Nootropics Binaural Beats Meditation – Calming Brainwave Entertainment?

Binaural Beats Meditation – Calming Brainwave Entertainment?

Binaural Beats Meditation

The amount of knowledge and understanding of brain function have significantly increased over the past fifteen years.

Binaural Beats Meditation is a way to support brain function using sound frequencies to help reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and even ADHD. Many people may be familiar with sound healers and this is very similar work. Please read below to learn more.

What is Binaural Beats Meditation?

Binaural Beats Meditation is the process of using sound waves to access different parts of the brain to enhance mental clarity and function. People who have severe ADHD, depression, or difficulty with memory may benefit by using sound therapy.

Brain states are reflected in waves when read by an electroencephalograph and each wave leads to different level of consciousness including deep sleep and wakefulness. Brain waves also attribute to the brain’s creativity, memory, focus, relaxation, as well as intuition.

For people who struggle to enter a deep state of meditation, sound may help. This process is called Brain Entrainment which taps into seven different brain wave frequencies. Each different frequency is affected by different sound qualities.

Overview of Binaural Beats Meditation

The seven brain wave frequencies each target a different type of brain function from clarity, motivation, memory, and deep relaxation. Below if a general overview of what each frequency supports.

Epsilon 0-0.5 hertz:

This is the lowest state where brainwaves are as slow as humanly possible, barely achievable even by the most experienced yogis. In Epsilon state people can experience out of body experiences or even ecstatic states of consciousness. This brainwave level is where people can receive deep spiritual insight.

Delta 0.5-3.5 hertz:

The state where the body is sleeping but not yet in dream state is where these brain waves are activated. This state can also be accessed when awake which is how many healers do their work. Delta brain waves are responsible for supporting deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and deep restorative sleep.

Theta 3-8 hertz:

Many people will be familiar with REM sleep as the sleep cycle that leads to detailed dreams. Theta brain waves are responsible for creativity and helping people solve complex problems by accessing better insight to the root causes of these problems. This is why sleep can help people have better clarity when trying to solve big problems.

Alpha 8-12 hertz:

Artists and musicians have very active Alpha brain waves. This frequency is what allows people to move between consciousness and unconsciousness when thinking creatively or creating art. When awake this brain wave frequency leads to a deep calmness.

Beta 12-38 hertz:

This is the normal waking state of brain waves. Beta brain waves are responsible for helping people solve problems and think critically. Reading, writing, linear thinking, and attention are all influenced by the Beta brain waves. The higher the beta frequencies the more people have signs of stress, irritability, and paranoia.

Gamma 38+ hertz:

Tibetan monks regularly achieve these brainwave frequencies leading to a sense of enlightenment and a high level of problem solving. Higher awareness, happiness, and confidence happen at this frequency.

HyperGamma/Lambda 40-200+ hertz:

Either end of brain frequencies is where people can enter and exit sub consciousness and these brain waves blend and move along with Epsilon frequencies.

Normal brain waves are considered .5-30 hertz. The extreme brain waves are not normally achieved while awake but people can reach epsilon and lambda frequencies while meditating.

Modes of Delivery

There are three modes of receiving Binaural Beats Meditation though sound. These modes include Binaural Beats, Monaural Beats, and Isochronic Tones. Please read below to learn a bit more about each mode of delivery.

Binaural Beats:

This mode involves sending two different frequencies through headphones. By sending one frequency of tone through one ear and another frequency in the other ear the brain makes a wave connection between the two frequencies.

Isochronic Tones:

These single tones have a definite beginning and end and can be a bit irritating for some people to listen to. Some people who use these tones have a sound engineer blend them with music to help make the sound therapy more enjoyable.

Monaural Beats:

Similar to Isochronic Tones, these sounds only need one tone at a time and can be listened to without headphones. Isochronic Tones and Monaural beats are processed in different areas of the brain.

Beneficial Uses For Binaural Beats Meditation

Many people can benefit by adding brainwave therapy to their routine. People have seen great success with decreasing depression, improving focus in people with ADHD, and even help people heal from trauma.

Three different companies that are offering brainwave soundtracks are listed at

Should You Use Binaural Beats Meditation?

People who are looking for an alternative to medications and invasive procedures for various medical issues will definitely want to consider Binaural Beats Meditation.

Sound therapy when used on a group of alcoholics was actually more effective at reducing symptoms of depression then even self-help groups.

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