Diet Programs CACOCO – Regenerative Drinking Chocolate Dark Cacao Benefits?

CACOCO – Regenerative Drinking Chocolate Dark Cacao Benefits?

Cacoco is a chocolate company that sells ethically sourced, wildcrafted, and regeneratively cultivated cacao in drinkable form. Here’s our Cacoco review.

What is Cacoco?

Cacoco is a chocolate beverage company that emphasizes responsible, ethical chocolate cultivation. The company’s products can be found at health food stores across the United States– including dozens of retail stores along the west coast.

Cacoco’s drinking chocolate comes in several popular flavors, including The Original, Midnight Mystic, Global Warrior, and Fire Walker.

Cacoco isn’t quite hot chocolate – and it’s not quite solid chocolate. It’s somewhere in between. The company’s products come in the form of a powder, and you add a small amount of water to the powder to make a type of sludge. It’s designed to replicate the way ancient civilizations used chocolate. Of course, you can add more water to the formula if you want a conventional hot chocolate.

On the Cacoco website, you can find recipes for all different types of chocolate products, including chocolate mousse, chocolate with avocado, and other creative recipes.

Benefits of Cacoco

Cacoco emphasizes not only health benefits – but also community benefits. Here are some of the benefits of Cacoco, according to the official website:

  • Ethically sourced
  • Unroasted cacao
  • Heart support
  • Energy and mood support
  • Regenerative agriculture

Overall, Cacoco describes their drinking chocolate as “chocolate as it’s meant to be”.

Cacoco Products

Cacoco currently sells four different flavors of drinking chocolate, including all of the following:

The Original: This is described as an “uplifting spiced chocolate blend that supports a wholesome lifestyle”. Ingredients include cacao butter, coconut crystal sugar, unroasted cacao, carob, lucuma, Himalayan salt, vanilla bean, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cayenne (all ingredients are organic except for the Himalayan salt).

Midnight Mystic: Midnight Mystic is described as “a euphoric dark chocolate blend highlighting the superfood benefits of unroasted cacao and whole vanilla bean”. The chocolate is sourced from farms in Ecuador. Ingredients include unroasted cacao, coconut sugar, cacao butter, vanilla bean, and Himalayan salt.

Global Warrior: Global Warrior is an herbal dark chocolate blend with maca, turmeric, and shilajit added to the mix. The chocolate gives you a beverage “with notes of Turkish coffee & masala chai”, explains the official website.

Fire Walker: Fire Walker is sourced from farms in Ecuador. The chocolate beverage is a delicious, spicy chocolate blend. The thing that makes Fire Walker unique from other Cacoco chocolate blends is its use of habanero chilies and apoptogenic herbs – including mucuna seed, Rhodiola root, and reishi extract.

How to Use Cacoco

Many people use Cacoco to make hot chocolate. To make hot chocolate with Cacoco, just heat 1/4 cup of water, then add 4 level tablespoons of chocolate (you can add more for a stronger flavor). Then, blend or shake until smooth.

You can find additional Cacoco recipes here on the official company website. The company has images where people take Cacoco on hikes in glass jars, for example, or chill Cacoco in their fridge for a delicious dessert smoothie. You can also mix the chocolate with nuts, honey, coconut flakes, mint, salt, and more to make a pudding.

There’s even an espresso chocolate avocado mousse listed on the official website.

Cacoco Pricing

Cacoco is priced the same across all flavors:

  • 1 Package: $13.99 USD (8 servings per container)

Where to Buy Cacoco

Cacoco is available to purchase online through the company’s official website at

Alternatively, you can find it in health food stores all down the west coast of the United States. View a store finder at the official website here. Cacoco doesn’t appear to be available throughout most of the eastern United States.

Cacoco Nutritional Value

Nutritional values for Cacoco are similar across all flavors. Here’s what the nutritional value looks like for one 5 tablespoon serving of The Original (8 servings per container):

  • Calories: 140
  • Total Fat: 10g (7g of saturated fat)
  • Sodium: 55mg (2% Daily Value)
  • Total Carbohydrates: 13g (4% DV)
  • Dietary Fiber: 2g
  • Sugars: 9g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Vitamins: Vitamin C (4% DV), Calcium (2% DV), and Iron (4% DV)

Who Makes Cacoco?

Cacoco is made by a company based in California at the following address:

819 Pacific Ave #3
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

You can contact the company by email at or by phone at (831) 515-8173.

Should You Buy Cacoco?

Cacoco is a drinkable chocolate product. It’s not hot chocolate, and it’s not solid chocolate. It’s somewhere in between. The company designed its formula to replicate the ancient practice of serving chocolate “as a molten chocolate vitality elixir”. It comes out as more of a sludge – although you can add more water and milk to the formula if you want a hot chocolate-style beverage.

Cacoco is well-reviewed online. The company focuses on buying ingredients from ethical farms that practice sustainable farming techniques. So you can buy chocolate and feel good about yourself at the same time.

Learn more about Cacoco today by visiting the company’s official website at

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