Product Review Beverages & Drinks Fortune Water – Healthy Natural Spring Water Bottled Drinks?

Fortune Water – Healthy Natural Spring Water Bottled Drinks?

Fortune Water

Fortune Water is a type of bottled water that gives you a motivational saying in each bottle. Read our Fortune Water review today.

What Is Fortune Water?

Fortune Water is a bottled water product that features QR codes along the side of the bottle. You scan the QR code with your phone to get a fortune – like the kind of fortune you’d find in a Chinese fortune cookie.

As an example, you might scan the bottle to see a saying like,

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune”


“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”

You can find Fortune Water online at The company is relatively new, and their site is only half-built at this time. Fortune Water is made by a small, New York-based company. Today, you can find the company’s products at a small number of retailers across New York, including multiple Apple Stores, electronics stores (like Best Buys) and photography stores.

How Does Fortune Water Work?

Fortune Water is natural spring water. It comes in a 20 fl oz bottle. The company doesn’t currently list where the water is sourced, or what kind of treatment process it goes through before being bottled.

In order to scan the bottle and reveal the fortune, you’ll need to download the Fortune Water app. That app is only available from the iOS app store. The app has not officially been launched. After downloading the app and buying your water, you use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code. Then, you get your fortune.

You can also open the app at any time to reveal your fortune on-demand. You just tap the button within the app to get your fortune immediately.

How To Buy Fortune Water

Fortune Water is available at a small number of retailers across New York. Surprisingly, instead of being sold at convenience stores or supermarkets, Fortune Water is sold at electronics stores – like Apple Stores, Best Buys, and photography retailers.

View Fortune Water retail locations here:

About Fortune Water

There’s limited information about the company behind Fortune Water available online. You can contact the company using the contact form. The company is based in New York. According to this profile page on Packaging of the World, the label and bottle were designed by Carlos Teles.

Ultimately, Fortune Water is a brand new product with limited information available online. It’s currently sold at a small number of retailers across New York City – although it may be launching to a larger number of retailers in the near future.

If you’ve ever wanted a bottle of water that gives you motivational sayings with every purchase, then Fortune Water may be the right choice for you.

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