Supplement Review Probiotics DNA-Shift – Probiotics, Krill Oil, Turmeric Curcumin & CoQ10?

DNA-Shift – Probiotics, Krill Oil, Turmeric Curcumin & CoQ10?


DNA-Shift is a family owned business. It is a company with virtues that are drawn from the aspect of family. This is one company that has a strong dedication to your health. They truly care about your wellbeing. The company is of the opinion that you can never be too advanced in years for their products to make you look and feel like a younger person.

The company is therefore dedicated to helping you retain the positive aspects of your youth. They do so by providing you with the right tools to help you achieve a younger version of yourself. These tools include supplements and tips on healthy eating and exercise.

Harsh Wake-Up Call

The founder, Dr. Francis Louw, lost his wife to cancer at the age of 55. This was a blow that struck him hard but also acted as a wake-up call. The doctor realized that his children had the same genes as their mother and he did not want to take the risk that they too would suffer from the same illness. He wanted to take measures to prevent it.

These measures included making sure they eat the right types of food and live a healthy lifestyle that would prevent the cancer from starting and developing in his four children. After completing this, he and his team set out to promote the same type of healthy lifestyle to people all across the globe.

The doctor claims that we have the ability to postpone and even prevent completely the occurrence of any aliments that our parents or grandparent had. These are ailments that we acquired by inheriting their genes.

These gene-related illnesses can be easily prevented by eating healthier and maintaining a generally healthier lifestyle. You influence the way your genes express themselves physically by your diet. The doctor claims that your body will be in so much better shape in your old age if you take care of it the right way while you are still young.

Influencing Your Genes By Controlling Your Environment

Your genes hold the key to your health and the types of conditions that affect you as a person, but your environment is what determines the manifestation of these genes. Although you are not in charge of what genes you have, you are in charge of your environment and you can influence it by the dietary choices you make.

You should not wait for the onset of these genetic conditions. Instead, take action and prevent the occurrence of the same condition that runs in your family by practicing a healthier lifestyle. Your parents might have had cancer or diabetes, but you do not have to sit and wait for it to affect you as well. You can influence whether the condition will manifest itself through controlling your environment.

The biggest way to influence the manifestation of your genes on the exterior is through living healthy and using regular diet supplementation.


In the world of living healthy, there are many options that can help you reach your goals. These include eating better, exercising, sleeping better, and taking vitamins and supplements.

One good example of this is the bacteria that dwell in the human gut. The number of species of bacteria in the human gut is speculated to be between 300 and 500. These bacteria outnumber the cells in the body by over 10 times. The bacteria are, however, put under a lot of undue stress.

This comes about as a result of taking chlorinated foods, processed foods, leading stressful lives, eating preservatives, and taking antibiotics. The effects of this interference could be disastrous and potentially lethal because the good bacteria found in the gut are involved in the immune system of the body.

So interference with these bacteria could lead to a decreased immune system. This makes you more susceptible to a myriad of illnesses. The good bacteria are also involved in the health of the brain. However, if the bacteria become overpopulated, then the effect is inflammation.

The benefit of this knowledge is that it gives people a reason to care for the health of their good bacteria. This is mostly done through regular supplementation. This will give you the ability to offset negative factors that could potentially lower the population of good bacteria.

One of the supplements that are most recommended for gut bacteria is probiotics. These can be found in quality probiotic supplements such as those manufactured by DNA-shift. Probiotics are among the most recommended additions to the anti-ageing campaign and should be taken alongside other supplements like omega-3.

DNA-Shift understands that each individual has a specific need when it comes to ageing. It is in light of this that they have designed various anti-ageing supplements and released them in the market. The company’s name, DNA-Shift, means that they plan on restoring the human DNA to where it was supposed to be initially.

Why They Are Needed

One of the products of the DNA-Shift Company is known as the Probiotic 50 billion CFU supplement. The supplement is laden with at least 11 strains of good bacteria. It is also filled with the type of feed that the good bacteria needs. This means the bacteria get fed as the drugs move along the gut. The drug has a wide spectrum of bacteria among the 11 strains. It also has a high colony forming unit count. Those two features are what you especially need in your probiotic supplement.

Apart from the benefits to the gut, the probiotics also contain numerous benefits to the brain. Some of the strains of bacteria found in the product have been shown to contain a myriad of benefits to mental health. These benefits are especially manifested in people with conditions such as depression and brain fog. In the gut, the supplement is especially key for people with such ailments as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.

The probiotics also have numerous benefits to the immune system of the body. They help reduce the prevalence of allergies in the body. They also reduce the effects of such conditions as dermatitis and inflammation. The probiotics also reduce the chances of developing obesity and diabetes. They really help in promoting weight management.

The company also produces the Turmeric Curcumin Supplement. Turmeric is a known anti-inflammatory agent. It also plays a huge role in relieving one from joint pains. It has been proven through scientific experiments to reduce the ageing of the brain and improve the health of the cardiovascular system.


The benefits of the supplements by DNA-Shift are seemingly endless. To begin with, the probiotic supplements promote the population of healthy bacteria in the gut. These bacteria have a myriad of benefits to the stomach, including aversion of Leaky Gut Syndrome. The bacteria in the supplements have also been proven to promote the health of the brain. They also improve the immune system, reducing the effects of such immune conditions as dermatitis.

They produce a turmeric supplement that acts as an anti-inflammatory that aids in reducing joint pains drastically. It also has anti-ageing effects on your brain.

DNA-Shift Product Downsides

The biggest downside is the fact that the supplements industry is unregulated by the FDA. The supplements are not classified as drugs as they are not meant to treat any ailment. This means you do not know what is genuine and what is fake.

Secondly, you do not require vitamins supplements if you can get the vitamins naturally from food. Supplements are not necessarily the key to healthy living but rather a small part of the bigger picture. Your lifestyle is the most important factor that determines your health.

DNA-Shift Review Summary

Probiotics are an essential these days. The number of anti-probiotic foods in the market is overwhelming. Some of the best probiotic supplements can be found at DNA-Shift.

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