Product Review Home & Office Duke Cannon Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes – Mint & Menthol?

Duke Cannon Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes – Mint & Menthol?

duke cannon cold shower cooling soap cubes

Tired of feeling exhausted after work? Not sure how to relieve muscle soreness? Regardless of the type of work one does, the body is likely to experience a sense of burnout. This obviously isn’t a good thing, as it leaves one feeling restless, tired and demotivated to enjoy life after work. This will no longer be a problem thanks to Duke Cannon’s Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes.

With the use of the Duke Cannon Cold Shower Cooling Soaps, consumers are certain to experience relieved muscle soreness, a sense of freshness, eased stress levels, and provides one with a cooling effect that is bearable in any heated location. This review will analyze these respective Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes in terms of its purpose, the key ingredients used, its benefits and its current going price.

About Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes

The Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes are bars of soap that help to relieve one’s body from strain and hot weather. It uses a rather simple ingredients list to ensure that one feels a cooling effect, while leaving one smelling fresh. This respective type of soap is designed for showering and bathing purposes. Let’s take a closer look at the key ingredients used in this product.

What Are The Key Ingredients Used In The Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes?

The key ingredients used in the Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes are peppermint oil, menthol and frescolat. The use of peppermint essential oil in soaps has been widely known for its antiseptic properties. This ingredient relieves one’s skin from any type of irritation or inflammation. Furthermore, its aroma elevates the soaps properties by relieving one’s mental health.

Menthol is known for its ability to relieve muscle soreness, cramps, and any other types of strains; be it in regards to one’s muscles, one’s head or one’s overall body. This herbal ingredient also contains other useful benefits such as treating eczema, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and even has been associated with reduced hair loss. Lastly, frescolat contains cooling properties that enhance one’s level of freshness, while eliminating any form of irritation.

While this product’s ingredients list is small, each component serves the required purpose this product is known for. With the use of these key ingredients, not only is the Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes used for cleansing purposes, but it also helps to relieve the body and one’s mental health.

Other ingredients include: 100% vegetable base, palm and coconut oil, glycerin, sorbitol, field mint and salt.

What Are The Benefits Of Using The Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes?

Consumers may be wondering what the whole deal is with taking cold showers. Wouldn’t that make one sick? Well, there are far more benefits, as seen thus far, from taking cold showers than warmer showers and here are some to consider:

  • It boosts one’s metabolism
  • It enhances one’s alertness, especially once awake
  • Speeds up muscle recovery
  • Eases one’s anxiety and stress levels

How Much Do The Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes Cost?

With every purchase of the Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes, consumers will be provided with two respective cubes. Each cube is approximately 1.6 by 5 by 2.8 inches. This being said, the current going price is approximate $9. While this is a rather expensive good, consumers need to realize that these bars of soap contain dual purposes, thus it is fairly priced.

Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes Review Summary

Consumers no longer need to bathe and apply a muscle recovery solution at different times of the day, as the Duke Cannon has combined the two key daily uses into each cooling soap cube. After having showered, one will feel awake, fresh, soothed and uplifted, as the Cold Shower Cooling Soap Cubes work to enhance one’s overall wellness.

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