Supplement Review Diabetes Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program – Worth It?

Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program – Worth It?

Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program

Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program is a system that is available for a limited time to help consumers to get their medication for free. The program covers the medication for a full year, but only while supplies last.

What Is Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program?

Diabetes can be a dangerous disease, coming in as the eighth most common fatal disease in the world. In fact, without the proper treatment, millions of people can die from diabetes-related issues every year.

The only way to nourish the body during this lack of proper insulin production is usually to follow a strict diet or to take insulin to make up or the difference.

Even though that solution might seem easy and simple, there are many people that cannot afford to support the needs of their disease. The high prices of the pharmaceutical industry make it difficult to make up the difference, but there is no reason that sick consumers should suffer from the lack of funds in their wallet.

That’s why Blink Health has come up with a diabetes program that offers free medication for a limited time.

Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program focuses specifically on consumers that have type 2 diabetes. Unlike type 1 diabetes, this disease can develop at any age, and can even affect children with the rising obesity levels lately.

The whole mission of Blink Health is to come up with different options for consumers to bring down the inflated cost of medication. By offering free medication for a limited time, every enrollment makes a difference in bringing awareness to this problem.

The actual cost of some common medications for type 2 diabetes include:

  • Metformin: $28.63
  • Glipizide: $21.97
  • Pioglitazone: $294.74

It should not cost this much to simply live. With the Blink Health Free Diabetes Medication Program, consumers can finally get the medication they need to balance out their body.

How Blink Health Free Diabetes Medication Program Works

The program is just as simple as it sounds. Consumers need to start with choosing which of the three popular medications above is the formula that they typically use to control their diabetes. If the user is unsure, they can speak with their doctor.

Once the medication is selected, they can click the “get it free” button towards the top of the webpage. Then, the following page will allow the consumer to customize the order with the drop-down menu, as it applies to their specific medication.

They will choose the form (which is commonly a tablet), the dosage (as dictated by a doctor), and the quantity for their bottle.

After registering and placing the request, the patient will go through the process of registering on the website to keep the medication coming for the next year.

These medications cannot be sent out without a prior prescription, so users will need to let the company know if the current medication is on a prescription in their possession or at the pharmacy. There is also an option for consumers that do not yet have a medication.

While these consumers can still submit their order and lock in the free pricing, the shipment will not be sent out until a prescription is available.

The last step will be to decide the local pharmacy that the user wants to pick up their products from. Even if the pharmacy does not cooperate with the Blink Health Free Diabetes Medication Program, the team will help transfer the prescription to a place that takes part.

After verifying the user’s birthday and other personal information, the user will be able to pick up their prescription with a voucher from the website.

Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program Fees

The best part about the Blink Health Free Diabetes Medication Program is that there are absolutely no fees associated with the service. The user will need to enter their credit card information to secure their order, even though the only charge that may show up is $0.00. Even at the pharmacy, consumers do not need to worry about being charged for anything.

Along with the free diabetes medication promotion, Blink Health is also home to exclusive pricing for over 15,000 different medications. They pride themselves for being the least costly company in the country, and anyone is eligible to make a purchase through the company with the proper prescription in place.

Contacting Blink Health

With such a great program, consumers may want to learn more information about Blink Health before participating. The customer service team is available via phone or email.

Call 1-844-265-6444 to reach a team member from 8:00am to 10:00pm EST on weekdays, and 9:00am to 7:00pm EST on weekends. However, for electronic communication, consumers can also send a message to

Blink Health Free Type 2 Diabetes Medication Program Conclusion

Blink Health is doing everything they can to distribute millions of dollars of diabetes medicine to consumers that really need it. While there is no specific qualifying income, consumers that struggle with their bills from month to month are the most likely to benefit.

Anyone can make the order to save significant money on their disease, though this offer is only good until the middle of September 2017.

To get free diabetes medication from one of the three types described in this review, visit the Blink Health website, and register while you still can.

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