Diet Programs Fourth And Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread – Cacao & Dates?

Fourth And Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread – Cacao & Dates?

Fourth And Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread

Are you bored of using regular spread on the bread! Want to change your taste and want to try something different this time! If so then you have definitely come at the right place because, here you will learn about Fourth and Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread that is available in your favorite flavors and that is really yummy.

So why not to explore more about this spread!

What is Fourth And Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread?

It is actually a product that has been formulated by one of the popular companies called Whole Foods, Franklin. You actually get this spread in three types of flavors that are original recipe Chocti, coffee Guarana Chocti and Passion fruit Chocti.

The word “Chocti” would be surprising for you. Actually, it has been derived form a Sanskrit word “Shakti” that means empowerment. Hence all the flavors of this spread are good to make you very healthy and powerful even in a very natural and “yummy” way.

Original Recipe Chocti:

It comes to original recipe Chocti; it is very nutritious as well as delicious. The main ingredients used in this spread are chocolate, dates and vanilla bean ghee and hence it is really nutritious and is good to brighten your day. You will not only love the taste of this spread but you will also feel very energetic. There are 340 grams of calories in one bottle of this product.

Coffee Guarana Chocti:

One bottle of this spread also contains 340 grams of calories and even the ingredients present in this spread are also the same to that of original recipe Chocti. The only thing that sets it apart from the former one is coffee beans extract.

If you are a coffee lover and if you love the fragrance of coffee then you will find the coffee taste and coffee fragrance in coffee Guarana Chocti.

Passion Fruit Chocti:

This Chocti is really yummy and it is the best alternative to your ordinary spread. The taste of passion fruit Chocti is really unique and in fact, it is great to use in the breakfast in order to make your full day bright as it is good to give energy to your body.

If you do not usually like the nuts then it would be great for you to know that it is a nut-free spread.

Key Features of Fourth And Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread

You are likely to enjoy the following main features by using Fourth And Heart Chocti Chocolate Ghee Spread:

  • It has three different flavors and hence you do not have to get bored of using a single flavor of this spread.
  • This spread is really delicious and even it is a rich source of nutrients.
  • It is a low-fat spread and hence you will not get extraordinary amount of calories from this spread.
  • It is a lactose-free spread and so it is very healthy for you.
  • This spread can make you energetic for the whole day if you use it in the morning.
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