Supplement Review Male Enhancement Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream – Men’s Stamina Increaser?

Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream – Men’s Stamina Increaser?

Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream

Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED, affects almost 52% of men at some point in their lives. Originating from a wide variety of causes, ED is primarily emergent in the 40 to 70 years age bracket, and more common in men who have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.

There are many solutions that are designed to provide relief from the effects of erectile dysfunction, including Cialis and Viagra. Unfortunately, many of these solutions are unsuitable for individuals who suffer from other forms of erectile dysfunction, such as premature ejaculation

Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream is a revolutionary new ED treatment that uses a method not found in other ED solutions available on the market.

Unlike oral ED treatments that can carry a severe risk of health complications or unwanted side effects, Delay Cream is a topical solution that uses developments in the application of benzocaine to provide fast acting and long lasting relief from the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

What is Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream?

Functioning as a powerful male genital desensitizer, Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream is a leading delay formula created by Doc Johnson, a popular provider of adult products based and manufactured in the United States.

Body safe, odorless and tasteless, Doc Johnson Delay Cream contains a 7.5% mix of benzocaine, an irritant free numbing agent typically used as a mild desensitizer in medical applications.

Doc Johnson has a worldwide reputation for creating high quality adult products, and is based entirely in the United States.

Employing over 500 American citizens, Doc Johnson adheres to GMP manufacturing methods in the creation of all of their products, including their Proloonging Delay Cream for Men.

Operating as a provider of a huge range of adult products for almost 4 decades, the long tenure of Doc Johnson in the adult product industry guarantees a level of quality and care that is not found in many other ED or premature ejaculation solution providers.

How Does Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream For Men Work?

The prolonging effect of Delay Cream for Men is delivered by the inclusion of benzocaine in the Delay Cream formula. A topical pain reliever used in a huge variety of over the counter pharmaceutical products, most commonly cough drops, benzocaine was first synthesized over a century ago in Germany, by German chemist Eduard Ritsert.

When sensory data is gathered by the central nervous system through the nerve endings in the penis, voltage dependent sodium channels in the neuron membrane of the body propogate action potential to inform the brain of tactile content.

Benzocaine works to inhibit these sodium channels, preventing the action potential from propagating and thus preventing the sensory data of tactile content from being noticed by the user. This, in turn, helps a user prolong a sexual experience by limiting the amount of tactile sensation felt.

There are minimal side effect risks with benzocaine, which offers a far lower risk of health complications than oral treatments for sexual dysfunction such as Cialis or Viagra. Overapplication of benzocaine products, however, can increase the risk of pulmonary aspiration by suppressing the gag reflex.

Other users may experience slight skin discomfort if used excessively, but the low concentration of benzocaine in the Doc Johnson Proloonging Delay Cream carries minimal risk of overexposure.

It should be noted that in a very small percentage of the population benzocaine can cause an allergic reaction, so applying a tiny amount of Doc Johnson Proloonging Delay Cream to the genitals as a test and waiting 24 hours to ascertain if any reaction occurs is recommended before use.

Doc Johnson Prolonging Delay Cream Pricing & Availability

Doc Johnson Proloonging Delay Cream is available from a wide range of different online retailers, with the best price found on Amazon where it is listed as Delay Cream/Prolong cream, priced at just $9.61 USD per bottle.

If you’re looking for a fast acting, long lasting topical delay treatment to help you extend the duration of your sexual experiences, Doc Johnson Proloonging Delay Cream is an effective, non irritant and budget friendly solution that offers excellent value for money.

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