Supplement Review Bladder Rescue – Bel Mara Health Urinary Control Support For Men?

Bladder Rescue – Bel Mara Health Urinary Control Support For Men?


Urinary incontinence and poor bladder control are extremely common health that are caused by a variety of factors. More than 60% of individuals between the ages of 60 and 80 experience infrequent bladder control issues, which, according to the World Health Organization, accounts for more than 200 million people worldwide.

Although poor bladder control is extremely common, it’s also preventable, treatable, and reversible. Stress is the most common cause of poor bladder control, which affects up to 15 million people in the US alone, followed by overactive bladder conditions, accounting for 12.2 million people.

The symptoms of poor bladder control or overactive bladder conditions typically cause the involuntary release of urine when pressure is placed on the abdomen, which occurs during coughing, laughing, sneezing, exercising, or occasionally while lifting heavy objects.

There are a number of techniques that can be employed by individuals experiencing poor bladder control that can prevent involuntary urine release from occurring. Practicing pelvic floor exercises can assist in improving bladder control, as can making healthy lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or losing excess body weight.

One of the most effective treatments for poor bladder control, however, involves the use of targeted supplements that are able to naturally boost bladder strength and control. There are a number of traditional herbal solutions that have been used for thousands of years to boost bladder control, and recent innovations in the extraction of the bioactive compounds these herbs contain have created a new generation of highly effective bladder control supplements.

Bladder Rescue is one of the most effective bladder control solutions available on the market today, and offers individuals suffering from poor bladder control a highly efficacious treatment that is able to reverse the symptoms of poor bladder control in just seven days of supplementation.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Bladder Rescue formula and find out what it contains to help you determine whether it’s the right bladder control supplement for you.

What Is Bladder Rescue?

Bladder Rescue is an advanced bladder control supplement from Bel Mara Health, a leading natural health supplement provider. The Bladder Rescue formula contains completely natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to significantly improve bladder health in a short amount of time, and is backed up by a comprehensive guarantee.

Unlike pharmaceutical bladder control medications, which typically cause dehydration, constipation, dry skin and eyes, and nausea, the Bladder Rescue formula works in harmony with the body to address the root causes of poor bladder control, and is free from side effects.

Supplementing the diet with the Bladder Rescue formula is able to deliver regular urinary release patterns, eliminating leaking and stress-induced urinary incontinence. In addition to preventing poor bladder control, the Bladder Rescue formula also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, enhances bladder health, and minimizes inflammation.

Bladder Rescue Formula

The Bladder Rescue formula contains four key ingredients that are backed up by a significant amount of scientific evidence. The first ingredient in the Bladder Rescue formula is extracted from the soy plant. Soy isoflavones are health-enhancing organic compounds that are proven to reduce urinary leakage by more than 80% in several clinical investigations, as well as improve bladder control.

The second ingredient in the Bladder Rescue formula is pumpkin seed extract. Pumpkin seed contains phytonutrients that are able to reduce urinary urgency by more than 93%, minimizing the frequency at which individuals suffering from poor bladder control need to urinate.

The Bladder Rescue formula also contains magnesium, a key micronutrient mineral that also delivers powerful urinary regulation benefits. Increasing magnesium intake has been proven to regulate abnormal bladder contractions, and is provided in the Bladder Rescue formula as magnesium citrate, which is easier for the body to digest and absorb.

The final element of the Bladder Rescue formula is cranberry concentrate. Cranberry has been used as a traditional cure for bladder control issues for thousands of years, and has been demonstrated to both promote probiotic balance in the urinary tract and reduce bacterial adhesion, which contributes to incontinence.

Bladder Rescue Bonuses

Every Bladder Rescue order also comes with three bonus gifts that help to enhance bladder health. The first bonus gift is the Healthy Sex: Practical Tips guide, which helps readers take advantage of the sexual and bladder benefits of pelvic floor exercises.

The second Bladder Rescue bonus is the Health Secrets Doctors Don’t Tell You About Your Bladder guide, which delivers a series of comprehensive programs that naturally boost bladder health. The final bonus gift included with the Bladder Rescue formula is the 12 Vitamins That Can Increase Your Energy book, which shows readers how to elevate energy levels, lower cholesterol levels, and promote total body health.

Bladder Rescue Verdict

The Bladder Rescue formula contains four potent clinically proven ingredients that are able to rapidly increase bladder health and bladder control, and is supported by three bonus publications that deliver health-enhancing lifestyle tips.

If you’re looking for a high quality, reliable, and scientifically proven bladder health supplement, Bladder Rescue is one of the best options available.

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