Product Review Pets Arthri Aid Review – Fast Joint Relief For Man’s Best Friend

Arthri Aid Review – Fast Joint Relief For Man’s Best Friend

Our pets, like ourselves, have deteriorating bodies.  Slowly but surely, they will fall away as we do. But there is a way to give your furry loved ones a happier, longer, and healthier life.  Arthri Aid is a supplement that helps to reduce the stress on your pet’s joints, while also nourishing the connective tissues. These areas of the body are often damaged due to age or continued participation in competitions.

What is Arthri Aid?

If you have a pet that regularly competes in performance shows, your dog may have an abnormal level of pressure on his joint on a semi-regular basis. Unlike the pressure that accumulates on joints as your dog ages, this pressure is much more aggressive in destroying the connective tissues that allow your dog to walk without pain. Rather than filling his body with medicine that has chemicals and toxins, try a natural approach with Arthri Aid.

Arthri Aid is offered to pet owners as a supplement that is exclusive for dogs, and it provides the nutrition that his body needs to create and maintain the right level of cartilage between joints. Dogs cannot provide these nutrients for their own bodies, especially after years and years of strenuous competitions.

Every animal’s or human’s joints are surrounded by cartilage and fluid to help ease the impact of the bones pressing against each other. With constant physical activity and with age, the flexibility of these areas begins to diminish, which results in a lot of pain for your pet. Luckily, with consistent and regular use, this supplement can fix the damage that’s been caused. This approach is much different from the way that pain medicine treats the issue, which simply masks the damage.

While it may take about a week to start seeing results, this simple addition to their daily meals puts you just a few steps closer to helping your dog recuperate from his performance days. Additionally, if your dog is already taking another supplement, you can still introduce Arthri Aid without having to stop your current supplement regimen with the guidance of your veterinarian.

How Does Arthri Aid Work?

Just like with supplements designed for humans, all of benefits that Arthri Aid offers can only be achieved by including the right ingredients. The main ingredient used is a powerfully high dose of Glucosamine, which is combined with Chondroitin and MSM, along with other essential vitamins for your animal’s overall health. All of these products are absolutely essential for providing comfort to your pet’s joints and the rest of their body, which help with their mobility in the long run.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin work together to help with the changes in connective tissue and cartilage, as it is damaged by age or degenerative joint disease. However, when combined with MSM as well, these ingredients work together to repair and renew the joints. Their potency is much stronger together, than it would be separately.

Many dog foods actually already have Glucosamine in their listed ingredients to help with mild joint problems. However, this amount is not enough for a dog that has sustained major damage and deterioration in the joints from age or activity. Arthri Aid gives the concentrated dose that you need for maximum efficacy.

Dosing Instructions for Arthri Aid

There are two factors that will determine the amount of the Arthri Aid supplement you need to give your pet – the format and the size of your animal. You can get this product as a tablet, liquid, soft chew, or powder, depending on the easiest way you can introduce it to your pet’s diet. Below, you will find the dosage requirements for the tablets and the powder, based on the weight of your animal, as described by the manufacturer.

Tablet Dosing Instructions

  • Up to 5kg: ¼ tablet
  • 5kg to 7.5kg: ½ tablet
  • 5kg to 15kg: 1 tablet
  • 15kg to 22.5kg: 1 ½ tablets
  • 5kg to 30kg: 2 tablets
  • 30kg to 37.5kg: 2 ½ tablets

HA Powder Dosing Instructions

  • Under 5kg: 2gm
  • 5kg to 10kg: 3gm
  • 10kg to 20kg: 4gm
  • 20kg to 40kg: 5gm
  • Over 40kg: 6gm

To reap the full benefits of Arthri Aid, the company recommends that you continue to use it in your dog’s diet for at least a month. After that initial month, you can drop down the dosage to about half of what you were giving him before.

Where To Purchase Arthri Aid

Even though there are many third-party retailers that have this supplement available for purchase, the manufacturer’s website states that you should obtain the formula from your veterinarian to ensure quality. You can get the supplements designed for dogs, cats, and horses this way.

If you want specific locations of where this product is made available to consumers, you can contact the creator of the supplement for specific store information.

Contacting the Makers of Arthri Aid: NutriScience

To get the information about this product, you will need to contact the makers directly to answer questions. This supplement is produced by NutriScience, who is responsible for making many other supplements that can help the other pets in your home.

While no orders can be placed over the phone, you can call the customer service department at +353 (0)51 304 010. No hours of operation are listed, so you may end up calling outside of business hours. In the event that you need to submit your questions without a phone-based representative, you can email your question to


No matter what the natural cause is of your pet’s damage to their joint cartilage, Arthri Aid provides the opportunity to improve their condition with natural ingredients. With regular use, you will notice improvements in your dog’s mobility and disposition as well. Speak with your veterinarian about introducing this supplement into your dog’s daily routine, setting him on a clear path to total wellness.

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