Diet Programs Diabetes Blood Sugar Detox Solution: Stuart Cantor’s Diabetes Reversal?

Blood Sugar Detox Solution: Stuart Cantor’s Diabetes Reversal?

Blood Sugar Detox Solution

Diabetes is a global pandemic that’s affecting billions of people across the world. In the US alone, over 21 million Americans are diagnosed as diabetic, with another 9 million undiagnosed. That’s almost 10 percent of the entire US population.

Worse still, another 1.5 million individuals join the rank of diabetics every year, while over 84 million adult Americans are considered prediabetic –a state of high blood sugar, obesity and insulin resistance that often precedes diabetes.

So, potentially, that’s over 110 million Americans who are susceptible to diabetes –a whopping 1 in 3 residents. For prediabetes, medical professionals often insist that it can be reversed by a change of lifestyle and diet.

But, once an individual becomes diabetic, their condition cannot be reversed. They only have to be managed for the rest of their lives. But, there are health researchers and scientists who are claiming that diabetes can be reversed.

Most of these people and organizations are recommending alternate lifestyle changes and programs that can help improve the insulin sensitivity of diabetic individuals as well as lower their blood sugar levels.

One of these programs is Stuart Canton’s Sugar Detox Solution. In this review of Blood Sugar Detox Solution, we’ll be looking at the author’s claims, methods, program content, recommendations and ideas.

At the end, we’ll tell you what we think so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to buy Blood Sugar Detox Solution.

What Is Blood Sugar Detox Solution About?

According to the author, this is a step by step guide designed to help diabetics become less dependent on insulin, by making a few lifestyle changes.

He claims that users who follow the instructions to the letter and make the necessary changes will most likely, require fewer shots of insulin, increase their insulin sensitivity and perpetually lower their blood sugar levels.

The author’s emphasis though, seems to be on the fact that users can lose 10 pounds in one week. Which begs the question: which is it really? Is it a weight loss guide or a diabetes reversal guide.

For us this is somewhat confusing, as we are sure it is for you. Is it possible to lose weight from making a few lifestyle adjustments? Yes. But, is that enough to reverse your diabetes? We think not. Yet, the author claims Sugar Detox Solution will help you reverse diabetes in 10 days. This is a red flag for us.

Moving on, let’s examine what information the program provides.

What’s Included In The Sugar Detox Solution Program?

  • Exercise instructions
  • Supposed dietary tricks to alter your metabolism so it burns fat faster
  • Foods to eat
  • Recipes to follow and make when you want to eat, and
  • General information on factors that play a critical role in diabetes

Bonuses Include:

  • A quick start guide to you can get started immediately
  • A mystery bonus that talks about a crucial but often overlooked aspect of weight loss
  • Sugar Detox Yoga benefits in minutes
  • Delicious Sugar Detox desserts designed to burn fat

Does Blood Sugar Detox Solution Work?

Honestly, that depends on your goal –weight loss or diabetes reversal. As far as we’re concerned, this is no different from many other guides touting the same ideas. If you’re willing to spend the time, you just might be able to find all these information by yourself.

However, what this guide has going for it is the step by step program. This is a time saver and the true value of the program. The other major benefit is the fact that most of the recommended foods are both very affordable and readily available.

You don’t have to go looking for some rare herb or food in organic food only stores, niche/boutique food stores or something like that. You can prepare a delicious, healthy, sugar fighting, and fat melting meal for under $30 following the listed recipes.

If the program delivers on its promise of reducing the frequency of insulin shots you need on a daily basis, this will result in huge savings and less frequent visits to the hospital. That’s an advantage that anyone would really like and appreciate.

Please note that this is a digital product, which means you will only be able to view it as a soft copy. There’s no hard or physical copy or DVDs. Everything is online. This can either be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your perspective.

Our Take On The Blood Sugar Detox Solution

At the end of the day, some of foods, methods and lifestyle changes recommended in this program can help you live a far healthier life. They can even help you become more active, lose weight and stay fit.

But, we’re still not convinced that you can actually reverse diabetes using this program as well as any others out there. We know you wanted something that works to reverse diabetes, but we’re absolutely unsure of this program’s ability to deliver on its claims.

What we do recommend however, is follow the program to get in even better health, lose the excess weight and hopefully, become less dependent on drugs. If there’s a possibility for diabetes reversal, you should give your body a fighting chance.

The information in Sugar Detox Solution is great for boosting your immune system, and getting you back in great health as far as we know. However, if your diabetes is reversed because of your adherence to this program, that’s an even better advantage.

We looked for concrete proof of its effectiveness, and found none. There are few testimonials that say nothing about diabetes reversal –that’s why you want to buy Sugar Detox Solution, isn’t it.

At the very least, you would think the author would provide verifiable testimonials so that people can actually reach out to these people and confirm that they were indeed diabetic before beginning the program and weren’t anymore at the end of the program.

This is mostly a weight loss solution and healthier lifestyle program. So, if you want to lose weight, maybe give it a try. Do let us know if it works for you in the comments. Good luck.

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