Product Review DNA & Microbiome Testing Echo Labs – Chronic Disease Biomarker Health Management?

Echo Labs – Chronic Disease Biomarker Health Management?

echo labs

Echo Labs is a wearable biotech company that offers non-invasive monitoring and analysis of the composition of your blood. Here’s our Echo Labs review.

What Is Echo Labs?

Echo Labs is a Palo Alta, California-based company that’s creating wearables in the biotech space. The goal of the company is to provide health care organizations with real-time analytics that measure crucial data about patients – like blood composition.

Using this data, health care organizations can save money on the 5% of patients who drive 50% of health spending. Hospitals could encourage patients to wear the wearable, then use data from the wearable to reduce unnecessary hospital visits.

The core Echo Labs product is a proprietary, wearable device that streams continuous cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic data directly from high-risk patient populations to the analytics platform.

The platform determines patient-specific trends across multiple parameters. This allows the platform to predict acute events and deliver actionable insights to disease management teams. At the same time, the wearable device is designed to be as easy as possible to use, which increases the likelihood that the patient will continue using the device over time.

In layman’s terms, Echo Labs has created a wearable device for at-risk patients. That wearable tracks crucial physiological data – like heart and breathing activity – to determine whether or not the patient really needs medical help, or if it’s a problem that can be solved at-home.

Echo Labs was founded in 2013 by Pierre-Jean Cobut and Elad Ferber, both Stanford graduates. CrunchBase reports that Echo Labs received $1.5 million in funding in 2015.


Echo Labs Features

What’s the point of the Echo Labs wearable device and platform? Here are some of the key features of the system:

Passive Tracking of Patients & Actionable Insights: Patients get a single, easy-to-use device that answers their health monitoring needs. No input is required from the patient’s side of things. Echo Labs claims this ease-of-use leads to increased patient compliance and satisfaction.

Accurate & Continuous Patient Population Health Data: The Echo Labs wearable device uses optical sensors and spectrometry to measure and analyze vital signs from the patient. A full blood gas panel delivers unmatched accuracy.

Better Decisions & Improved Outcomes: The Echo Labs platform alerts disease management teams whenever there’s trouble, allowing time to intervene before an acute event, and reducing the need for hospitalizations (again, one of the key goals of Echo Labs is to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations from at-risk patients).

An investor on writes that the company’s platform uses digital signal processing algorithms that accurately measure vital statistics. Of course, that’s just a fancy way of saying that the platform interprets data collected from the sensors, then analyzes that data to make intelligent conclusions about the health of the patient.

Echo Labs Review Summary

Echo Labs has announced very few details about their wearable device and its tech specs. We don’t have a release date or any further information about the upcoming launch of the product.

Ultimately, there’s limited information about Echo Labs available online at this point in time. However, the company has the potential to make a big splash in the medical tracking world. Stay tuned for more information about Echo Labs as the company gets closer to launch. Or, visit Echo for more information from the company.

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