Core Chair – Thermogensis Exercising In Active Sitting Office Chair?


Core Chair is a Canadian based company that designed a desk chair specifically for those spend a good chunk of their day working in an office environment in front of the computer. Founders of the Core Chair were inspired to produce this product due to the growing epidemic of back pain and side effects of sedentary lifestyles.

As technology keeps improving, more people will have more sedentary lives by spending most of their day sitting down operating a desk or a machine. Core Chair founders believe that this product could benefit users for the long term.

Supported by Research

The Core Chair has been researched validated from institutions such as

  • Mayo Clinic
  • University of Waterloo
  • Cornell University
  • Arizona State University
  • Memorial University
  • University of Guelph

Benefits of the Core Chair

The Core Chair provides a lot of benefits to users to the physical of health of users. Some of these benefits include the following:

  • A better back rest
  • Improved posture
  • A balance spine position
  • Freedom from arm rests
  • Easy personalization –the chair can be set to a specific height, depth or mobility
  • Enhancing mobilization in the joints and muscles
  • 48 moving parts within the design of the chair
  • NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) certified
  • Can exercise the body while working

Core Fit

Core Fit is the complimentary exercise plan that could be used by users of the Core Chair because it keeps them active while sitting.

This program shows users 11 different exercises they could do at their desk while sitting in the chair. The exercises target stretching, the core, low intensity cardio, and upper and lower body workouts that utilize resistance bands and light dumbbells or any item that could be used as a weight (e.g. a heavy book).

Founders of the Core Fit program recommend to take a five minute break for each hour spent sitting.

How to Purchase Core Chair

The Core Chair can be purchased on the company website: Buyers have two options on what type of chair to buy: Regular (individuals who are 5’6” or shorter) and Tall (individuals who are 5’6” or taller.

Individuals that are exactly 5’6” could benefit from both chair sizes, but believe that the chair designed for taller chairs is the better option. Since Core Chair is a Canadian based company, it is priced in their currency.

The Core Chair can be purchased for 895.50 Canadian dollars, which is approximately 674.24 US dollars. Core Chair offers free shipping within the North American continent/

Core Chair Review Summary

The Core Chair appears to provide numerous benefits to individuals living a sedentary lifestyle or spent many hours working at a desk. For these reasons this product is recommended.

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