Fitness & Sports Exercise Equipment Fit N’ Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture – Indoor Sport Equipment?

Fit N’ Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture – Indoor Sport Equipment?

Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture

Fit N’ Box Fitness Furniture is a type of workout equipment that can be converted into various types of furniture in the home, limiting the amount of bulk that consumers need to put away between workouts. The project is now available through Indiegogo to gain funds to make this furniture into a reality or any consumer.

What is Fit N’ Box Fitness Furniture?

Getting in a workout every day is crucial to the healthy body. However, the only downside about this obligation is that most people do not have all the equipment they need, which is why they join a gym.

This decision may seem like a wise investment at first, since the cost to buy all those components could easily amount to thousands, while a membership to the gym is rarely over $50 over month. However, to skip the gym and get the workout you deserve, check out the Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture.

The Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture challenges the normal way that workout is performed. What is interesting about this set is actually that there is no major change to a workout. Instead, when the user is done with their routine, they have the chance to collapse the entire platform, which can then be used as an end table, coffee table, ottoman, and more.

While there are many different products that customers can take home, their bulkiness can make it impossible to store. Even systems that allow for a complete weight training system in the home will still take up space in a closet or under the bed.

While not in use, the Fit N’ Box Fitness Furniture is perfect for a flat surface in the living room, bedroom, or any other area of the body.

Functions of the Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture

Even though much of the space can be used for the workout items that consumers use regularly, the actual box features three distinct workouts that most people are familiar with. Those techniques are:

  • Rowing
  • Cycling
  • Bodybuilding

Rowing is an exercise that helps to primarily workout the cardiovascular system. Rather than just focusing on one muscle group, this function in the Fit N’ Box is meant to work both upper and lower muscle groups.

Most people have taken part in cycling at some point, even if it has not been in a professional class. All cycling involves is riding a stationary bike, making it easy to just focus on the energy being used to perform the task. Cycling is only used for lower muscles, and helps to condition them as the user works out.

Anyone that wants to have a little muscle tone will use the bodybuilding function in the fitness furniture body. However, rather than using weights like most brands do, the company minimizes the heaviness of the product with resistance bans instead.

This approach to building and shaping the muscles helps to engage more muscles safely, and a guide is included with the furniture to ensure that you know how to get out of it.

With these three functions, and the ability to store the pieces that are not in use, it’s a wonder why the Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture wasn’t introduced to the industry sooner.

Pricing for the Fit N’ Box Fitness Furniture

The Fit N’ Box Fitness Furniture is actually not available directly for purchase right now. Since the company needs to gain funding for this project, the team has developed an Indiegogo campaign. This crowdfunding website invites consumers to pledge different amounts to get exclusive early-bird pricing that will not be available when the furniture is available for direct purchase.

Right now, consumers can choose from the various packages, which start at $850, for the Fit N’ Box (retail value: $1300). Right now, the only packages any smaller than that price is a simple donation or the chance to get a discount on another campaign. Each package has a designated number of spots for consumers to donate. Even if the $850 package is already completely claimed, consumers can choose from a lesser discount.

The first set of shipments is expected to go out in December 2017. Even though the product has yet to be sent out, the website indicates that the c comes with a one-year warranty. Consumers have the option of asking for a refund until the project is over. After than point, consumers will need to follow the guidelines set aside within their official website.

Contacting the Creators of the Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture

With such a new product, it is important to make sure that potential user has all the details necessary to make an educated decision. There is no phone number listed at this time, but any questions or requests for refunds can be made with a message to

Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture Conclusion

Fit N' Box Coffee Table Fitness Furniture is unlike other products that claim that their devices fold down for easy storage. However, this box becomes another part of the user’s living room furniture, until the next time they want to get a workout in.

It is time to get rid of the unnecessary weights and bulky equipment. With the Fit N’ Box Fitness Furniture, anyone can workout at their home without disturbing the natural layout of their home.

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