Product Review Gaming Astoria Virtual Reality Headset & Eye Health Safety Risks

Astoria Virtual Reality Headset & Eye Health Safety Risks

Astoria VR is a new virtual reality headset that you wear around your eyes to provide a variety of unique digital experiences and interactive visual representations for many exciting outdoor activities and 3D ‘nature at its finest' views. But once it caught wind and was made publicly available with an economical price tag compared to some of the super high-end VR headsets – our visitors started asking about it in terms of eye health and is it bad for your brain (much in comparison to the 3D movie googles).

Since we are a health-centric site, we will review the smartphone-compatible Astoria VR headset attributes as well as talk about the potential eye strain health effects. Many want to know if the small dual LCD monitors that create a stereoscopic effect which are pointed and projected at one eye each is safe for long term use and experience. This virtual reality headset technology gives users a high quality sense of computer-generated simulation of exotic environments as well as illusion of depth for real-time feel and focus.

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The question we want to go after upon talking about the value of Astoria Virtual Reality headsets is are they safe for eye health or will they potentially create ocular stress and mental strain if overused?

Virtual Reality – Healthy & Fun Or Dangerous?

In this modern age of entertainment and sophisticated gadgetry, Virtual Reality has really caught the attention of many due to its versatility and variety of what it can bring right into your eyesight. VR refers to an augmented reality perception that is experienced via the use of a peripheral device like goggles, headsets and soon to be sunglasses.

It allows users to have a more immersive experience, whether one is watching movies, viewing pictures or even playing a video game, the virtual reality technology provides for an exhilarating experience which engages the user's audio and visual sensory domains.

The technology was first discussed in various science fiction writings during the mid-20th century, where holographic technologies were discussed as a possibility in the near future. However as the decades progressed scientists made huge technological advancements, and by the early 1980’s MIT had developed the first VR prototype which provided users with the capability of navigating through a specified map area.

The augmented environment was responsive to user based changes and offered various dynamic interaction modes. These developments were however limited due to the large costs involved but by the 2000’s computer technology had evolved to a very high degree, and it was now possible to create more affordable VR systems.

By the early 2010’s various companies had developed and patented their own VR technologies, for example Nintendo developed a device which allowed users to experience 3D graphics on a custom made 2D screen. Similarly, multinationals like Sony, Samsung began producing wearable VR headsets which allowed users to have a 360 degree experience.

From recent developments in this field it seems like the next frontier for many developers is to incorporate an individual's sense of touch, smell and taste into the equation and make a device which not only augments but transports a user completely into the selected program.

As VR continues to become a bigger demand, some are noticing the 3D stereoscopic effects can cause feelings of disorientation and even in rare cases nausea if the VR experiences are poorly rendered. Whether virtual reality sickness is a thing yet, it will likely come down to usage and the individual user. On the flip side, some are saying 3D virtual reality experiences perceived on tehse headsets could actually strengthen eyes due to the need to maintain binocular vision for the best results.

But for now, one of the most popular 2016 brands of virtual reality headsets is AstoriaVR and seems poised to be one of the most used and celebrated three-dimensional virtual world creating devices available in 2017.

What is Astoria VR?

Astoria VR is a headset which delivers users with a complete experience of Virtual Reality. It utilizes the processing power of one’s smartphone to deliver users with a completely augmented experience which can be felt in the comfort of one’s home. The key benefits of the device include:

(i) Immersive: it offers users with a completely 360 degree point of view. This allows for a highly immersive experience as the virtual world can now be interacted with in all directions.

(ii) Highly Compatible: the product is intended for use with a range of popular smartphone brands like HTC, Samsung and Apple iPhones.

(iii) Highly detailed environment: the device can be used with extremely high resolution devices like TV’s and screens with 1080p resolution allowing for immense clarity and attention to detail.

How should I use the device? Is it easy to use?

The product design is highly ergonomic and user friendly, it allows users to experience augmented reality for long durations without any apparent discomfort or strain. Astoria VR can be used easily by following the prescribed steps which include:

(i) Initiate VR app: the user should start the desired Virtual Reality application of their choice on their smartphone.

(ii) Setup headset: the product should then be setup properly by placing the phone into the input compartment of the headset. The placement should be done well so as to prevent damage to either device.

(iii) Start using: once the fitting is done, users can enjoy a fully immersive 3D experience.

What are some of the technical features of the device which set it apart from other similar products?

The key aspects of the AstoriaVR include:

(i) Lens: the aperture includes an 8-layer nano film coating which allows for high clarity and definition.

(ii) Adjustable Headband: the headband that is used to put the device in position can be easily adjusted so as to prevent any discomfort.

(iii) Cushion: high quality leather foam cushions have been used to provide individuals with high comfort and ease of use.

(iv) Adjustable distance: the viewing distance can be easily adjusted using a rotator knob located on the side of the device.

(v) Adjustable focal length: the device comes with 20mm focal length adjustment range.

(vi) Magnetic front plate: the magnetised front plate allows for high definition VR.

What are some of the things I can do with my headset?

With a recent boom in the VR market many developers have now begun making dedicated apps which allow users to get immersed in experiences like:

(i) Wildlife and other scenic environments.

(ii) Various sports like basketball, football, soccer.

(iii) Visiting various highly detailed outer space locations like mars, moon.

(iv) Watching one’s favourite TV shows, movies and even playing video games.

Some of the apps which have been customised for VR viewing include Bubblecars, Dive City Rollercoaster, Hoverboard Drive, Jet Sprint Demo, and Hang Gliding amongst a plethora of other applications.

What do people who have used the product have to say about it?

The overall response to this technology has been overwhelmingly positive, this is partly because the experience is so captivating and immersive. Some satisfied customers include Barry V who claims that the product really got him hooked onto the VR experience and rated the product 4/5 stars online.

Similarly, Oliver gave the product 5 stars and said the quality of the graphics and detail delivered were immaculate.

Options For Buying Astoria VR Online?

The easiest and most convenient way of making a purchase is buy placing an order online at A single unit can be purchased for a reasonable sum of $59.90 but bulk orders of 2 or more units allow individuals to avail of high discounts. For example on purchasing 3 AstoriaVR sets a user gets 2 units absolutely free, similarly purchases of 4 or 6 sets also come with price reductions in excess of $50. Payments can be done using a host of safe and secure transaction means including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Lastly, all orders come with a 14 day no-questions asked refund guarantee. This allows users to claim a full refund if they are unhappy with any aspect of their newly purchased product.

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  1. Ordered the ‘Buy two get third one free’ – charged for all three – paid duty & taxes on all three plus delivery. Have emailed this company 5 times – NO REPLY! plus this only works with split screen videos. Ripped off!

  2. This company is very shady if not an out right scam. I was going to buy their product and had entered my information. I then decided I needed to do some more research to make sure I got what I wanted and never finished the purchase process. They illegally charge my credit card anyways, ignored all my emails, wouldn’t answer the phone and then shipped me the product almost 2 months later after repeated emails telling them I didn’t order them or want them. Do not do business with these guys.

  3. Scammers. Have tried e-mailing this company for a RMA# and all I receive are canned replies. Doesn’t help to call phone number as it is a recorded message to e-mail support which is totally useless.

  4. Scammers. All they want is their money. No customer support despite calling the number and sending e-mails.

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