Product Review Coffee Products Cups Coffee – Coffee Pod Home Delivery Subscription Services?

Cups Coffee – Coffee Pod Home Delivery Subscription Services?

cups coffee

Ever wonder why coffee made with coffee pods taste stall? Not getting the kickstart expected from a single cup of coffee?

Coffee pods create convenience for consumers, as one does not need to wait in long lines, fight over wrong orders or does one need to have a cup with others yelling over their conversations.

Unfortunately, its potency and taste factors are of great concern. The main problem associated with coffee pods is the fact that they are roasted and packaged way back in time, sit on shelfs, and eventually hit the stores before getting to one’s home. Cups Coffee has come up with an innovative and inexpensive way of enjoying a heartfelt cup of coffee.

Cups Coffee claims to deliver the utmost quality of roasted coffee, which does not compromise in neither taste nor strength. The following review will introduce Cups Coffee with respect to its purpose, the coffee production, what each purchase includes and its current going prices.

What is Cups Coffee?

The idea of Cups Coffee sprung about due to its necessity. Creators, Miles and Remington both share a passion for coffee and felt that the lack of fresh coffee pods is a growing concern for coffee lovers.

Ultimately, its lack of freshness, strength and taste defeats the purpose of drinking coffee, therefore their solution was to create Cups Coffee, which claims to deliver special-grade roasted coffee days after it has been roasted.

How Are Cups Coffee Fresh and Tasteful?

At Cups Coffee, their coffee making process can be viewed as old fashioned. Coffee is believed to be hand-roasted using small batch drum roasters. Second, they deliver the roasted coffee pods directly to one’s doorsteps, as opposed to sending them through middlemen like a warehouse and retailer.

In addition, each box of Cups Coffee indicates the date it has been roasted, which allows consumers to consume it to their likings. Lastly, with every box of coffee pods, consumers are believed to receive to-go cups and lids, which claim to work similar to that of a insulated, thermal cup to preserve its warmth and freshness.

What Does Each Cups Coffee Package Come With?

Each order of Cups Coffee may also include the following:

  • 30 K-Cup pods of ultra-premium, single origin coffee.
  • 10 Premium to-go cups and lids, which currently come in the color black.
  • The Coffee Chronicles, which claim to give consumers fun facts that may increase one’s knowledge on coffee.

How Much Can Consumers Expect to Invest in Cups Coffee?

The Cups Coffee currently only ships to the United States, but is likely to expand in the near future with consumers’ support. Cups Coffee currently offers various deals depending on what consumers are capable of pledging.

Here is a price breakdown:

  • $5: Cups Coffee Sample
  • $30 or more: One month’s worth of supply (30 coffee pods and 10 to-go cups)
  • $90 or more: Three month’s worth of supply
  • $180 or more: Six month’s worth of supply
  • $360 or more: 12 monthly shipments
  • $500 or pore: 12 month shipments, limited edition cup and a needlepoint hat

Final Verdict For Cups Coffee

Nothing can be more satisfying as being able to consume a fresh and high quality cup of coffee. While the overall strength preference of coffee is likely to change from one consumer to another, knowing that one’s coffee source has not been sitting on a shelf prior to one’s home can be pleasing.

On average, consumers are advised to wait a minimum of 12 to 24 hours prior to drinking roasted coffee, as it allows it to develop and take on a suitable consistency. Furthermore, freshly roasted coffee is said to contain high concentrations of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which may not be tasteful.

While Cups Coffee specializes in providing fresh coffee pods that reflect recently roasted coffee, when taking delivery and the time it reaches one’s home into consideration, the coffee may be ready for consumption.

Overall, Cups Coffee is worth considering because every process was accomplished by hand, which eliminates the use of unnecessary ingredients and additives. Furthermore, its personalized touch of dating each item provides consumers with a better idea as to how fresh each cup is.

This is something consumers cannot expect from store-bought coffee pods, as nothing more is stated besides its calories, the quantity provided and its expiry date.

Lastly, with Cups Coffee, each cup costs as little as $1, which is affordable compared to the average prices between $2 and $7.

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