Diet Programs Designer Tea – Best Tasting Natural Herbal Detox Tea Drinks?

Designer Tea – Best Tasting Natural Herbal Detox Tea Drinks?

designer tea

When it comes to losing weight and getting healthy, there are very few options that can be considered pleasant.

Weight loss and getting fit takes work and a lot of that work isn’t fun, which is why so many weight loss products and services are trying new, innovative ways to make losing weight easier.

One of the most proficient ways to boost the metabolism and encourage weight loss is to drink tea blends. Unfortunately, most weight loss tea blends are bitter and it’s a struggle for people to drink them regularly.

In an effort to make drinking tea easier and more delicious, Designer Tea has created Chocolate. As its name suggests, Chocolate is a tea that contains smooth, delicious, and healthy dark chocolate. However, Designer Tea also contains all the powerful tea blends that make losing weight easier.

What is Designer Tea?

Using expertly formulated and carefully blended natural ingredients, Designer Tea is a company that focuses on providing customers with delicious, simple ways to boost their energy and their metabolism.

By using the weight loss power of natural teas and combining them with the smooth, indulgent taste of chocolate, Designer Tea has made losing weight easier than ever before. With just a cup or two a day, Chocolate by Designer Tea is able to support healthy, long-term weight loss.

The driving idea behind Designer Tea was that healthy foods and drinks don’t have to taste disgusting.

In fact, they can be delicious. Because certain teas have been celebrated as weight loss solutions for centuries, they were the obvious starting point for those at Designer Tea.

However, to make the teas more appealing, which would then keep customers drinking and reaping the many benefits of the tea, Designer Tea added chocolate. With this amazingly delicious, amazingly healthy ingredient, Designer Tea can help users lose weight without a second thought.

Benefits of Designer Tea

One huge benefit of Designer Tea is that it makes products that are both beneficial and delicious. Chocolate by Designer Tea was made to give users the support they need to detox their bodies, increase their energy levels, and burn fat more efficiently.

And the tea is able to provide these amazing benefits through its powerful tea blends. However, Designer Tea wasn’t satisfied with just being beneficial.

To make drinking Chocolate by Designer Tea easier, the company added real cocoa powder, giving the tea a perfectly smooth, decadent taste.

As mentioned above, losing weight and getting healthy is often a complex, unpleasant process. Another benefit of Designer Tea is that it blends into any lifestyle with very little complication and it is extremely enjoyable.

Cups of Designer Tea can be used to replace a morning cup of coffee, taking less time to brew than most coffee makers. Plus, the delicious taste of Designer Tea makes it seem more like a dessert than a health aid.

Finally, Designer Tea is made using only the best of the best natural ingredients. While this is explained in more detail below, Designer Tea knows that the true power behind any weight loss supplement is found in its ingredients, which is why it only uses all-natural, high quality botanicals and herbs.

These ingredients make all the difference when it comes to comparing Designer Tea with other tea options on the market.

Ingredients in Designer Tea

The foundation for Designer Tea is found in its ingredients. These superior ingredients were expertly blended to give just the right amount of energy, detoxing, and flavor to make using Designer Tea effective and delicious. With these ingredients, users are getting just the right benefits they need to improve their weight loss journey.

A list of the ingredients found in Designer Tea, as well as a brief description of each, can be found below.

  • Oolong Tea – Boosts mental alertness and supports improved focus.
  • Black Tea – Supports improved digestion, promotes blood circulation, and lowers high cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Green TeaGreen tea Prevents headaches, stomach issues, and lowers blood pressure. Also supports heart health.
  • Cocoa Powder – Works as an anti-depressant and mood stabilizer. Boosts endorphins to give users a feeling of positivity.
  • Garcinia CambogiaGarcinia Cambogia a popular weight loss aid that breaks down fat and improves digestion.
  • Licorice Root – Supports healthy digestion.

In addition to the ingredients listed above, Designer Tea contains many natural flavoring ingredients, like cinnamon bark, clove, stevia leaf, and natural chocolate flavors.

Purchasing Designer Tea

Chocolate by Designer Tea is available for purchase on the company website ( At the moment, a box of 28 tea bags is available for only $39.99, though this sale price is subject to change.

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