Diet Programs Ekoteas – Natural Teas Blends For Energy, Weight Loss, & Detox?

Ekoteas – Natural Teas Blends For Energy, Weight Loss, & Detox?


Changing Lives, One Cup at a Time

Ekoteas is company that keeps the customer as their primary focus. They are dedicated to helping their consumers create a healthy lifestyle by providing quality wellness teas, healthy teas and healing teas. Their hand-picked blends are not only described as delicious, but all serve a specific purpose.

These purposes range from five (5) different categories:

  1. Energy and Wellness
  2. Evening Detox
  3. Organic Turmeric Wellness
  4. Slimming and Evening
  5. Slimming and Metabolism

The team at Ekoteas is coming from years of experience in the natural health industry, and have found an ideal way to reach more people through their wellness teas.

Each member of the team share a common passion for organic living and living a healthier lifestyle. This passion shows in the quality of their products, the customer focus and care, and commitment to changing as many lives as possible.

Ekoteas Products Available

Energy and Wellness Tea

This tea is designed to help you get through the day – with energy. If you find that you often experience the afternoon slump, and are reaching for more coffee or even worse, energy drinks – this blend is ideal for you.

In addition to the energy it provides, this blend is also made to reduce inflammation, relieve joint pain like arthritis and can even improve digestion.

Key Ingredients in the Energy and Wellness Tea

This ingredient is believed to provide energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, reduce stress and promote relaxation.


This addition is known to soothe your stomach and other gastrointestinal problems. It possesses both anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties.

Peppermint Leaves:

Probably one of the most common healing herbs, peppermint is known to have a calming effect, antimicrobial properties and help digestive issues.


Another great addition to this blend is hibiscus. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, support in the digestive and immune systems and can help cure liver disease and reduce the risk of cancer.

The other three (3) ingredients in this blend are; Lemongrass, Passion Fruit, and St. John’s Worth with Lemon Flavoring.

The Energy and Wellness blend can be purchased online for $24.99 and this includes shipping.

Evening Detox Tea

Looking for a healthy way to detox? Then this one is designed for you. Its key ingredients include; Holy Basil, Spearmint, Rosehips, Lemon Myrtle, and Linden Blossoms. All of which are ideal to help reduce inflammation, act as a natural sleep aid, and help eliminate anxiety.

This tea is described a safe way to enjoy a deeper sleep.

This blend retails for $24.99 and includes shipping.

Organic Turmeric Wellness Blend

When you realize that turmeric is involved, you know you can’t go wrong. This blend is designed to help improve your overall mood. In doing so, you can expect reduced blood sugar levels, regulated cholesterol and the ability to soothe irritated tissues.

This blend cannot be compared to any other blend on the market. Its high-quality and all-natural ingredients include Turmeric among several other key ingredients.

Let’s look at a few of those.

Organic Rooibos:

Known for aiding in the cure of headaches, insomnia, asthma and bone weakness. Can also be used for hypertension, allergies and premature aging.

Organic Orange Peel:

Oranges never get enough credit! The orange peel is known to help in weight loss, relieve respiratory problems, support the digestive system, improve heart health and work to protect against cancer.

Blue Cornflower:

Was discovered to treat constipation, water retention, and chest congestion. Commonly found in herbal teas, but not all quality is created equal! You can expect superior blue cornflower quality in this Ekoteas blend.

Other ingredients include Organic Hibiscus, Organic Turmeric, Organic Rosehips, Nat Blood Orange and Orange, and Vanilla and Lemon Flavor.

This blend can be ordered online for $24.99 and includes shipping.

Slimming and Metabolism Boost Tea

More than your typical fat burner! This blend is designed to help boost your metabolism and increase mental alertness. It can work to support your immune system, help with digestion and burn fat along the way.

The key ingredients behind this slimming blend include; green oolong, ginger root, orange peel and ginger orange flavor. As we know, ginger is ideal for all things digestion which makes this an excellent addition to a metabolism booster because you can expect the digestive support during the process. Sounds like a win, win.

This blend retails for $24.99 and includes shipping.

Slimming and Evening Detox Plan

This blend is for those looking for morning and evening wellness, alongside a safe detox plan. This slimming tea is designed to support the immune system during the day time, and experience a natural detox through the evening blend.

Day Time Key Ingredients include:

  • Green oolong
  • Ginger Root
  • Orange Peel
  • Ginger Orange Flavor

Evening Key Ingredients include:

  • Holy Basic
  • Rosehips
  • Lemon Myrtle
  • Linden Blossoms

This combination pack retails for $44.99 and is available to order online and includes shipping.

Learn More About EkoTeas

The Ekoteas website is equipped with multiple informational blogs, tips and strategies as well as the perfect way to enjoy your wellness teas! So, if you are looking to provide your body with the wellness it craves, a detox of quality and safety, this is a great place to start.

Wellness starts from the inside out, so why not add Ekoteas to your wellness arsenal?

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