Product Review Books Fat Hacking Codes – Jonathan Bender’s Weight Loss Secrets?

Fat Hacking Codes – Jonathan Bender’s Weight Loss Secrets?

The Fat Hacking Codes

The weight loss industry is worth over $64 billion dollars annually in the United States alone, for one simple reason- weight loss, for many, is extremely hard.

The human body requires a set amount of calories every day, and any excess energy absorbed from dietary intake is stored in fat deposits. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy to teach the body to burn away unwanted fat instead of creating it.

The difficulty most people experience when attempting to lose weight has led to the development of a massive industry that offers consumers eager to burn fat a broad spectrum of diet pills, eating guides, meal plans, exercise routines, and self-help guides.

The prevalence of this profit-driven industry has led to most people becoming enamored with the idea that weight loss is more complex and difficult than it is in reality, which can be extremely discouraging.

In truth, the basic principles behind weight loss and fat burning are extremely simple. If the body is provided with less energy than it required to operate, it will break down fat deposits for energy through a process called lipolysis.

This is why individuals seeking weight loss are instructed to perform regular exercise- physical activity increases the amount of energy the body needs to operate, lowering the energy threshold for lipolysis to occur.

While the principles behind weight loss may be simple, the practice of them, however, is not.

Many dieters and fitness enthusiasts become demotivated by the slow progress with which their body loses unwanted weight, encountering plateaus and roadblocks in their fat burning mission.

Fortunately, there are a number of techniques and tricks that can be used to speed up fat metabolism and push through weight loss plateaus, making the entire process faster and easier.

The Fat Hacking Codes is a new weight loss guide written by NBA star Jonathan Bender that promises to deliver to readers the secret hacks used by celebrities and models to lose fat fast.

What Is The Fat Hacking Codes?

The Fat Hacking Codes is a new weight loss guide from NBA star turned health guru Jonathan Bender that provides readers with a number of little-known weight loss secrets that can be performed in under 20 minutes every day, without the need for starvation diets, fasting, excessive food restrictions or exhaustive and potentially damaging intense sessions at the gym.

In the book, Bender outlines his comprehensive weight loss system that is able to “hack” the body and bend the rules of nature to help individuals seeking weight loss rapidly remove fat deposits from the legs, back, stomach, arms and shoulders.

The system outlined in the Fat Hacking Codes book doesn't consist of a literal set of “cheat codes” for the body, but is instead a collection of principles, axioms, and guidelines on the best method of turbocharging the natural ability of the body to burn fat and shed weight fast.

Most of the weight loss guides available on the market are simple diet guides or exercise regimes that don’t provide any actionable information outside of “eat clean and work out”.

Worse, many of these guides are ghostwritten by inexperienced authors-for-hire that don’t have any real life experience in weight loss, dietary management, or exercise instruction.

The Fat Hacking Codes offers readers the unique perspective of an established NBA athlete and insights into the comprehensive, detailed, and scientific approach to weight loss that is used by professional sportspeople and models.

The Fat Hacking Codes Author

Jonathan Bender is one of the most successful NBA players outside of the court in history. Picked up by the Toronto Raptors directly out of high school in 1999, Bender played professionally for seven years.

Early in his career, Bender was traded to the Pacers, and was one of the first high school draftees to score in double digits in his NBA debut.

Bender’s career, however, came to an abrupt end in 2006 when he suffered a knee injury after 237 games. The knee injury that brought bender down was, in part, caused by his high weight.

Bender’s doctors and physiotherapists advised him that if he was to ever play ball professionally again, he’d need to lose at least fifteen pounds.

Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Bender created his own knee treatment method, one that was so successful it was released to the public as the JB Intensive trainer in 2007.

In an extremely short amount of time, Bender lost the fifteen pounds he needed to repair his knee, and, in 2009, was signed to the New York Knicks for a return season.

Bender attributes his rapid weight loss and fast physical conditioning to the weight loss techniques he discovered during his intensive recuperative period, which he then assembled into a comprehensive guide called The Fat Hacking Codes.

The Fat Hacking Codes Method

The Fat Hacking Codes leverages Bender’s extensive experience as a professional athlete to present a simple, easy to understand, actionable, and realistic program that results in extremely fast weight loss with minimal effort.

Unlike most of the other weight loss programs available on the market today, The Fat Hacking Codes doesn’t require readers to work on extreme caloric deficit, nor does it rely upon gimmicky and potentially dangerous weight loss supplements.

The Fat Hacking Codes presents readers with a number of techniques and lifestyle practices that can be applied to dietary intake, meal frequency, and exercise regimes that are able to turbocharge the metabolic rate of the body.

Instead of focusing on slowing down the metabolism by reducing dietary intake, Bender educates readers on which foods to avoid and which foods to eat more of in order to increase the amount of fat the body is able to convert into energy.

Not only does The Fat Hacking Codes method result in extremely fast weight loss, the increased energy levels provided to the body from broken down fat deposits boosts the function of the immune and digestive system, helping to prevent a wide range of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.

One of the most surprising elements of the Fat Hacking Codes system is a breakdown of the foods that are typically considered “healthy”, but in reality contain extremely high levels of fat.

There are multiple forms of fat- some good, like the fatty acids found in fish and avocado, and some extremely bad, such as the saturated fats found in cooking oil.

The Fat Hacking Codes teaches readers how to identify and avoid foods that are rich in unhealthy fats, and presents healthy, delicious alternatives.

What’s Included With The Fat Hacking Codes?

Apart from the comprehensive, step-by-step fat burning guide outlined in the Fat Hacking Codes book, Bender’s Fat Hacking Codes system also provides a number of bonus supplementary books that work in unison with The Fat Hacking Codes to dramatically improve overall health.

The first supplementary book included with the system is Sexual Elevation, Bender’s detailed and insightful guide on how to best enhance sexual desire and function.

The book explains how to naturally and effectively increase sexual performance, function, and satisfaction with natural dietary additives, foods, and exercise techniques that boost the amount of hormones in the body and dramatically increase libido.

The second supplementary guide, Better Food, Better Body, is focused on arming dieters with the information they need to find and add the right foods to their diet.

The Better Food, Better Body guide explains that losing weight isn’t as simple as cutting down on caloric intake- the nutritional content of the food that is present in the diet is critical in the weight loss process.

Better Food, Better Body provides an exhaustive list of foods that contain naturally bioactive compounds that have a significant thermogenic effect, increasing the temperature of the body and shedding fat rapidly.

These foods also have a wide range of secondary health benefits, improving skin health, immune system function, and overall vitality.

Purchasing The Fat Hacking Codes

One of the most compelling aspects of the Fat Hacking Codes system is the price of the total fat loss guide.

The amount of information provided in the three volumes of the system rivals the level of detail provided by a regular personal trainer or dietitian, both of which typically cost upwards of several hundred dollars every week.

The Fat Hacking Codes is available as a digital eBook that can be downloaded at any time from the product website for just $19 USD, including the supplementary books, which makes it one of the most cost-effective options on the market.

Combined with the advantage of having been written by an experienced professional NBA player, it’s one of the best insights into the most effective weight loss processes that can be found.

The Fat Hacking Codes Verdict

The Fat Hacking Codes is one of the only weight loss guides available on the market that is written by a real-life fitness and health professional with a track record of performance sport.

Combined with the supplementary volumes, it’s extremely good value for money and cost-effective. If you’re looking for a comprehensive, actionable guide on how to lose weight rapidly, the Fat Hacking Codes is one of the best systems available.

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