Diet Programs Digestion Essential Cultures Probiotics

Essential Cultures Probiotics

Essential Cultures Review

Essential Cultures is a new probiotic health supplement created by Leaf Origin. Like most probiotic supplements, Essential Cultures aims to “restore balance” in your digestive tract by encouraging healthy bacterial growth.

Find out everything you need to know about Essential Cultures today in our Essential Cultures review.

What is Essential Cultures?


Essential Cultures is manufactured by a company called Leaf Origin. It’s a high-CFU count probiotic which should be taken daily to improve the efficiency of your digestive tract.

Leaf Origin is a health supplement company based in Marina Del Rey, California. The company’s tagline is “The highest quality ingredients in the world are the ones surrounding us.”

Leaf Origin was founded in 2014. The official website,, was created in May 2014.

Ingredients in Essential Cultures

Essential Cultures comes with a proprietary blend of 15 different probiotic strains. Those strains include all of the following:

— Lactobacillus Acidophilius
— Bifidobacterium Lactis
— Lactobacillus Plantarum
— Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
— Lactobacillus Casei
— Lactobacillus Salivarius
— Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
— Lactobacillus Breve
— Lactobacillus Paracasei
— Lactobacillus Lactis
— Streptococcus Thermophillus
— Lactobacillus Brevis
— Bifidobacterium Bifido
— Bifidobacterium Longnum
— Bifidobacterium Infantis

Unless you have a degree in microbiology, you probably don’t know what those bacteria are or how they work. Basically, each of those bacteria helps to break down food in your digestive system. They live in your digestive tract and are used by the body to efficiently process the food you eat.

Two of the strains listed above are more important than the others: Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium are both considered “super strains” and are particularly important for maintaining good digestive health.

Each capsule of Essential Cultures contains 30 billion Colony Forming Units (CFUs), which is relatively high compared to other probiotic supplements. That 30 billion covers all of the strains: you’re not getting 30 billion CFUs for each strain.

30 billion may sound like a lot, but it’s not too ridiculously high. Most probiotic supplements advertise themselves containing between 10 and 20 billion CFUs, although you can certainly find some containing 25 to 30 billion CFUs for about the same price as Essential Cultures.

Leaf Origin places all of these ingredients inside a vegetarian-safe, vegan-safe, allergen-free capsule. The formula itself also contains no fillers, binders, synthetics, preservatives, or other unnatural ingredients. The capsules are also free of gluten, lactose, and magnesium stearate.

In fact, in addition to the probiotic strains listed above, there are only four more ingredients in each capsule of Essential Cultures: rice maltodextrin, anhydrous dextrose, vegetable cellulose, and stearic acid. That’s it.

How Much Does Essential Cultures Cost?

Essential Cultures can be purchased in sets of 1, 3, or 6 packages. Each package lasts for 30 days and contains 30 capsules. Here’s how the pricing breaks down:

1 Package (30 Day Supply): $38.95 (Plus $6.95 shipping and handling)

3 Packages: (90 Day Supply): $88.95 (Save 24%, free shipping and handling)

6 Packages (180 Day Supply): $157.95 (Save 32%, free shipping and handling)

You can buy these packages from the official Leaf Origin online store.

It’s also worth noting that Leaf Origin does not work on an autoship program. In fact, it specifically addresses this on its sales page:

“Unlike many companies who automatically enroll you in a “continuity” program, sending you recurring orders while charging your credit card without you necessarily realizing it, Leaf Origin does not engage in this practice. You are only charged for what you personally order, and never have to worry about mystery charges you didn’t intend to sign up for.”

It’s true: a lot of companies in this niche operate with dishonest autoship programs, so it’s refreshing to see that Leaf Origin takes a different approach.

How to Use Essential Cultures

Essential Cultures is relatively straightforward to use. You take one capsule per day, “preferably with food” according to the instructions on the official Leaf Origin website.

Who Should Use Essential Cultures?

Leaf Origin claims that 70% of your body’s immune system is found in your digestive tract. The bacteria in your digestive system have two main jobs: protect your body against infection and improve digestion.

That’s why it’s in your best interests to control your digestive health. Many of us have an inadequate balance of “bad” bacteria to “good” bacteria. Ideally, that balance should be 80% good to 20% bad, although most of us are closer to 50/50. This compromises our immune system and reduces the efficiency of our digestive tract.

That’s a problem Essential Cultures claims to solve. Taking one 139mp capsule of Essential Cultures every day can restore good digestive health and promote your body’s ability to fight off infections.


  1. I had constipation, indigestion, and heartburn. I have taken. Essential Cultures for two months and my ailments are gone! I am now a happy camper.

  2. I was straggling with seasonal allergies (trees,weed,flowers)
    After using a Essential Cultures for 3 month(I started in January,after the new year) I noticed that I don’t have those symptoms any more. I feel more energetic and my digestive improve too.
    Thank you!

  3. Did you get my order. I didn’t get a response or confirmation but gave my credit card info

    • Olivia,

      Thank you for leaving a comment. But please know that we do not sell this product. You will need to contact them directly to check on the status of an order.

      — Supplement Police

  4. HELP!!! Have been constipated for over 20 years and need a stool softener to clean out my system about every 7 to 10 days ( otherwise I can’t go )! It’s awful!! I am a 63 year old woman and I keep gaining weight! I am now approaching the 200 lb. mark! HWith 3 back surgeries and 2 bunion surgeries last year, it makes it hard to exercise, and 2 years ago we were avid hikers! Will taking Essential Cultures help with these issues and my libido? I’m not a Big eater and eat mostly healthy foods. I am desperate at this point, and the more weight I gain, the
    worse my chronic back pain becomes!

    • Evelyn,

      I think probiotics are a great place to start for stomach issues. I suggest you take a look at our health guides to see how you can help get rid of that discomfort. Essential Cultures is a great brand. Another great brand is Hyperbiotics POR-15 which you can purchase on Amazon. We can get you that link if you need helping finding it.

      Great Reading:

      Probiotics Guide
      Digestive Enzymes Guide
      Metabolic Enzymes

      Hope those help you out.

      — Supplement Police

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