Supplement Review BioTrust – Healthy Nutrition Company & Product Line?

BioTrust – Healthy Nutrition Company & Product Line?

biotrust review

BioTrust is a natural supplement company based in Aurora, Colorado. The company sells a range of different nutritional supplements, including diet pills and multivitamin supplements.

Find out everything you need to know about BioTrust today in our BioTrust review.

What is BioTrust?

BioTrust was founded in 2012 by two dieticians: Joel Marion and Josh Bezoni. At the official BioTrust website, visitors can order supplements or read dieting guides and other health articles.

According to his on-page bio, co-founder Joel Marion has helped “literally millions” of people reduce body fat and gain muscle. His personal claim to fame is winning the world’s largest “Body Transformation” contest for “regular” people ten years ago. Since then, he’s been hooked on dieting and fitness. He has also published 5 bestselling books and appeared on TV networks like ABC, NBC, and CBS while also writing for Maximum Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Woman’s Day, and other publications.

Josh Bezoni has also appeared in magazines and on major TV networks. He originally wanted to be a doctor before choosing to become a professional nutritionist. Josh has published two bestselling fitness books.

The official BioTrust website can be found at That domain has been registered since 2001. It was previously the online home of bioTRUST, a company which called itself “the premier provider of stem cell transport, cryostorage and security.” Obviously, the nutritional company BioTrust is a totally different business.

Today, BioTrust (the nutritional company) aims to succeed where other supplements have failed. It promises to use high-quality ingredients and premium-quality manufacturing processes to provide the world’s best nutritional supplements.

BioTrust Products

BioTrust sells about 10 different nutritional supplements across three different categories: Fat Loss, Muscle Building, and Overall Health.

There’s also a fourth category, BioTrust Gear, where you can buy branded shirts and a shaker bottle.

Here’s a basic overview of all the BioTrust products currently available:

— Metabo379 ($49 Per Bottle): Contains a proprietary formula designed to kickstart your metabolism into overdrive “like a Ferrari.” Key ingredients include Garcinia mangostana extract and BioPerine extract. You can read our ful Metabo379 review here.

— LeptiBurn ($69 Per Bottle): LeptiBurn is designed to raise levels of the most important fat-burning hormone in your body – leptin. Leptin controls virtually every other weight loss hormone in your body. LeptiBurn aims to raise leptin levels using natural ingredients like olive oil leaf extract. We’ll talk more about this below.

— IC-5 ($69 Per Bottle): Increases insulin sensitivity to promote healthy blood sugar levels. Key ingredients include cinnamomum cassia extract, berberis aristata root bark extract, fenugreek extract, and r-alpha-lipoic acid.

— BioTrust Low Carb ($49 Per Bottle): A time-released protein blend designed to be mixed with water, milk, or smoothies to enhance lean muscle gains at the gym. Want to learn more about BioTrust Low Carb?

— Pro-X10 ($49 Per Bottle): Reduces bowel inflammation in order to promote regular bowel movements and healthy digestive tract functionality. Read more about Pro-X10

— OmegaKrill 5X ($49 Per Bottle): Contains 2,300mg of DHA/EPA per day and has 3 times more DHA than standard fish oil. Each capsule contains ingredients extracted from wild-harvested pharmaceutical grade fish. You an read our full Omega Krill 5X review here.

— Bellytrim XP ($49 Per Bottle): Uses two “super fats” to burn off unwanted belly fat. Those super fats include conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and pomegranate seed oil. You can read our full Belly Trim XP review here as well as what CLA safflower oil is all about for weight loss.

— BioTrust Protein Cookies ($29 Per Package of 12): 12 grams of time-released protein in each serving. The cookies are made with natural ingredients and are free from gluten, soy protein, and trans fats. There’s also 6 grams of fiber in each cookie. See our thoughts here: BioTrust Protein Cookies

— BioTrust Organic Protein Bars ($39 Per Box of 9): The protein bars are certified to be non GMO and free from wheat, soy, trans fats, and gluten. Each bar also contains 20 grams of organic protein and is certified organic. See our review here: BioTrust Organic Protein Bars

— AbsorbMax ($49 Per Bottle): Supports better digestive and immune system health using a unique mixture of ingredients, including cayenne pepper, coral trace minerals, and ginger.

— BCAA Matrix $49 Per Bottle): Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are vital for rebuilding muscle after a workout. A total of 9 different BCAAs are included in this formula.

— Ageless Body ($49 Per Bottle): You can read our full review on this new BioTrust anti-aging product Ageless Body here.

7 Stage Research and Testing Protocol

BioTrust prides itself on being a cut above other diet supplement companies. One of the ways it’s better than its competitors is with its 7 Stage Research and Testing Protocol, which includes:

Step 1) World Class Formulators (BioTrust has hired “some of the world’s most respected medical doctors, chemists, researchers, nutritionists, and fitness experts together”)

Step 2) Honest and Effective Levels of Scientifically-Backed Ingredients

Step 3) Made with Natural Ingredients (no antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives)

Step 4) Ingredient Testing (all ingredients come with a certificate of analysis for potency and purity)

Step 5) GMP-Certified Manufacturing (BioTrust follows Good Manufacturing Practices)

Step 6) 3rd Party Quality Assurance Testing (independent labs watch over BioTrust facilities)

Step 7) Scientific Advisory Board Review (BioTrust company executives and experts personally inspect, test, use, and verify the product)

This 7 step process is a lot more than most nutritional companies do. In the online weight loss community, there’s a huge problem with low-quality diet pill scams and dishonest marketing. BioTrust aims to change that perception with this 7 step guarantee and they also do not operate via the network marketing distribution model.

BioTrust “4 Foods to Never Eat” and the 30 Second Method

BioTrust has a few different landing pages. On one of its landing pages, you’ll see an autoplay video which talks about four foods to never eat and something called the “30 Second Method.” That video has generated a lot of discussion in the health community, so it’s important to talk about it here.

First, the video starts by explaining that there’s this powerful weight loss hormone in the body. Despite being reinforced by numerous clinical studies and scientific reports, few people know the name of this hormone.

That hormone is called leptin. Increasing leptin levels in the body has been shown to encourage healthy weight loss. In fact, low leptin levels make it difficult for the body to lose any weight – even if you’re working out a lot.

That’s why some people spend hours at the gym and barely see any results.

Anyways, there are two ways to improve your leptin system:

— Raise Levels Of Leptin Within The Body
— Increase The Sensitivity Of Your Leptin Receptors

The body actually develops a leptin resistance over time. Leptin resistance is especially noticeable in those who have had high body fat levels for years and eat a lot of processed foods.

One of the best ways to raise leptin levels within the body is through “periodic overfeeding.” Basically, this means you should occasionally go off your diet and eat some of your favorite foods. Joel and Josh specifically recommend adding an additional 1000 calories or more in one day during your “cheat days”.

The downside to these cheat days is that the increase in leptin is somewhat short-lived. Of course, you can’t have a cheat day every day, which means you have to turn to other ways to raise leptin levels.

Reverse carbohydrate tapering is one option. Carbs have the greatest net effect on leptin levels, and studies have shown that adding 10 to 20 grams of carbs to your daily diet can significantly boost leptin levels.

Eventually, the video gets to a point where Joel and Josh discuss four specific foods that regularly contribute to leptin resistance (i.e. make it harder to lose weight). Those foods include:

— Any and all fried foods, like French fries, chicken tenders, and potato chips. They’re loaded with trans fats.

— Wheat-based foods like bread, cereal, and bagels. These foods cause internal inflammation, which compromises leptin production.

— Corn and processed corn-based foods, like high fructose corn syrup.

— Soy and processed soy-based foods, like soybean oil.

Ultimately, one of the main causes of leptin resistance is eating processed foods. All of the foods above are processed many times before they enter your stomach, and each processing stage removes a little bit of nature from the food we eat.

If you want to raise leptin levels in the body, then Joel and Josh also recommend certain dietary habits.

First, you should follow one simple rule when eating: apart from your cheat day, strive to eat only one-ingredient foods. Walnuts, avocados, eggs, yogurt, raspberries, blueberries, chicken, beef, or any meat, vegetable, nut, seed, oil bean, or fruit are all “one ingredient foods.”

Meanwhile, the “30 Second Method” involves eating a special combination of 5 fat-busting ingredients which together increase the production and reception of leptin.

Those ingredients include:

— Irvingia Gabonensis: Supports leptin sensitivity by inhibiting another protein which blocks leptin.

— Oleonolic Acid: Natural compound extracted from olive tree roots which

— Modifilan: A registered trademark formula harvested by seaweed off the coast of Iceland.

— Panax Notoginseng: Better known simply as notoginseng, this plant belongs to the same genus as Asian ginseng. It’s been shown to have protective benefits on the heart.

— Yerba Mate + Green Tea: These ingredients synergistically increase resting metabolic rate, suppress appetite, and increase leptin production.

Ultimately, when you get to the end of the video, you learn that BioTrust sells a dietary supplement which contains all of the ingredients listed above in their recommended doses.

How convenient! That supplement is called LeptiBurn, which costs $69 per bottle and is available at the BioTrust online store.

Leptin is your body’s number one fat burning hormone. According to Joel and Josh, it “controls every piece of the fat loss puzzle.” One of the problems with fad diets is that leptin levels decrease while dieting, which means we ultimately don’t lose as much weight as we expect. LeptiBurn aims to fix that problem.

BioTrust Pricing and Ordering Information

You can purchase BioTrust products from the official BioTrust website. All the diet pill-type products are priced between $49 and $69, while the cookies and protein bars range between $30 and $40.

If you’re just buying a single supplement, you’ll find that BioTrust is relatively expensive compared to its competitors. 9 protein bars for $40? A 15 day supply of BCAA complex for $49? That’s not cheap.

However, BioTrust does offer some decent bulk discounts: you can purchase bottles in sets of 3 or 6 to save anywhere from 5% to 40% off your total purchase price.

Prices do not include shipping, and you’ll need to pay $9.95 for standard FedEx shipping to have it arrive at your door within 3 to 6 business days.

Each order also comes with a recipe e-book valued at $39.95. That recipe book contains a total of 53 fat burning smoothie and milkshake recipes.

Of course, if you wanted a cheap diet supplement, then you can find plenty of those online from low-quality manufacturers. As mentioned above, BioTrust takes quality seriously and picks its ingredients from high-quality organic sources. All of that quality doesn’t come cheaply.

Who Should Buy BioTrust Products?

BioTrust aims to win customers over with nutritional products based on real science. It also aims to offer products with no fillers, binders, synthetics, or artificial ingredients.

This higher level of quality comes at a price: BioTrust products aren’t exactly cheap, although you can save money by ordering 3 or 6 products at a time.

Founded by dieticians and based on a “7-Stage Research and Testing Protocol”, BioTrust appears to be one of the few honest companies in the competitive world of online weight loss supplement retailers.


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