Product Review Books Dr Dan Ritchie’s Energy Forever Adrenal Fatigue Plan

Dr Dan Ritchie’s Energy Forever Adrenal Fatigue Plan

Energy Forever Review – Worth It?

Energy Forever Plan is a new downloadable eBook that promises to share an ancient secret that fixes your survival hormone in order to boost natural energy, improve your sleep, and help you lose weight. Here’s our Energy Forever Plan review.

What is Energy Forever Plan?

Energy Forever Plan is a PDF file available exclusively online for $9. The eBook claims to help you solve fatigue problems by unlocking your “ancient survival hormone”.

By fixing just this one hormone, you can purportedly boost your energy, increase your libido, enjoy a better sleep at night, and lose weight, among many other benefits.

If you suffer from problems like sleeplessness, aches and pains, food cravings, a bloated belly, weight gain, and other issues, then Energy Forever Plan claims you probably have something called “adrenal fatigue”.

Adrenal fatigue is one of those conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome where doctors have trouble diagnosing the disease accurately. Some dispute the existence of adrenal fatigue. In Energy Forever Plan, however, you’ll learn that adrenal fatigue plays a major role in your body’s energy levels – including people who are otherwise perfectly healthy.

The Story Behind Energy Forever Plan

Like all good eBooks sold through Clickbank, Energy Forever Plan comes with a story. The eBook was written by Dr. Dan Ritchie, who runs the Functional Aging Institute. Dan claims he has been featured on CBS Morning News in the past and he also presents nationwide on behalf of the American College of Sports Medicine.

The Functional Aging Institute is a real organization and Dr. Ritchie is a real man: unlike many Clickbank eBooks, we’re not dealing with some guy who pretends to be a doctor using a pseudonym.

You can learn more about the FAI at their official website here:

Dr. Ritchie claims he noticed many of his clients suffered from the same fatigue-related problems. He traced many of these problems back to adrenal fatigue. He believes millions of people are suffering from adrenal fatigue across the country – and many of them don’t even know it.

Dr. Ritchie – who has a background in the fitness industry and a PhD in kinesiology – developed a training plan to help deal with adrenal fatigue.

Today, he’s sharing that treatment plan with the world in the form of the Energy Forever Plan.

How Does the Energy Forever Plan Work?

Remember that “ancient survival hormone” we mentioned up top? According to Energy Forever Plan, that hormone is cortisol.

When your cortisol hormone levels are balanced, it throws all parts of your body out of sync. You start to gain weight and have trouble sleeping at night, for example, and you struggle to balance stress levels.

The main reason cortisol gets unbalanced is because of stress. It doesn’t take much stress to cause your cortisol levels to get messed up. Energy Forever Plan claims that just living in modern day society can affect your cortisol levels:

“Everything from what you eat, drink, to your job, and even your exercise program can all negatively impact your cortisol levels.”

The author specifically cites problems like staying up late on electronic devices, eating food filled with toxins, not exercising properly, and drinking too much caffeine.

When you do all of these things, your adrenals either produce too much or too little cortisol, causing major problems all across your body.

With that in mind, Energy Forever Plan promises to teach you simple tips and tricks you can add to your life to treat symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

How to Test If You Have Adrenal Fatigue

The creator of Energy Forever Plan references a test from the 1920s that people used to perform to check if they had adrenal fatigue. That test works like this:

Step 1) Grab a flashlight or your smartphone

Step 2) Go into a pitch black, dark room with a mirror and sit there for at least 60 seconds waiting for your pupils to adjust

Step 3) After 60 seconds go by, look straight into the mirror and hold up your flashlight or smartphone to your eye so you can watch your pupils dilate

If you don’t suffer from adrenal fatigue, then your pupil should shrink over the next 30 to 45 seconds.

However, if your pupil begins to rapidly expand and contract in size, then “that’s a good sign you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue”, according to Dr. Ritchie.

How Does the Energy Forever Plan Treat Adrenal Fatigue?

Energy Forever Plan recommends some of the following tips and advice for treating adrenal fatigue:

— Take vitamin C, because there’s a direct relationship between how much cortisol your adrenal glands pump out and the amount of vitamin C in your system (start by taking 2 to 3 grams of vitamin C per day, according to Energy Forever Plan).

— Eat more salt, because salt helps your body replenish its aldosterone hormone levels, and aldosterone levels decrease when you have adrenal problems

— Eat breakfast, because cortisol levels naturally peak in the morning around 8am, and breakfast helps you take advantage of this peak and create smoother cortisol levels throughout the day (instead of up and down cycles with wild energy fluctuations)

— Take more fish oil (Energy Forever Plan recommends shooting for 10 grams of fish oil per day while eating wild caught fish at least 3 times per week)

— Laugh more, because laughter can reduce the release of your stress hormone and even boost your immune system

You’ll learn all of these tips and more when you read through Energy Forever Plan. The tips above are just the tip of the iceberg.

Other things covered in the program include the exact protocol Dr. Ritchie teaches at his clinic to reset adrenal glands, his adrenal fix vitamin, a “mind control trick” that dampens cortisol levels, and dozens of other guides on how to get your adrenals under control again.

What’s Included with Energy Forever Plan?

Energy Forever Plan includes all of the following downloadable eBooks. All of the eBooks are delivered in PDF format. There’s no physical copy delivered to your address. It’s just a PDF file dropped off in your email inbox.

-Energy Forever: This is the core Energy Forever Plan we’ve been discussing for most of this page.

-21 All Day Energy Smoothies: Gives you 21 tasty smoothie recipes to boost your energy throughout the day. All smoothies were created by Dr. Ritchie.

-3 Day Adrenal Reset Plan: Balances your adrenals in 3 days to get your cortisol levels working at full capacity again.

You can also add two more eBooks for additional fees, including the 7 Day Detox ($4.95) and 22 Flat Belly Desserts ($3.95)

Energy Forever Plan Pricing

Energy Forever Plan is available online at a price of $9 USD.

You can pay using any major credit card or through PayPal. The eBook’s sales page claims that this $9 offer is only available with a “$41 off coupon”. There’s even a timer on that coupon counting down how many seconds are left until it expires.

In reality, the price of the eBook is always $9. If you don’t see the $9 offer, just reload the page.

About Dr. Dan Ritchie

Dr. Dan Ritchie’s bio on lists that he “has a broad background in the fitness industry” and has worked for non-profit, for-profit, and educational organizations over the years. He specializes in personal training for athletes, pregnant women, blind people, and those who are recovering from strokes or treating diseases like Parkinson’s, MS, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, and other conditions.

Over the years, he has also worked with division 1 athletes, “some of whom have been professionally drafted.”

He lists a number of awards, including PFP Trainer of the Year in 2014, NSCA Research Grant Recipient 2005 to 2006, and Small Business Owner of the Year in 2012.

His PhD, by the way, is in kinesiology and exercise physiology “with a specialization in aging.”

Dr. Ritchie’s company, Functional Aging Institute, regularly leads workshops on functional aging, including workshops that let you become certified as a “Functional Aging Specialist” (certification is priced at $299).

Should You Use Energy Forever Plan to Boost Energy Levels?

Energy Forever and the other eBooks in this package promise to help you get to the root causes of your fatigue problems. If you’ve been struggling with tiredness, low libido, poor concentration, and other issues, then it may be related to cortisol imbalances and adrenal issues.

Energy Forever Plan will tell you exactly how to fix your cortisol imbalance and adrenal problem at a price of $9. It’s a low investment and it comes with a money back guarantee – so you don’t have anything to lose even if it doesn’t work for you.


  1. Dear Dr. Dan Ritchie,
    I just read your headline “10-Second Trick Reveals Why History’s Famous Leaders Like Cleopatra, Julius Caesar And Alexander The Great Had Better Health And More Energy Than You Today…”. I recommend you choose different celebrities to make your point. Cleopatra committed suicide, Caesar was murdered and Alexander the Great died at a young age.

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