Supplement Review High Blood Pressure CLE Holistic Health Alistrol – Heart Health Support Benefits?

CLE Holistic Health Alistrol – Heart Health Support Benefits?


High blood pressure is a health condition that puts you at risk of developing many diseases, the worst of which is heart or cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and every year accounts for more than 25% of the total death rate.

According to recent statistics released by the Center for Disease control, around 32% of the total adult population of the US has dangerously high blood pressure- or roughly one in three people.

It’s not just one in three people that suffer the negative health effects of high blood pressure, either. The CDC states that almost half of the entire adult US population has prehypertension, or blood pressure figures that are unhealthy.

The cost of high blood pressure is severe- more than 1,100 people die every day as a direct result of the condition, and treatment costs the US more than $48.6 billion dollars annually.

High blood pressure is a particularly dangerous condition as it exhibits few symptoms, and so is often referred to as the “silent killer”.

There aren’t any conclusive symptoms that can be attributed to high blood pressure, and signs like nose bleeds, headaches, migraines, and blood spots in the eyes are largely myths and misconceptions.

Without having your blood pressure taken by a medical professional, there’s no way of knowing whether high blood pressure affects you.

Treating high blood pressure is also extremely difficult.

A medical professional will generally advise a healthy lifestyle and diet in order to combat the symptoms of high blood pressure, as the pharmaceutical solutions that are used to treat it have a wide range of deleterious side effects.

High blood pressure medication commonly causes diarrhea or constipation, nervousness, headaches, nausea, erectile dysfunction, dizziness, and overall chronic fatigue.

A new solution, however, is providing relief to individuals with high blood pressure in the form of a completely natural daily supplement that is able to dramatically lower blood pressure incredibly fast as well as improve overall health.

Alistrol Heart Health Support is the most popular natural heart health supplement available on the market, and uses an organic, botanically-derived formula that is supported by clinical science to improve both cardiovascular health and blood pressure.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Alistrol Heart Health formula and assess the clinical evidence that supports it to help you decide whether it’s the right heart and blood pressure health supplement for you.

What Is Alistrol?

Alistrol Heart Health Support by CLE Holistic Health is a groundbreaking new blood pressure support supplement that offers a wide range of scientifically proven benefits for individuals that suffer from high blood pressure.

The Alistrol formula is able to assist in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels with a completely natural formula that uses ingredients that are derived from natural plant sources.

The natural formulation of CLE Holistic Health Alistrol Heart Health Support means that it doesn’t cause any unwanted or negative side effects at all, and can be used in combination with any medicine.

The potent herbal ingredients in Alistrol have been proven to promote a strong, healthy heart, as well as strengthen the arteries, improve vascular circulation, increase the amount of blood flow to the heart, and maintain healthy skin.

The overall effect of Alistrol is even able to deliver powerful anti-aging benefits that help to reverse the effects of age on the body and circulatory system, dramatically improving overall health.

The natural formulation of Alistrol means it’s also available without a prescription, and can be ordered without consultation from a doctor, significantly lowering medical expenses.

Alistrol has been featured in a number of healthy living publications, such as Alive, Natural Health, and Alternative Medicine, and is supported by a wide range of clinical studies.

CLE Holistic Health Alistrol Formula

The Alistrol formula contains four highly potent extracts of traditional herbal medicines that have been proven in multiple clinical trials to deliver a wide range of health benefits that can lower blood pressure and improve both circulatory and cardiovascular performance.

We’ll proceed to break down the ingredients in the Alistrol formula and take a look at the scientific evidence that supports them.

Garlic Seed Extract

Garlic Seed is a traditional herbal medicine that has been used throughout Asia and Southeast Asia for thousands of years to help enhance the health of the circulatory system.

Garlic seed extract contains high levels of an organic compound called allicin, which has been proven to deliver a wide range of health benefits.

A comprehensive clinical investigation performed in 2016 across multiple medical research institutions found that allicin has a number of proven properties that are able to lower oxidative stress in the heart, lower blood pressure, and boost overall cardiac function[1].

Holly Leaf Extract

Holly leaf extract has traditionally been used to treat chest swelling and edema, but has recently been demonstrated to be able to protect the heart from cardiovascular disease.

A clinical investigation performed in 2012 found that the leaves of the Moringa oleifera plant, which is commonly known as the Holly Leaf, are able to promote homeostasis and provide the body with a number of bioactive chemicals that protect the circulatory system[2].

Daikon Seed Extract

Daikon seed is a naturally occurring medicinal herb that is used to treat headaches, hangovers, skin disorders, and indigestion, all of which are minimized by the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.

Use of daikon seed to treat hypertension, or high blood pressure, is supported by a 2006 clinical investigation that shows it can promote higher efficiency in the circulatory system through a vasodilatory effect[3].

Hawthorn Fruit Extract

The final ingredient in Alistrol, hawthorn fruit extract, is rich in polyphenolic compounds, which exhibit anti inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects that promote overall better health in the body.

A 2010 clinical trial found that hawthorn fruit extract polyphenols are able to function as a powerful treatment for cardiovascular disease[4]

CLE Holistic Health Alistrol Verdict

The CLE Holistic Health Allistrol Heart Health Support formula is backed up by a massive amount of clinical evidence and is able to promote far higher heart and circulatory health, lowering blood pressure and maximizing overall bodily health.

If you’re looking for a potent, proven, and cost-effective natural treatment for high blood pressure, CLE Holistic Health Alistrol is a great choice.

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