Exercise Equipment Dumbbells & KettleBells Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells – 15 Adjustable Weight Sets?

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells – 15 Adjustable Weight Sets?

Resistance training is without a doubt the most effective way to improve your overall body condition, strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health. The act of lifting up heavy things and putting them back down promotes heightened immune system function, boosts the ability of the body to burn fat, and even balances mood, preventing depression.

Most individuals, when seeking to lose weight or build new lean muscle mass through resistance training, immediately join a commercial gym. Although gyms can be a great resource for fitness and health practices, they’re not always the best option for individuals with busy work, family, or social lives. Fully three-quarters of US gym membership owners don’t use them, which creates a multi-billion dollar profit margin for gym owners.

The average gym membership costs around $800 USD annually. It many cases, it’s far more cost efficient to purchase a home gym or workout solution, which offers a wide range of advantages over gym memberships. The primary reason most individuals that pay for a gym membership without attending is cited as difficulty in either finding time or commuting to the gym. A home gym negates this issue and makes it easy to work out at any time in the comfort of your own home.

The major drawback of home gym solutions, however, is floor space. Free weights, especially dumbbells, can require entire racks to be installed in the home, an option that isn’t feasible for most home or apartment owners, and definitely not possible for renters. There are a number of solutions that attempt to emulate the action of an entire gym through the use of resistance bands, but nothing is more effective in resistance training than full-weight dumbbells.

A new solution from Bowflex, one of the most popular home gym solution providers in the world, is providing homeowners and renters with the ability to gain a full dumbbell resistance workout in their own home without the need for a massive collection of weights. The Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells are groundbreaking new fitness tools that can be adjusted to a massive range of weight options, minimizing their total size profile and making them easy to store when not in use.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells and find out what makes them different from other home gym solutions to help you decide whether they’re the right choice for your needs.

What are the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells?

The SelectTech 552 Dumbbells are one of the most innovative and dynamic adjustable dumbbell solutions available on the market. The weight range of the SelectTech 552’s can be changed from just 5 pounds to 52.5 pounds in 2.5 lb weight increments, using a revolutionary dial selection method to instantly change weight.

The SelectTech 552’s can be used for virtually any dumbbell exercise imaginable, such as skull crushers, curls, dumbbell overhead press, lateral raises, tricep extensions, three-way back, hammer curls, bench press and more. Fitness enthusiasts can use the SelectTech 552 Dumbbells to perform versatile workouts that train the chest, back, arms, legs, and shoulders.

The biggest advantage offered by the SelectTech 552 Dumbbells is that they are able to perform almost all of the exercises that require a gym membership without the need for ongoing investment. The price of the 552’s is far lower than that of the annual cost of a gym membership, and with the two-year warranty, it’s possible that the Bowflex SelectTech 552’s will pay for themselves.

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells Design & Construction

The SelectTech 552 Dumbbells by Bowflex incorporate a range of unique design features that makes them incredibly easy to use and highly effective in performing resistance training routines. The most powerful feature of the SelectTech 552’s is the dial weight selection feature, which allows users to instantly set and select their desired weight without needing to rack weights on the bar through tedious plate adjustments.

To use the dial weight selector, users simply rack the dumbbell in the weight plate array, which are fitted with cutaway slide-out scoops. Setting the dumbbell weight on the side of the bar will lock in the selected weights quickly and without effort, streamlining the weight changing process. The SelectTech 552 Dumbbells provide the same weight and usability as 15 different sets of dumbbells, saving valuable floor space and minimizing clutter.

The 2.5 lb increments that users are able increase weight by makes pushing through to higher weight levels easier, maximizing workout intensity and gains. The plates are also molded with a durable polymer that minimizes workout sound levels and keeps floors safe from chipping or scratches. The grips of the 552’s are molded from slip-resistant polymer that minimizes the risk of dropping weights on the ground.

The Bowflex Advantage

Bowflex provide a dedicated training app that is compatible with the SelectTech 552 Dumbbells. The app, which is available on both iOS and Android smartphones, allows users to manually or automatically track reps, sets, weight, and form while working out to ensure you’re getting the best workout possible.

Bowflex also offer a range of finance options that provides fitness enthusiasts with a variety of different payment methods with no interest if paid in full within 18 months.

The Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells Verdict

Bowflex is one of the biggest names in home workout equipment and has a reputation for delivering high quality, durable, and effective workout tools. The Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells are a highly space-efficient and innovative set of dumbbells that make it possible to get an intense full-body resistance workout in any home.

If you’re looking for the ultimate home dumbbell solution, look no further than the Bowflex SelectTech 552’s.

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