Skin Care Acne Differin Gel – Safe & Effective Adapalene Gel Acne Treatment?

Differin Gel – Safe & Effective Adapalene Gel Acne Treatment?

Differin Gel

Differin Gel is an advanced acne treatment that prevents breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, and clogged pores. Restoring the skin and promoting cellular regeneration, the product heals hyperpigmentation and smooths texture.

A preventative formula, Differin Gel is the first prescription-strength product that uses retinoid adapalene. With powerful ingredients, it is the first over-the-counter acne treatment that has been approved by the FDA.

The newest Differin Gel formula is a multi-benefit formulation that effectively improves skin health and was officially launched in January 2017.

What Is Differin Gel?

Ideal for treating mild to moderate acne, Differin Gel is dermatologist-developed and has been prescribed to more than 40 million consumers worldwide. Used for more than 20 years, it can now be purchased without a prescription.

Clearing breakouts by clearing out the pores, Differin Gel prevents acne before it even starts. Unlike other acne treatment product, Differin Gel is a kinder and gentler approach.

Milder than other retinoid products that come in the form of gels, creams, and lotions, Differin Gel regulates the immune system and does not contain chemicals that inflame and irritate the skin.

The formula is unable to enter the bloodstream and is insoluble in water, causing no systematic side effects.

Oil free and fragrance free, Differin Gel is considered a topical retinoid. Discovered in the early 1900s, retinoids have been used to treat acne for decades.

Shown to increase cell turnover and treat vitamin A deficiencies, retinoids work to restore skin and create a healthier environment, keeping the pores open and clear. Over the years, scientists have developed more effective forms of retinoids.

Differin Gel features the most advanced science, becoming the foundation of various prescription acne medications. Unlike other acne treatment products that contain retinoid, Differin Gel has been developed with an improved tolerability.

More powerful than previous retinoid formulations, it stays in the pores and treats the skin from within.

For the best results, users are advised to apply a thin layer of Differin Gel once daily. Easily incorporated into a skincare regimen, it is best to apply the product at the same time each day.

Whether evening or morning, users should first wash the skin with a gentle, non-drying cleanser. Once evenly distributed all over the face, users can follow treatment with a moisturizer.

Highly effective, Differin Gel should be used before, during, and after acne breakouts. Providing long-term results, it is recommended that individuals use Differin Gel alongside Differin moisturizing and cleansing products.

How Differin Gel Works

With the use of adapalene, the latest advancement in acne treatment, Differin Gel is able to effectively target the two common causes of acne.

Reducing redness and inflammation associated with acne, the product also clears pores and prevents clogging that causes pimples and blackheads. Accelerating the growth of the skin, the formulation is responsible for promoting desquamation.

Considered a “skin death”, this process causes skin cells to die on schedule and dry up. Once transformed into flakes, they are easily removed from the skin’s surface. By keeping the pores open, Differin Gel eliminates dirt, oil, and other particles from the skin.

For those who do not suffer from chronic skin conditions, new cells are created based on a 21-day life cycle. Developed in the basal layer of skin, the skin cells are pushed upwards as new skin cells are created underneath them.

As they reach the surface of the skin, they are genetically determined to die and flake off the skin. Although a seemingly ordinary process, for individuals who suffer from acne, skin cells are unable to die on schedule.

Adhering to the surface of the skin, as the cells build up around the pores, they make the skin tight and thick, locking bacteria and oil inside the pores.

As the compressed skin bacteria, oils, and particles begin to increase, they form whiteheads that become oxidized by the air and turn into blackheads. As the immune system becomes compromised, bacteria can cause an increase in breakouts.

The vitamin A in adapalene activates the genetic function that causes skin cells to differentiate and transform into a mature phase. By helping skin cells complete the life cycle, Differin Gel keeps the skin hydrated and cleansed.

Purchasing Differin Gel

Working immediately, users report a visible improvement in appearance in as little as two weeks. Some users may experience retinization, an adjustment period that occurs when the skin is becoming acclimated to retinoid.

A sign of the Differin Gel working under the surface of the skin, retinization declines in approximately four weeks.

Differin Gel is available for purchase at select retailers online, like Amazon, and in-store at Target, Walmart, and CVS.

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