Product Review Fitness & Sports Body Combat – Les Mills MMA Fighting Fitness Workout Program?

Body Combat – Les Mills MMA Fighting Fitness Workout Program?

Body Combat

In order to successfully lose weight, people need to burn more calories than they consume on a daily basis. The problem with this process is that it is often extremely difficult for people to burn anywhere near the calories they consume because they either don’t work out at all or they aren’t working out intensely enough. Body Combat by Les Mills is a workout that is changing how people workout, allowing them to reach their health and fitness goals.

Combining martial arts with cardio, Body Combat is a workout program that makes being active fun again. With its upbeat and easy to learn moves, Body Combat offers users a way to burn away fat without struggling to stay inspired. And because Body Combat  promises to burn at least 740 calories per workout, users often see results sooner rather than later.

What is BodyCombat?

Created by Les Mills, Body Combat is a workout program that combines easy to follow martial arts moves that allow users to kick, punch, and jump away the calories. Designed to be followed by people of varying fitness and experience levels, Body Combat has been praised for years as being one of the most efficient total body workouts available. And because Body Combat requires no contact, it’s also low-impact, making it perfect for those starting out or watching the health of their joints.

Body Combat works quickly to burn away fat and improve fitness because it combines some of the most intense martial art forms in the world. Even though Body Combat was designed to be used by beginners, its moves include routines from Kung Fu, MMA, Capoeira, and even Muay Thai.

With this complex blend of martial arts, users are never bored and are constantly pushing themselves to learn more and perfect their moves. Combined with the upbeat music and fun choreography, Body Combat is a workout that speeds by because it is so fun.

Benefits of Body Combat

One of the biggest benefits of Body Combat is that it is a workout program that people want to stick with. So often, working out gets boring and can become monotonous, making it hard for those trying to lose weight or strengthen their bodies to stay committed.

However, Body Combat offers multiple class options, so users are constantly doing new routines, even though they’re using the same moves. And with the empowering martial arts and energizing music, each class feels like fun, so people keep coming back for more.

Another reason so many people give up on their fitness is because so much is required to truly be healthy. Cardio is required, so people run. But they also need to build muscle mass, so they start weight training. Then to tone, other exercises are required. With Body Combat, users workout and train their entire bodies with moves that burn calories like cardio but build strength like weight training. For those who are tired of doing multiple workouts every week, going to BodyCombat classes will provide them with all the support they need.

Even though seeing a Body Combat class the first time can be a bit overwhelming, the program is actually very versatile. Another benefit of BodyCombat is that it can be adjusted to suit anyone. Not only do instructors show multiple options for each move, so users can pick their level, but the number of classes that can be taken a week is adjustable.

While it’s recommended to do Body Combat three times a week, beginners might want to start with one or two, building up to three or more. Class lengths also vary, perfect for those with busy schedules. Body Combat comes in 30, 45, or 55 minute classes, so users can pick the one that works best with their daily schedule, still getting workouts even when they’re busy.

Finally, no matter which Body Combat workout being used, it does not require any equipment and takes up very little space. So many workout programs these days require expensive equipment or can’t be done at home. However, because Body Combat was designed to be done anywhere, its routines are made to be done in a small amount of space and without any extra equipment needed.

Purchasing Body Combat

Because a certified Les Mills instructor is needed to teach Body Combat, it is only available in gyms that have specifically signed up to offer the classes. For those who are interested in starting BodyCombat, the Les Mills website ( has a location finder that will show exactly what classes are offered near potential customers.

For those who don’t have a Les Mills certified gym near them and still want to do BodyCombat, the company offers an On Demand option. With this option, users can access all the videos of the workouts and do them from the comfort of their own home.

Because this type of workout isn’t for everyone, Les Mills offers a 10 day free trial so people can try it before committing to a long-term arrangement.

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