. What is the number you call to cancel?
This doesn’t sound right to me. If you call your credit card company and they block and cancel that card, send you a new one with a completely different number and security ID, how can any 3rd party vendor without that info keep charging you? All you gave them was a name, address, email address, and a credit card number. They have no access to your “account”, only to a credit card number. I fell for this scam in the form of a survey that popped up as I was going to costco’s website. My spidey senses should have been tingling but I was half asleep still probably. Within 20 minutes or so I finally figured out it was suspicious and called my credit card company. At that point I had been charged about $16 for 3 transactions, and the visa telephone rep said let’s cancel the card before they do any real damage. Inconvenient yes, but better than trying to contact them and cancel the subscription. I personally do not see how they can still charge you once you’ve cancelled the credit card. If anyone knows differently, please explain for all of us to see.
I too, to my embarrassment have fallen for the scam, I ordered a free trail for £2.95 of Raspberry Ketatone, and then received an e-mail from true-cambogia.com to say that my order has been processed and that I would be charged £99.99. I immediately e-mailed them cancelling and e-mailed again later this evening telling them that I would not pay, and was conned into ordering something I did not want or need. I have had no reply as yet from them, but I have rung my credit card company and immediately cancelled my credit card and requested a new one. will be contacting credit card company again in the morning when they are open and asking if the payment has already gone onto old card, and requesting that they attempt to get this money back for me. I feel so stupid and embarrassed that I fell for this scam.
I woke up this morning and I had two charges on my bank account to almost $200.00 I called to cancelled she cancelled but refused to return my money I also didn’t see fine print she claimed I did so I had to go to bank and cancel my debit card. I’m on fixed income so I told her that she kept repeating you agreed to this. So please don’t get scammed like I did.
Same thing happened to me on the 11th. I can’t seem to find a phone number to call them back on though. Currently on the phone cancelling my credit card. So not impressed!
Unfortunately I work for the company that handles most of these clients and companies and yes I can say they are criminals. From the deceptive marketing to the tricks they use to illegally take people’s money, yes illegal. Me and a lot of other employees are in contact with the attorney general and other government organizations to sue them and shut them down. We need as many customers that have been through this scam to help us bring them down. The main company that handles this is called Alpha Connect their direct phone number is (602) 456-2257 and address is 4502 E. University Dr. Phoenix AZ. Contact the attorney general in your state as well as Arizona. And if you call them let them now asap that you will be filing a report with the attorney general, the better business bureau and your local senators office and they have to give you your money back. They will start at 30%, 50% and then give you 100% so never agree too anything less than 100%! If you would like to additionally help to stop others from going through this leave a post here and I will provide you with my contact information. Thank you.
Thank you. I’m in Alabama. They took 79.99 from my debit card at 2:30am. That’s all the money I had!
I myself have been scammed. I lost over $170 total with an overdraft fee from my bank. I wish I could get my money back but it seems not possible.
I am very upset with your customer service. How rude they are. I original called to say I only got a partial shipment and was trying to get more information. The guy kept talking and wouldn’t let me speak. I was so angry at this point that I asked for a refund. The add states “try it risk free”. WRONG… all I wanted to find out is about the other shipment…I will make it my mission to let the public know about your product. He would NOT refund my money and said it was my problem and my bank will not do anything about it to help me. I have been in customer service most of my life and have never treated someone in the way I was treated by this company. Shame on you…. and made in America….how can you treat us like that.
Can u please give me the customer service number
I just ordered a ‘trial’ order today (21 Jan 16) & afterwards I searched the internet for comments & almost all of them were extremely negative – should have done that before putting my card on the line. Bearing that in mind, I spoke with my bank who holds the Visa card & they suggested to immediately cancel my current card & issue a new one. They guaranteed that once my old card is cancelled no additional charges will pass through & they will not transfer charges from my old account to the new one. Scammed yes but I hope I have settled it.
I live in Canada & the order lady stated she would only charge me 2.95$ but ended up charging me 4.47$ which means the 2.95$ was in US $’s which were converted to CAN $’s. Hope that is the worst to happen to me. Do you have contact info to report scams to in Canada? Thanx in advance.
I am from Canada, does the same demands apply? I have been calling them non stop but they continue to charge my credit card account. This has been happening since Aug, 2015. 6 months times $138.49 each time that total is $830.94. I am just sick about it. My bank keep encouraging me to call and cancel and document everything and I do but it hasn’t changed anything. I am so frustrated. Please any information you could give me would help. I can’t afford this. I feel violated! Thank you in advance.
I am going through the process of trying to get a refund from two product . I charged mine on a credit card. After politely calling the company(ies) involved, they refused a complete refund. So I called my credit card company. They were very helpful. They gave me the phone numbers of the companies, told me exactly what to tell them and what to do. Be prepared to be very firm with the company service reps who answer as they got quite nasty with me.
Just experience the same Scam in Cleveland Ohio Company Name is Supreme Slim Garcinia Took 95.00 dollars out my Account on 2/17/2016 and i have no product yet. Having a very Hard time getting my money back. This is so wrong they need to be put in jail & pay back all the money they have stolen. Now they have made it bad for other companys selling the product. I will never buy anything on line again first and last time. I want my money back very piss off
Any info i can recieve to get my funds back is very much so appreciated. Thank you Sherene From Cleveland Ohio
I just ordered free trial yesterday. I am very worried. I don’t have a phone # to cancel. Should I cancel my Visa card before they get into it.
I’ve been caught up in this Garcinia scam too, supposed to pay $4.50 postage only for a bottle of these pills, they then took $128.88 out of my account for this bottle, they did refund this one, thank goodness. I’m sure there were no terms and conditions box to tick, but a month later another $130.94 was taken out of my credit card and now I cannot get Garcinia to refund this amount, they said I have had one refund and that’s it. A ‘refund’ of money that shouldn’t have been taken out of my account in the first place. I’ve called, emailed, spent $22.00 sending the bottle back to Salt Lake City, the bottle arrived in Houston on the 14/11/15, then a week later was back on my doorstep with stickers all over it stating ‘NOT A DELIVERABLE ADDRESS’. I have no idea how to get this $130.94 back and I cannot afford to have this amount outstanding on my credit card. Wish I had known about this site, but I also trusted Woolworths, won’t be doing that again, and has anyone told Woolworths not to deal with this company?
I would like to add though that the product has worked for me. I just go about buying at a local store. It has curbed my appetite and I eat way less and feel great so far! I hope people at least get results from being scammed and just buy the bottle else where. Amazon also sells the bottle with a higher HCA as well! But I’m still upset about the scam lol
I just signed up for the free trial last week and received my bottle over the weekend. I’m so disappointed because I wasn’t aware of the fine print when I was signing up. I was more caught up in all the great reviews on the product. Now my question is can I just cancel my credit card since I’m still in the 14 day trial and they haven’t charged anything additional yet. I canceled the credit card information I signed up with and my bank is sending me a new card. Will I be OK?
i have been scram and I can’t find the website to cancel at all and my bank said if I cancel my visa they try taking out even if I get new one , can someone help so I can try cancel it as bank said have to do this before they well help , can’t find it so how mean cancel it ,
I have a question? I just received the bottle and I’m still in the 14 day trial so I haven’t been charged anything YET. Can I cancel my credit card before the 14 days is over so I don’t get charged? I wasn’t aware of the fine print. I’m so disappointed in myself, I just got caught up on all the great reviews on the product. Thanks for the help.
Hi Samantha, yes.. You should be ok.. That’s good you cancelled your card… For me is was too late. They charged my card $79.99. My bank couldn’t do anything because I agreed unknowingly to the terms and conditions when I signed up for the free trial… I called the company, they said they can only reimburse 35% of what they charged me… They couldn’t help me further… I’m so upset at myself, I should of known better… Well we live and learn, sometimes the hard way…
Yes we see the word FREE and Diet and jump all over it lol… hate that we all got scammed but hopefully one day there can be a stop to it! Thank you so much for the help! My card has been cancelled and I am waiting for a new on in the mail!
I am a victim of this too..I have been trying since December 5th to get a refund, I cancelled way before my 14 day trial period was up..they don’t answer emails, well they have answered two and the number they tell me to phone (1-866-915-9351 in Canada) you cannot talk to anyone, you can either push # 1 or 2 depending on what product you want to cancel and when you cancel they charge more on your credit card, they told me in a email to push 0 to talk to someone and when I did I got disconnected and a busy signal..I cancelled my credit card and have not had any more charges..so I wrapped up the products (Supreme Garcinia and Pure Cleanse) and returned them and I have been tracking the parcel and it arrived there today but it looks like they are not accepting the parcel as it says “item on hold at recipients request, I am so mad and upset..there has to be some way we can get our money back, they charged me over $200 which I could use for medications as I have just got through breast cancer, I don’t need this stress..wish someone could shut their website down, we are not going to be the last people that get scammed..worse experience I have ever had..good luck to us all, I hope we get refunded..told them I would go to the BBB and the Ombudsman, but they don’t care..I am realllllyyy mad and losing sleep..found the website on Dr. Oz’s website.
I too am in Canada, and had the identical problem, including returning everything with a tracking number. So far total charges are over $400. I had an email saying someone would phone me….sure they will! I stated in my note that if I didn’t see a refund within 10 days I would go to the media consumer advocates. That will be next week.
I just did the same thing, tracked the return package, authorization written on envelope, verified it was signed for 9 days ago and called the customer service # to ask about my refund, they tell me the package wasn’t received!! so now it’s being escalated, and I’m supposed to receive an email tomorrow…I’ll believe it when I see it. What a scam!
I too am a victim of this. I “tried” the 4.95 garcinia cambogia and added the .10 mango. OH BOY was I up for a surprise when Chase texted me that my account was over-drawn (balance is super low after Christmas…) and below and behold theres a $90 charge and another $79 pending. I called the company, they refunded 50% of the money, but I have written to Fox News, ABC News, BBB, and I am trying to find every single website. The guy on the phone said that “it’s in the terms and conditions” but when I went back to the Dr OZ website I bought it from I couldn’t locate T&C, just the “FREE TRIAL PAY ONLY 4.95 S&H!” sign. I’m mad. Reallllllllllllly mad.
Someone said that at first they will offer you from 25-50% of your money back… If you continue to argue they will give you your full 100% refund… At last that is what I’ve read from someone who said they work in a return call center for Garcinia….
beware, bank declined and cancelled my card for 4 attempts on my card to withdraw funds I ddidn’t authorize. Free trial not free.
Hi Mary, I have been caught in this scam over the Christmas Break, I asked about cancelling my credit card with my bank, and they said it may not work. Did it work for you? They say I have to try and contact the supplier, which of course, I can’t find any contact details for.
I am really upset, and am hoping that cancelling your credit card worked. If it did, I will cancel mine tomorrow.
I feel the same way I have checked my bank account and now I have overdrafts because of these people and they sent a total of 3 bottles which I did not ask for I was only trying to do the free trial which apparently is not free. I am going to try everything to get these people punished for taking innocent people money. Have you gotten a refund yet?
i contacted my credit card issuer. they already knew about this bs . gave me a credit for shippin and cancelled my card and issued a new one. this was the only way to prevent future charges. i was lookin at 92.53 plus 4.95 shippin. i should have known better. if it does show up i will write refused and leave it in mailbox. thanks so much for heads up. customer service was a joke told me they had no record of any transaction in my name hopin to stall me from goin any further
In my case, I don’t even know when I ordered the stuffs, it was called ripped muscle x and another one was jacked muscle x. I knew I came across it when warching a gym exercise video online. However, I did not know I ordered it. Immediately I saw the alert that $4 and $3.91 was deducted from my account, I quickly called my bank and told them I did not authorise the money, my claimed they will stop further charges. I also called the company’s number on my bank statement and asked them to cancel my account and refund me. I got a $4 refund the 2nd day but I never realized I did not get the $3 refund because it was small.
14days later my account was charged $89.80, I was d furious and I emailed the company because it was holliday period, someone replied and told me she will immediately cancel my account but she won’t refund the money because I have passed the 14 day grace. I emailed again to tell her I already called the some weeks ago. Then, that was when I realized the ripped muscle x and jacked muscle x are acting like 2 different companies. So, the idea was that I only stopped ripped muscle x and not jacked muscle x.
I keep sending her email claiming this is a fraud because I did not know who authorised or ordered the package at the first time and that I was ready to return it since I did not open it. I got no reply from her.
Then immediately after the holliday, I called the number again and this time I insisted I did not order the product at first, that I have disputed the first $4 and $3.91 charged me at first. The guy asked for my home address, my zip code and my name and claimed the packages was ordered from my address considering the IP address he saw. I insisted I did not know when it was ordered may be my little cousin ordered it mistakenly. Fina)ly, the guy agreed to refund my money 100% but threatened that he will immediately report my ID address and the case to the local fraud police since I said I did not order the package. He said the local fraud police will contact me and do investigation and I told him thank you that I am also reporting their company to Better Business Bureau. He promised I will get my refund in 3days but the fraud unit will also contact and I said thank you and good bye.
I’m a victim of FRAUD too! I did the free trial $4.95. Just went to make a payment to my credit card and they’ve taken 2 charges out in the same month. WTH?? $79.95 taken 12/4/15 and now another $84.90 on 12/22/15. I’ve not even received anymore product. …WTF??? Looks like I’ll be calling my credit card company for FRAUD alert because I did NOT AUTHORIZED any extra fees, PERIOD!! SHAME ON THEM!!
I too am a victim of fraud. I sent for free sample and started receiving packets in the mail. I was stung for over $538 hitch they took from my bank even though I sent every packet back to them unopened. I sent numerous emails but got no satisfaction so had to write it off as a ad debt. I am a 90 year old pensioner and could ill afford this amount. I did not even receive the FREE sample. I cannot understand how these people get away with it. I learned a very expensive lesson, nothing is ever free!! Mary
I have now emailed the link on the Dr Oz site to try get these mongrels to stop debiting my card as the contact details for the site I ordered from just keep sending the same generic email response about how they need more information before they can refund any money. Have now had over $400 debited from my credit card. Going to the bank in my lunch break to see what I can do – how can this Garcinia company get away with such fraudulence?
Which company in particular are you referring to? There are a lot of “Free Trial” supplements out there. It may be helpful to our readers to know which company you are referring to so that they can stay away form them.
— Supplement Police
In my opinion, this Company is a fraud with documents written by their attorneys to try and claim otherwise. They charge you $6 for the “free” bottle and then 14 days later charge you another $88 for the SAME bottle. So you are paying about $95 for a product that sells at Costco for about $18. if you call to dispute the second charge they claim the second charge is what you agreed to — You had a 12 day cancellation of the Free Offer. (Not entirely clear in their documents that you have to call and cancel the free bottle but probably reviewed by a team of attorneys willing to do any legal service for a fee including redefining the meaning of Free) I told them I would dispute the second charge and they said the Credit Card companies will support them. It is a shame if they do since they are allowing the scheme to continue at the determent of their own customers indicating you may want to shop around for another credit card provider or better yet cancel your credit card if this company has your account number. In my opinion, they cannot be trusted to protect your data. Hope this saves many customers my experience.
Your credit card company should assist you and cancel the charges. My credit card company has always cancelled charges when i asked them to and the merchants have to deal directly with me or forget about the charges. If your credit card company will not cancel the charges they are aiding this fraud and you should not only cancel your credit card but also find a new credit card provider. This fraud can only be successful with the cooperation of the credit card issuers. Find out who your credit card company is supporting by placing the charges in dispute.
Signed up for free trial. Only pay shipping and handling fees.
That was Nov 26.
Today they went in and took out $250.
Anyone know how to get this back?
I’ve contacted my bank,investigation ongoing.
Unfortunately, I too am a victim – Slimming Garcinia. I’m furious!! I wish I would have done more research, so I guess I’m more mad at myself. When I tried to just order the free trial and the 4.95 shipping fee I was linked to 2 other company’s and when I pressed to exit out of these, it actually charged my card. I emailed that night and then called the next day stating they were cancelling and then gave me 50% off of the one product. Today I checked my bank and they charged 160.00 for not cancelling. I argued with 3 different people, and they claimed I didn’t understand my contract and that there is nothing they could do. I did however screenshot all of the programs so I have the numbers, but what good did that do??? I too am afraid of recurring charges next month, so I will be cancelling my credit card. Bad part is they have my phone, address and email. I hate how you can’t trust people!!!
If you contacted your bank or credit card issuer they will put a stop so that the company cannot charge you. And if it is a good company, they may even mark it as fraud and refund you your money. I would give them a call if the company you purchased from wasn’t any help.
I too got charged for a 2nd product just by clicking out of it!!! The cleanse. I thought it sounded like a good add on product though so I didn’t mind!
i have purchased garcina cambogia and pur slim and i too got scammed i am in new zealand and need to know what steps i should take to try get a refund and how to get a hold of them by phone please help im freaking out
Im also in New Zealand and fell for the same scam. Can i please get a phone number to contact these people please. I would like my $88 back i didnt authorize to be taken out of my bank. I cancelled by visa today incase they try again.
I ordered Garcinia Cambogia (60 Capsules) online in October and so far they have already deducted more than £120 from my card and they keep sending emails on shipments without my consent.
Fighting to get the refund… Online users please beware of free offers.. this is a Mega Scam !!
Just so all commenters and readers are aware, this post is not pertaining to any one brand of Garcinia Cambogia supplements.
This is just a general post about being aware that these free trial scams do exist. So if you have fallen victim to one and are going to make a comment. Post the Name of the product so that others can try and help you find the information to get it canceled.
I fell for the same scam, its the 30 day cleanse Garcinia cambogia. I need to get a refund. Canceled my card so they cannot do this again. Please do not do any free trial its all a scam. Any help will be useful.
I purchase the flawless gracinia online was suspicious when i got my package .I call the 18882889698 was not satisfied the person who i spoke with could not provide me with the info i need.I call my bank about stop payment they are charging me a $35 fee to stop the charge (td bank) just got my free trail on Tuesday April 5 not sure if its even safe to put something into my body i don’t know about . It did not state how much HCA in it their is no forwarding address just a P O Box
Do not purchase from Essential Beauty in San Diego. They are scammers. I bought garcinia gambogia on a trial basis from them. The name brand is “Refresh”. My bank was able to stop ONE $98 charge, but not the second one. I’ve filed with my bank’s fraud department. How can they continue to make multiple attempts to withdraw money from consumer’s accounts, without shipping ANY further products? They aren’t supposed to bill until product is shipped. I also called them and had them cancel me out of their system. If you have issues with them here is there number (800) 877-338-2634.
I also promptly went into my bank and cancelled my ATM card, and requested a new one.
I’m in Australia and can’t find which of the THOUSANDS garciniadiet companies was the one that’s scammed me. Who do I call?
I would check these steps first. If you can’t figure out one, move on.
— Check for an email order confirmation with a contact address
— Go back to the original site you purchased and look for their contact information
— Look at your billing statement on your bank or credit card issuer. Often times they will use the company URL or a name that you can search online for contact information.
— If no contact information is found, try and go to
and input their web address. You may receive a contact email or at least their hosting provider which you can contact. They will generally help you get in touch.— Contact your bank/credit card issuer and tell them there is an issue. You want to try and get it canceled/refunded and place a stop on future payments. Most banks will help you out. You may not be able to get a refund but they can at least put a stop on future payments.
And remember, don’t let this one transaction ruin your online shopping experience. You may have just had a run in with a bad company – they exist – but for every bad company there are 5 good ones. Just always remember to read the fine print on anything that says “Free Trial” or “One Month Free” or “No Money Down.” If you ever took an economics class, you probably learned about “No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” = Nothing is ever “Free”
Hope you get in contact with the company you are having issues with. Try commenting back with the name of the product. Another reader may be able to help you find the contact information.
— Supplement Police
I just received my shipment of perfect garcinia today, and paid $4.95 it has been unopened, can I just return it thru the mail it was sent. I can just lose my weight like I have been doing through old fashioned exercise and eating smart and with the right foods. please respond.
can anyone tell me the number please? I am desperate to speak to them
800-438-1459. Doubt it will do you much good though but good luck anyway. Also been conned and am trying to have over $120 authorised debit refunded from this dodgy company who claim they need more than my name and address to do so. Funny that they didn’t send any paperwork so it is a bit hard to provide any more info! Even took photos of the barcodes on the outside packaging and they claim that they still need more information – hate that I have been scammed and intend to get my money back!
OMG I just got a bottle of that and can’t seem to get ahold of anyone I need help
Unfortunately, I have also fallen victim to this scam too. There was no fine print when I ordered my free trial so Terms and Conditions were not seen. The confirmation e-mails likewise contained no cancellation information. They charged me two separate charges of $86.94 and $77.84, and when I called for a refund on these unauthorized charges he went out of his way to try to help me in any way possible (including telling me that I probably wasn’t taking it right and to double up on my dosage) OTHER than to give me my money back! I’m still trying to call to get a refund but I now have to dispute these charges through my bank of which there is no guarantee that I will get even some of my money back. Please, don’t waste your time or money on this scam. It’s not worth it!
Demand to get 100% of your refund back, I had the same thing and told them I was recording the convo just in case they gave me troubles. I kept asking 100% of my refund back and they finally agreed after offering 35% 50% 75% and bonus deals INSTEAD of giving 100% refund.
Scam! Ordered a one-time vitamin product for $4.95 and was never told it was a trial. They subsequently charged my account for $90.00, without authorization, for some skin product that I would never have even ordered (I do not have skin problems). Whats worst, because they established a customer relationship by my having accepted delivery of the $4.95 product, now I have to jump through hoops requesting a shipping label and return authorization and show proof of the return before my bank will credit back the fraudulent $90.00 charge. Lesson learned: NEVER, NEVER, order anything by phone from a phone number shown on T.V.
DO NOT PURCHES!!!! Such a scam took me 2 hours an I finally got refunded. Told them I was going to report them an she instantly said she would give me my money back!!! Thank goodness as I have Christmas gifts to get. Song give up just sit on the phone until they give it to you, such an awfle experiance,
I don’t know where to start feel like such a fool! “Stunning look bill” the transaction says for £99.99! Telephone number not in use, no email and nothing comes up on google – I feel sick!
I ordered the free trial and then was charged $89.95. I called them and asked to return the product but because I was passed the 14 days I was told I couldn’t. Then I tried to cancel future shipments and the customer service rep tried repeatedly to get me to continue the subscription and delay the conversation. I questioned them about their business, where they were located, whether they were a Canadian or US company, etc and I asked for a website. He repeatedly left the conversation to ask his supervisor my questions. After several tries I got their website: try-healthylife-supp.com
Finally he agreed to cancel any further shipments and also agreed to take 30% off the $89.95. I immediately received an email confirming the subscription has been cancelled and another email saying they had credited $32.39 to my credit card. Hopefully that is the end of it.
I would not recommend signing up for this trial. I feel foolish for having done it. Stay away.
This happened to me in December 2015. I called the day I received the shipment to cancel. The rep said call in jan 7-10 to cancel. I called dec 26 after I got charged 89.95 And canceled. Found out two other pills I got from one site, sent in one package with one billing receipt was actually two companies. The second time I called the first co did inform me of it . I Immediately called the second co and they to said I had 14 days from order day to cancel. I said I did call on dec 16th. She said not our co. I said it’s misleading I ordered from one co, got package from one company and billed from one company. Not only that pill bottles have no name on them, the phone number in bottle is so small I couldn’t see it. No info on how to take, no company literature. Just a bill, one phone number on receipt, and an address that isn’t listed with the company. That it was dec 25th I had to. I said that is not what site said. She was very rude and said I have to pay for it anyway. She said she would cancel. I called bank and bank said they declined but will pay next one and then at that time I have to call and complain.. Then they will open a case. I never received an email saying it’s canceled . I did call back and confirm with a fourth person who said it’s canceled. It’s a fraud. I told them so. I am probably going to close my bank acct rather than deal with getting charged and trying to get it back.
Yes they’re a SCAM and something needs to be done about it!! Scam scam scam scam BEWARE DONT BUY PRODUCT!!
11/28/15 9:20 p.m. I just ordered my “free trial” 1.5 hrs ago and read the terms and conditions,(which I didn’t see listed anywhere)only after my order was completed. Auto-pay? $89.97? No terms, price, nothing until after I completed the order. It’s Saturday night on the Westcoast and is there anyway of cancelling the whole thing in the first 24 hours of the sale?
I also was just scanned and the money that I needed to spend for Christmas is now gone. Customer service was rude and didn’t care at all. I am left with trying to sell these bottles to afford Christmas for my family.
Don’t do it they RIP you off
if u want to get a full refund instantly just tell the customer service i will report u to attorney general or federal trade commission or call them with ur bank representative. easy as that. :)
First of all look at how many people have been scammed with this company-including myself. How is this company still in business- this is theft that there doing. How can we get this company reported for theft?? That they loose there jobs?? There has got to be a way??? Enough is enough!!
I am sadly another victim to fall for this scam and after reading all your comments i can only wish my bank can stop the debit transaction from happening ..i hope i can get a refund for a product i never received nor did i want to pay for ..If they were in my country i would hunt them scammers down and make them answer for their crimes the PNG way .
I bought one of those “free trials” (i.e., you just pas for “shipping and handling”) and it ended costing me over $ 140 in canadian dollars (about $ 105 US). They don’t try to retain you when you call to cancel. It is just a recording telling you to press this or that button to cancel.
To be safe, I reported my credit card as lost or stolen, so my credit card company cancelled my current card and will issue a new card. That way, if those crooks try to take more payments, it will bounce. Those crooks can now give or sell my credit card number to their friends or whatever, it won’t matter. (By the way, I would not be surprised at all to learn that they do this.)
Technically, my credit card was neither lost nor stolen, but the security is compromised when the card number (including the security code) gets in the hands of those crooks, so it is as good as stolen.
When you changed your card and reported it, did it cancel any further payments? I’m so frustrated, I don’t care about the money coming back, more so about getting charged again
I tried a “free” offer and was shocked to see I’d been charged $89.97 for the Garcinia Cambogia and $87.27 for the recommended Pure Green Coffee offer. I returned the products unopened and received notification via email that the returned product had been received. I waited for my refund – but it never came. And another attempt was made to deduct further funds from my account. Fortunately, it was blocked. Another month has passed and now I’m told I can receive ONLY a 50% refund on each product because I returned the product without a “code”. When I asked where that piece of information was, she couldn’t tell me. So now, I have to wait another 3 – 5 business days to see IF my money is actually returned. And by the way – the email address on the return confirmation I received didn’t work!
Sorry to hear that you went through this mess with the rest of us – call 800-990-9579 to cancel. I also had to get a new credit card so that I wouldn’t be charged. It’s worth the hassle of the phone call.
I just got off the phone with them charged my card 69.95 and they say they will give me back 30 . oo we will see nasty she was
Hi, I was wondering do you have the website or number for them? I just can’t find either to contact them at all
Hey I just called the 1-800-990-9579 number to cancel and did it will ease. The lady said she cancelled my subscription and is sending an email confirmation within 24 hours. I will probably also cancel my debit card and get a new one sent just to be on the safe side!!
Hi Hillary was it Supreme Garcinia and Pure Cleanse that you avail for a fraudulent free trial? Because I got scammed too and I don’t have the phone number to call and cancel my subscription.
Please help. carlota
Thank you for this information I was just about to buy this glad I read this thanks again x
Thanks for the information. unfortunately I fell victim to this. I was called out of town on a family emergency right after i received the trial sample. I called the company Trim Body to try to get a refund 1 day after they billed me for $89.82 because i did not call in within the 14 day trial. I had to take a leave of absence from work to care for my mom. so i was not getting paid. They would not and will not refund my money. They kept reading the terms of the trial, over and over. I asked for a supervisor which at first i was told there were none on the floor. After i kept asking for one, they transferred me to an escalation line after a lengthy hold. Some guy came on and gave me the same story. i will never fall victim to trial periods again. What a rip off. That company was something else. I only hope that others will read about the scams before they participate in these SCAMS
I too was scammed… My hubby called and told the cs he would only talk to the manager. Finally he was told he’d refund us the entire amount I guess he was tired of listening to my irate hubby over the 300.00…for the one bottle I ordered! Good luck and don’t back down and don’t be afraid aggressive!!
Thanks for being so decent and trying to help out the “not so savvy” internet consumers (like me!) by warning them. Sadly I too have fallen for this scam. The fine print you mentioned is identical to what I encounter and the font was so light I honestly didn’t see it the first time. I had to go back after reading the above information and actually look for it. Despite this, I have an email (sans fine print) that states one pill’s trial was for 14 days and the other for 16 days. They billed me $89 LESS than 14 days from the date of my initial order, but they still refuse to refund my money. I asked to speak with the customer service representative’s supervisor or manager and was refused. I asked to leave my information and have someone call me and again was refused. I asked for the web address, email, postal address and/ or steps to take in order to properly register a complaint with their company – again, all refused. I asked the customer service rep to explain to me how 12 days is the same as 14 or 16 days….I was suddenly placed on hold for a lengthy period of time then provided with two cancellation “confirmation” numbers, but he refused to send me a confirmed cancellation notice or email. After arguing with the customer service representative for an additional 20 minutes I was told, surprisingly, that my complaint had already been registered and forwarded to their Finance Dept., but I was not allowed to know any of the information that was provided or “registered” on my behalf. Five minutes later the story changed again and not only was my complaint registered, but registered with a request for refund AND already responded to by the Finance Dept. (which I was initially told was closed for the day). Oddly this means I had just spent 25 minutes arguing about wanting to register a complaint and being told no even though it had apparently already been done (25 minutes earlier) by the same person that keeps telling me it can’t be done. I’m sorry – what?!?! Is this the strategy – to confuse their customers with stupidity and double talk in the hopes we’ll just give up and go away? Shame on them! I am now told that, despite having a commitment in writing from this company that the trial period is 14 and 16 days from the date of order, and a visa statement clearly showing the extra $89 was charged to my account prior to the conclusion of the agreed upon terms, I am being declined proper compensation and all they can say is “No, we can do nothing for her”. Of course when I asked for this email from the Finance Dept. to be forwarded, or for something to be put in writing I was told “our company does not do this”. I call B.S. This is a SCAM, pure and simple. Any suggestions on what to do going forward would be greatly appreciated. I really feel like I’ve been manipulated and taken full advantage of. I would love to hear people’s success stories in dealing with these corrupt “companies”.
These people are out to take your money. I ordered the trial version and thought that was what I was getting. As it turns out my Dr said not to take these so the bottle was never opened. Then I saw where they had charged my credit card for $79.97. When I called them they first tried to say I was not sending it back in the time period. I told them it had not been opened and could I send it back. They said yes and gave me a RMA number to return them. Of course they said once they received them it would be 5 to 10 days to go through processing. Then my money would be refunded. We shall see what happens. I made copies of everything I sent back, took pictures and have the name of the person I spoke with. I also notified my credit card company of the situation.
What how do you report
Did you ever find out how to report or if you were able to even get your money back?
$80 scam Do not fall for the free trail offer.
Hey guys! I was reading
all of these bad reviews on this product and i must say it really sucks . however in my case what i did was actually out smart these bastards as i do to all lol. I made an order for the 4.99 and procedded to have them mail me over the free trial pills and wht not . however #1 i placed my order using a PRePaID card , you know one of those cards you get from the 7eleven . simply deposit the money you are going to use and thats it , so anyways i proceeded to use aforementioned card made my payment of the 4.99 and as soon as it went through i ripped up the card and cancelled it . i mean its commen sense they cant charge you any more than what u agree to if you are using a prepaid card even if you don’t cancel your prepaid card (rush card, ace cash express card . etc ) they cant contiue charging a card that is at a 0$ balance and has no credit available to put you into the negatives. Im one of those people that have a bank acct soley for savings acct purposes so meaning i dont even ask for checks or debit cars for the acct. When i make a payment for a free trial offer or any internet purchases i ALWAYS use a prepaid net spend card since it is still considered a debit card with a Visa, Mastercard logo on it it works just fine . PS i did use the product and it really does what it says despite all of the scamming it really worked well for me anyway i pooped alot and loss wieght just tokeep it real simple. Contact me
Hi mary, great advice, should I cancell my credit card now, I owe nothing & should I also let them know why. Also should I block Co. from my e-mail and set up a new one to replace it, one that I wont give to them. What about them haveing my address & ph. etc. Thanks for your help, wished I had checked before ordering free trial & just pay shipping. I’m determined not to let them take anymore money from me. They offered my cancellation only if I paid for trial or paid to send it back. WHAT!!! THATS CRAZY. This wasnt what I understood the offer to be. Wish me luck & thanks again.
Hi, I too was taken by this scam. To the tune of almost 300.00. I was caring for a sick family member at the time so it went unnoticed. When I saw what they had done, I freaked out. My bank called them and cancelled it. I decided I was going to cancel my credit card and that was that. You could ask your bank to call them, they didn’t like that one bit and they immediately sent me a notice that I had cancelled and would no longer be sent anything. So I spent almost 300.00 and got a tiny bottle of pills which I didn’t want to take. I figure if they are that crooked, could be almost anything in there. I learned my lesson, this will not happen again. Good luck to you.
So you are saying that the diet pill actually worked on you?if so please let me know asap….thanks
It has worked for me! I continue buying them at a vitamin store close to home.
I too have fallen pray to these Scammers ( thin secret Pure Garcinia Cambogia ) Free trial . Auto-ship program . they took 4 payments of $ 148.00 out of my account in 3 weeks . i haven’t even gotten any product .. My bank has changed my account for me .. expensive lesson learned the hard way NEVER AGAIN … SHAME ON THEM .
Wishing I’d seen all this before as I’ve JUST BEEN SCAMMED on this day 21-09-2015 at 3-30pm today I’ve tried ringing NOT EVEN ANSWERED the phone £157-00 out of my bill money I really don’t know what I’m going to do. As I work hard for little money in retailing
And I’m disabled. I feel like chucking myself of a bridge
i also have been scammed, go to your bank disputes, tell them you did not authorise the amount they have taken. This is so bad people don’t have the money to pay the extortion ch we need to get a campaign going to get these scammers dealt with. You allso have rights under th consumer protection act. I am not going to let these thieves get away with what they have done.
I got scammed as well. Fine I did not read the fine print about being charged for the “free trial” but I have called the Customer Service line many times and they want you to leave a voice message. I have been charged over $200. How do I cancel? The number on the bottles is 18885486661. I do not want to change my card and am wondering if I get charged again if I just call my credit card company and tell them any further charges are to be deducted? This is if I cannot get through to anyone at customer service….also I never got a receipt via email.
I got taken too. I supposed have it cancelled but when I ask about a refund they act like they can’t hear me anymore & hang up. What should I do. They have taken 177.42 out of my account. I really don’t want to change my card number but I don’t know what else to do.
Garcinia is the best natural weight loss supplements.But pure garcinia is too difficult.There are a lot of companies you will see who provides garcinia but all are not good.I bought a lot of bottle of garcinia but failed.Finally i found a company who provides pure garcinia, i used it and it really works perfectly.Price is comparatively high but result is good…
All the companies are linked together so it’s really hard to cancel. They know everything and can even mess with your bank account information. I received 2 bottles of Perfect Garcinia Combogia, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Premium Cleanse.I cancelled and they continue to keep taking money from my account, which I didn’t discover until 2 days ago. Each time it’s been $77.49 and I have a charge for $1.98 and another for $5.98 for things I didn’t receive or ask for. THESE COMPANIES ARE A SCAM SO STOP THEM!!!
The free trial isn’t free at all. You can’t cancel and they continue taking your money from your bank account. All These companies numbers are linked together as I’ve discovered. If you’ve bought online go to your bank immediately. Your card needs to be trashed and cut and your bank needs to issue a new one.
This free trial is a bunch of Bologna. I ordered the products on the 4 th, I didn’t receive them till the 15 th and on the 18 th they had two charges on my account for 84.95 for a total of 169.90. I called them and they would not give me a refund. They told me I should have cancelled sooner. Well I only had the product for 4 days, counting today. The product made me sick and made me feel like I was having a heart attack. Can someone tell me what I should do? I did call the bank and cancel my card.
Thanks for leaving a comment. Please know that this is only a review of how Free Trial Scams work, not actually reviewing any particular supplement or maker. If you are needing help getting anything canceled, please leave the name of the supplement and we will try and help you find the information to get it canceled.
— Supplement Police
Garcinia Cambogia & essentials
Can you help me cancel they’ve taken out money and every number I ring is fake
Thanks for leaving a comment. Unfortunately, we would not be any help in getting any payments stopped. Your best bet is to call the company you ordered from and have it stopped or call your Credit Card/Bank and have them put a stop on the account.
— Supplement Police
Garcinia health Max and cleanse blast
i need a number or online sight to make a demand to stop charging me and sending me more bottles. omg its unbelievable that these people get away with fraud on continuious charges that were not approved or known about. to me that is illegal and should be dealt with by criminal charges pressed and prison. these bastards are worse than family members after a death.
Wat number do i call to cancel??
Thanks for leaving a comment. Which product have you purchased?
— Supplement Police
I returned second shipment unopened it was confirmed received on may 27th my money has not been returned.
844-222-2269. I had to end up getting mean to the girl cause she kept reading things to me. I got the cancellation notice from them immediately. I was very forceful and didn’t take any bull. You have to over talk them which I am very good at. I too, didn’t get my product for several days and the 14th day was over on a Sunday and a holiday weekend. I saw the charge was made on Labor Day and I’m disputing it and have already talked to my credit card company. I told her I knew it hadn’t been mailed yet and she better keep it cause I didn’t want the piece of crap. My credit card company told me I would probably need to report my card stolen. Since I’m going out of town and need it, I won’t be doing that until I get back but they will not keep my credit card information. Shame on you scammers. 14 days should beging when the product is received. I’m going to look for the box it came in and the packing slip as further proof. My cancellation said all costs would be stopped immediately, even pending ones so we will see. Good luck to everyone else that got scammed.
Thats my.problem now they charge me 2 times even i just start the product that i receive as a free trial….and i cant decide yet if i like it or not cause i just toke the medicine 4 days ago and the big problem is they continuing sending or geting your money from our account…this is really bad now ive learned that anywhere have scammed and not trust anything else specially here in the internet.GOd knows whos doing not good.
I have worked in a call center where they did Customer Support for these companies… is not a scam, they do have the terms of service clearly posted, but is like…is at the limit of legality… trust me, when you call to get your money back, always make threats (with chargeback, legal action, better business bureau and so on) or call with your bank representative on the line. Then, the whole process of getting EVERYTHING back takes like 1 or 2 minutes instead of 20 :P
you are right at this review but there is some good real free trials didn’t involve you at auto charge programs this is my actual test i do to my preferred supplement’s
So true. You don’t even receive the shipment and they start charging you over $80 USD for some stupid trial. And you have to negotiate with the sales phone reps to get your refund. Such a hoax
Would like to try free trial of supplement
Don’t do it.
Have you heard back from this company or even got your refund after you returned the product?