Weight Loss Appetite Control Benzedrine Review – Learn The Secrets Of This Weight Loss Pill

Benzedrine Review – Learn The Secrets Of This Weight Loss Pill

There are many weight loss supplements available to consumers today. The vast selection of supplements available can make it difficult to decide on one brand. Because of this, it could be safer for consumers to look for brands that have an established history. Benzedrine is a supplement that has been on the market since the 1800s.

What Is Benzedrine?

Benzedrine is well known to suppress the appetite of its users, as well as acting as a stimulant to the central nervous system.

About The Company

Benzedrine is made by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), a company that is based in the United Kingdom. Glaxo Smith Kline is well known for producing a variety of products in the pharmaceutical, nutritional and healthcare industries.

There was a time when the original Benzedrine formula was freely available. However, this is no longer the case due to the prevalence of drug abuse. There are other companies that do sell products with the Benzedrine brand such as Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals.

Short History Of Benzedrine

In World War 2, and in the Vietnam War, Benzedrine was given to soldiers on the front line. It was prescribed to soldiers who had trouble waking up in the morning, as well as sufferers of narcolepsy. Benzedrine was used by soldiers from all countries in the war. It was especially favored by pilots who needed to stay alert during long flights and aerial combat exercises.

How Does Benzedrine Work?

Benzedrine is well known as a stimulant in the healthcare industry. The pill is a form of amphetamine, and is far more powerful than a cup of coffee. The most common effect of taking Benzedrine is suppression in appetite.

The pill stimulates the central nervous system and helps improve mental cognition. Amphetamines are regularly abused as aphrodisiacs. It is for this reason that the original Benzedrine formula was recalled from the market entirely.

Benzedrine Recommended Dosage

One must take no more than 4 a day and it should be taken after lunch and in the morning.  This means a full bottle will last about 15 days at the maximum dosage. This also means one can expect to pay around $60 for a month’s supply.

Benzedrine Ingredients

There are many variations of the formula that are available on the market. Depending on the brand of Benzedrine, it could contain:

  • Phenylethylmaine
  • Theorbromine
  • Methylsynephrine
  • Yohimbe bark
  • Caffeine
  • L-tyrosine

Does Benzedrine Really Work?

GSK, the company that produces Benzedrine, claims they produced a study showing the effectiveness on Benzedrine. The facts were released in the bodybuilding content the Arnold Classic. However, the study was not formally published to the public.

Although the company states that Benzedrine is backed by scientific evidence, there are no customer testimonials on their website. After doing some research on various product comparison websites, users said they experienced an “Up” after taking the pill. If the user combines Benzedrine with regular exercise, one could expect an increase in heart rate which is not uncommon in stimulants.

Side Effects Of Taking Benzedrine

As Benzedrine is a form of amphetamine, there are some risks and common side effects of taking this pill. Common side effects of taking Benzedrine include:

  • Hypertension
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Tremors
  • Euphoria
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Vomiting
  • Growth suppression
  • Psychosis
  • Cardiac Arrest

As stated previously, Benzedrine is classified as an amphetamine. Amphetamines are known in the medical community as central nervous system stimulations. Amphetamines are sometimes given to patients for:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Obesity
  • Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Depression

Amphetamines were first introduced in 1887 by a European chemist L.Edeleano. At the time, the dangers and possible dependency on amphetamines were unknown.

Benzedrine was first used to help treat symptoms of colic and bronchitis by enlarging the bronchial and nasal passages. Users would take the drug in the form of an inhaler in the 1800s. In the 1940s, Benzedrine was modified to be used as an anoretcant, or weight loss drug.

There are different variations of amphetamines and their respective trading names. For example, Benzedrine is the market name for amphetamine; while dextroamphetamine is known as Dexedrine. The most powerful amphetamine is Methamphetamine, which is also known as Dexoyn. The inhalers have been banned since the 1940s. However, they are still prescribed for specific uses.

Amphetamine Abuse

Benzedrine was taken off the stores shelves for its’ severe propensity for misuse. During the 1970s, users discovered that they could inject themselves with methamphetamines instead of taking the drug orally. Intravenous administration resulted in feelings of euphoria for most people, occurring in a matter of moments.

Amphetamines are common among athletes. Physical performance is boosted in terms of strength, size and cardiac output.

Users of amphetamines can develop a dependency to the drug. Dependency could lead to tolerance of the medication. This results in the need for larger doses of amphetamines to get the same effect.

It is possible for addiction to lead to psychosis or death. The psychosis that abusers of amphetamines experience is not dissimilar to schizophrenia, including paranoia and hearing voices. The delusions and hallucinations of taking amphetamines subside once the user stops taking them

What Are People Saying About Benzedrine?

There were many reviews on Benzedrine that said it helped the user achieve their weight loss goals. On the other hand, there were an equal amount of remarks that were critical of pill, stating that Benzedrine fell short of their expectations.

The tone of most of the reviews was generally positive. The majority of reviewers said that if the users were to use Benzedrine as a compliment to regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet, that they would be likely to reach their health and fitness goals.

It should be noted that Benzedrine, or any health supplement for that matter, is not guaranteed to work for everyone. This is why there are companies that offer a free trial of Benzedrine so that users can experiment with different supplements.

The Bottom Line – Is Benzedrine Worth It?

Benzedrine has a long and chequered history as a weight loss supplement. The amphetamine-based pill has shown to produce results in users that take it responsibly. While the side effects and potential for abuse of Benzedrine makes it something to be taken seriously.

The best advice on weight loss should be taken from a doctor or other health professional. It is important that the user knows that Benzedrine will be safe and effective for them to use.

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