Product Review Coffee Products Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps – More Energy?

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps – More Energy?

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps

Smart coffee is becoming one of the most popular new products in the health industry. Coffee, as the most common caffeine beverages in the world, offers a wide range of health benefits, able to function as a safe, effective, and reliable stimulant. More than 50% of the US population drinks coffee every day, with most coffee drinkers partaking in order to push through a busy work schedule.

Apart from the stimulatory benefits it offers, caffeine also delivers enhanced metabolic function. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts commonly use preworkout blends that contain caffeine for the performance boost it offers, and many diet pills contain added caffeine in order to stimulate thermogenesis in the body, which speeds up the rate at which the body is able to burn fat.

Not all of the effects of caffeine are positive, however. Excessive coffee or caffeine consumption can lead to over-caffeination, which causes jitters, shakes, and an abnormal heartbeat. Long-term excessive caffeine consumption can even lead to the development of stomach ulcers, so keeping your coffee consumption below three cups a day is important for long term health.

Smart coffee, however, aims to provide all of the health and stimulatory benefits of caffeine with an added nootropic boost, modulating the effects of the caffeine content with powerful cognitive enhancing additives that work in a synergistic fashion to promote smooth, zen-like productivity, alertness, and mental calm

Four Sigmatic, a functional health product company that focuses on the practical health enhancing abilities of mushrooms, has recently developed one of the most advanced and effective smart coffee blends available on the market. Catching headlines from news sources such as PaleoHacks, Well+Good, and Time Magazine, Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps is a revolutionary new smart coffee that combines the nootropic benefits of coffee with those of cordyceps mushrooms.

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps formula and find out what benefits it offers to help you decide whether it’s the right smart coffee solution for you.

What is Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps?

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps is a new smart coffee solution that upgrades traditional Arabica coffee beans with cordyceps mushrooms, which deliver a wide range of beneficial and synergistic properties.

The Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee blend provides active health conscious consumers with an instant energy boost that is extremely rich in antioxidants. By combining cordyceps mushrooms with organic coffee beans, the Four Sigmatic formula increases physical performance, boost metabolic function, and prevents oxidative damage, balancing the caffeine boost provided by the coffee with a potent cordyceps-based modulation.

The Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps Formula

The Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps formula contains three ingredients- coffee, cordyceps, Siberian Chaga mushroom. Each dose of Mushroom Coffee contains 2,000 mg of 100% Arabica coffee beans that are grown in volcanic soil farms in Southeast Asia.

The completely organic, pesticide-free farming techniques used to grow the coffee in the Four Sigmatic blend occur at a high altitude, ensuring a high degree of purity. Four Sigmatic also test the purity of their coffee with a third party lab that ensures minimal mycotoxin contamination.

The dual-extracted wild-crafted Siberian chaga mushrooms used in the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps formula contains a massive antioxidant dose that has been extracted with both water and alcohol techniques to create a finished product that is more than 30% polysaccharides and triterpenes, and is completely free from fillers or sugars.

Finally, the dual-extracted Cordyceps Mushroom blend contained in the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee blend is sourced from, the most widely-studied cordyceps Cs-4 strain. The process used to extract the Cordyceps Mushroom blend in the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee formula is similar to the one used in the extraction of the Siberian chaga mushrooms, incorporating both alcohol and water techniques to deliver 40% polysaccharides and 15% cordycepic acid.

Cordycepic acid has been proven in multiple clinical trials to stimulate the adrenal glands and promote the production of cellular mitochondrial ATP, which supports the increased exertion rates generated by coffee to deliver smooth, long lasting energy without jitters or shakes.

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee With Cordyceps Verdict

The Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee blend contains 0 calories despite the intense flavor profile it offers, and is suitable for vegans, as it’s completely dairy free.

The low acidity level of Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee creates no stomach burn, and with 40 mg of caffeine and 500 mg of potent mushroom energy per serving, Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee is a powerful and clean energy boost.

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