Best Ranked & Top Rated Best Ab Workouts List – Top 2017 Abdominal Strenghtening Exercises?

Best Ab Workouts List – Top 2017 Abdominal Strenghtening Exercises?

Best Ab Workouts List

We are just about two weeks away from dawning in the New Year of 2017. I have already decided on a few New Year’s resolutions, how about you? I would imagine that since you found this article and are reading it, one of your resolutions must be to achieve a fit and attractive body.

Sculpting your abs is one important part of this, as having nice abs instantly makes you appear more attractive to other people. I should warn you though that it is not as easy to get nice abs as some people make it seem. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and commitment. You do not only have to commit to the workouts, but you also have to commit to a healthy diet. Some people think that you only need to work out or you only need to go on a healthy diet to lose weight and be more attractive.

Unfortunately for those people, that is not how it works. You need both an effective workout regimen and a healthy diet.

Now, I wrote this article to make the workout process a little easier for those who are totally lost and do not know what kind of workouts they should try in the New Year. Since you really want to work on your abs, all of these workouts are going to mostly focus on sculpting your abs.

If you are unaware of what some of these workouts entail, you may have to a Google search after reading this article. Without further ado… following is the list of the best ab workouts.

Best Ab Workouts

#1: Reverse Pushups

Reverse pushups are exactly what they sound like and let me tell you, they are a great form of exercise. Doing reverse pushups will help you strengthen your abs, as well as your arms and shoulders. They are a super effective upper body workout that you should add to your exercise regimen.

#2: One Armed Wall Pushup

To continue the theme of pushups, the one armed wall pushup is a very easy workout that you don’t even need to leave your house to do. You can do it literally anywhere and helps strengthen muscles all over your body!

#3: Regular pushups

Did you think I was going to forget the basics? No way! Regular pushups may seem basic and for starters, but they really are an effective workout. Many fitness freak people disregard simple exercises like pushups, but they are really missing out.

Pushups positively impact many parts of your body, including your abs, biceps, pecs, and triceps. It is nearly a full body workout and it would be foolish to not include pushups in your 2017 workout regimen.

#4: Sit ups

This one was a bit of no brainer, but deserves a mention nonetheless. Sit ups are incredibly effective in strengthening your abs. Sit ups deserve a place in any workout regimen.

#5: Side Plank

Side planks are another simple, but highly effective workout. In just a short amount of time, you can greatly strengthen your oblique muscles by side planking. Alternate sides that you plank on and do multiple repetitions to get the best results.

#6: Leg Ab Twists

This is an excellent workout that will enhance your entire abdominal area. Whether it’s your core, upper abdominals, or oblique muscles – they all stand to benefit from doing the leg ab twist exercise.

#7: The Running Man

The running man workout is quite similar to the sit up workout, but much more intense. On top of that, you work out and strengthen more muscles with this exercise than you do with simple sit ups. You should definitely include this exercise in your regimen if you are serious about getting that glorious six-pack.

#8: The Russian Twist

Going back to the basics here with the Russian twist. I would say that most athletes have done and probably still do Russian twists as part of their workout regimen. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles in your core and it does that to perfection. Definitely consider adding this to your regimen.

#9: Archer Rows

Archer rows are highly effective in strengthening the muscles in your back and your middle abdominals. This is one of my favorite workouts as I have a lot of fun doing them and I feel great after doing them.

#10: Elevated Bird Dog

What an amazing workout this is. Seriously, I am not exaggerating. The elevated bird dog is an excellent exercise that works out a whole bunch of muscles, including the muscles in your core, lower back, chest, and abs. An outstanding upper body sculpting exercise!

#11: Lunges

Lunges and reverse lunges are excellent workouts that are phenomenal calorie shredders. They also work wonders as it pertains to sculpting a strong sturdy core. Highly recommended.

#12: The Figure 8

You may want to Google search this one to make sure you do it right, because it is insane! Insane in a good way, though. The figure 8 is absolutely incredible and really fun to do. And more importantly, it is highly efficient in strengthening your core and back muscles. I dare say that the figure 8 is the perfect workout.

#13: Plank Taps

Plank taps are a very simple workout that even someone who has never worked out a day in their life before would be able to master. And that does not mean it is not a good workout. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Plank taps are an excellent exercise that will help activate and strengthen the muscles in your core and even your glutes!

#14: Prone Plate Switch

If you enjoyed doing the side planks and plank taps, then this is another exercise you should try. Doing this will give you a strong sturdy back as well as rock hard abs.

#15: Inchwork Slide

This is an oft-overlooked workout that many athletes just do to warm themselves up. It is much more than a simple warm up exercise, though. In fact, it is an excellent workout that engages many parts of your body and gets them fired up and strengthened. It helps to enhance your hamstrings, calves, thighs, as well as your oblique muscles and the muscles in your core.

Best Ab Workouts Summary

There you have it. 15 best ab workouts that you ought to include your workout regimen for the New Year, especially to sculpt perfect and strong abs. I really hope you take this list seriously and try to include some or all of these exercises into your regimen. You probably noticed that the theme of this list was “simple but effective” and that is because I really want you to be able to do these even if you are new to working out. Good luck!

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