Product Review Skin Care D Funk Wipes – Hand Wipes That Remove Bacteria And Nasty Smells?

D Funk Wipes – Hand Wipes That Remove Bacteria And Nasty Smells?

D-Funk Wipes Review – Do They Work?

D-Funk Wipes are a brand of wipes that help to eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors from a variety of surfaces and textures. This is our review.

What are D-Funk Wipes?

Whether you spend a day on the water or you fish on the pier, getting that fishy smell on your fingers and your equipment. This is not the smell you want to bring home with you after a long weekend. However, washing your body with soap and water is not always effective. You may be clean, but you need something to neutralize those odors before you get in the car to go home. That’s where D-Funk Wipes and Sprays come in.

D-Funk Wipes are made by Contec, which is known for the variety of cleaning supplies that they produce. D-Funk Wipes and Sprays are specifically made to eliminate bacteria build-up.

The D-Funk formula uses Double Down Technology, which is a special concoction of ingredients that helps in two ways. The first way that this technology works is by “neutralizing odors at a molecular level,” which simply means that it eliminates the source of the odor. The second way is by “counteracting odors at a molecular level,” which basically means that the odor is replaced with a more pleasant fragrance.

These wipes are not just meant to get rid of odors. The environmentally-friendly formula is perfect for eliminating bacteria as well, which is often the root cause of the odor.

Types of D-Funk Wipes

To accommodate a variety of different surfaces, the makers of the D-Funk Wipes came up with multiple types of wipes. Each type is customized to rid the particular surface of that unwanted fishy smell. Here’s a little more about each of the types.

Boat D-Funk

If you go fishing frequently, or just like to take your boat out on the lake, the smell of the fish and algae will slowly start to cling to your boat. This is not the type of souvenir you want to take home from your camping trip, so cleaning it off is essential. These wipes work on a variety of surfaces, including:

  • Plastic
  • Brass
  • Rubber
  • Vinyl
  • Fiberglass
  • Chrome
  • Canvas
  • Live wells
  • Metal
  • Carpet
  • Bait wells

Along with the ability to remove that fishy fragrance, this formula also helps to remove mold, mildew, rust, dirt, and grease. Once you pull your boat out of the water, just spray it down and wipe away the grime. There are no harsh chemicals, so it is safe to return your boat right after washing, if you choose.

Dog D-Funk

Even your dog is the victim of bad odors sometimes. This spray is designed to neutralize odors on a “molecular level.” All you have to do is spray down your dog for a fresh scent. There is no perfume or toxic chemicals, so it is safe to apply to their coat and let it set in.

This product is available as a spray or as a set of wipes. There is no listed price on the website, but third-party websites offer the spray for $7.11 and the wipes for $16.20.

Fish D-Funk

Fish D-Funk is a product that is meant to help clean the fish smell off of your hands after a day of fishing and gutting your catches. Additionally, these wipes remove the obvious human smell from your hands, meaning that any bait that you handle will only smell like delicious food on your hook. Essentially, these wipes are meant to keep your hands clean at all times, making it more sanitary to eat or to bait your hook.

This is the only formula out of the available products with pricing listed, showing that the product is available for $9.99.

Gun D-Funk

Gun D-Funk is only available as a wipe, and it is designed to clean off your firearms, which also helps to keep the finish and the barrel from getting too much wear over time. After you’ve finished cleaning your gun, a light film is left over the whole body, which prevents your firearm from succumbing to dirt or rust while in storage. The texture of the wipes is soft, preventing scratches and damage on your firearm.

The website doesn’t list a price for these wipes, but they are listed on third-part websites for $9.99.

Cooler D-Funk

Your cooler is one of the places you can collect a lot of bacteria and odors quickly. Whether you spill your beer, carry your fish, or let meat leak in, this small container can house a variety of toxic substances. By using this formula, you can eliminate the smell and the germs. After you spray and scrub away the bacteria, you can rinse out the liquid without any remaining residue. However, since the formula is environmentally friendly, it won’t harm you if some of it is left behind.

The Cooler D-Funk formula is available in a spray bottle and wipes. There is no listed price on the website, but third-party websites offer the spray for $9.99 and the wipes for $9.94.

Where to Buy D-Funk Wipes

You cannot order these products from the D-Funk Wipes website. Instead, on the “BUY” tab at the top, you are redirected to to complete your order. On Amazon, you can select the shipping speed you want, and you can pretty much ship the products anywhere.

Contacting the Makers of D-Funk Wipes

You may need help determining the right wipes for your particular tank issues. The website has a fill-in form to allow you to submit your question. However, you can also email the company directly at

For more urgent questions, call the customer service team at (888) 699-9304.

If you have questions in regards to your order, you will actually have to submit your inquiry to Amazon, since they are the ones that fulfill your order.


To protect your home and your boat from constantly smelling from the odors of your latest camping or fishing trip, the D-Funk formula is exactly what you need. By neutralizing the old odor and replacing it with a light and fresh fragrance, you can keep all of your gear (and your dogs) smelling great all the time.

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