Product Review Anti-Sleep Alarm – Healthy Wake Up Alarm For Drivers & Students?

Anti-Sleep Alarm – Healthy Wake Up Alarm For Drivers & Students?

Anti-Sleep Alarm

Drowsy driving presents a very serious risk of sleep that in many cases can be fatal. There are many environments in which falling asleep can be very dangerous, with driving coming in at the most lethal place to fall asleep. Despite the dangers associated with sleeping while driving, drowsy driving is still one of the leading causes of road deaths in the United States.

The Anti-Sleep Alarm is a groundbreaking new product that is able to sense when a driver is nodding off, and alerts them with an earsplitting alarm that induces immediate wakefulness and fast responsiveness.

Simple in design, low in cost, and easy to operate, the AntiSleep Alarm is a must-have for any driver that expects to be driving for a long period of time.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the design, construction, and functionality of the Anti-Sleep Alarm and find out how it works and how effective it is to help you decide whether it’s the right driving safety aid for you.

Dangers Of Driving

According to statistics published by the National Sleep Foundation, more than 100,000 sleep induced traffic and road accidents occur every year, with surveys showing that over 37% of the population have fallen asleep at the wheel at some point during their lives.

The hundreds of road accidents that occur every day have a very real impact- more than 1,550 deaths occur every year directly as a result of drowsy driving.

In addition to the mortality rate caused by sleeping and driving, the financial impact of drowsy driving costs Americans up to $12.5 billion dollars every year in insurance claims, damaged vehicles, property damage, and medical bills.

It’s safe to say that driving while sleepy is one of the most dangerous things that can be done behind the wheel of the car, but unfortunately, in many situations, it can’t be avoided.

Late night works shifts, interstate drives, and jobs that required long driving hours all make drowsy driving unavoidable.

Road authorities recommend pulling over and taking a short nap to alleviate the symptoms of drowsiness, but this isn’t a realistic option in many cases.

Fortunately, The Anti Sleep Alarm is providing drowsy drivers with a highly effective alarm option that keeps them awake and safe during long, late night drives and sleepy hours. Let’s take a look at the design of the AntiSleep alarm.

What is the Anti-Sleep Alarm and How Does it Work?

The Anti-Sleep Alarm is built around the study of human sleeping behavior, and consists of a simple, comfortable ear mounted alarm that attaches to the ear much in the same way as a bluetoothe headset for a smartphone.

The Anti-Sleep Alarm is intended to be worn while the driver is at the wheel, especially in situations in which they expect to encounter long periods of fatigue and sleepiness.

The small form factor of the Anti-Sleep Alarm makes it comfortable and easy to wear. The most important feature of the Anti-Sleep Alarm, however, is its ability to sense when a driver is falling asleep and immediately startle them into wakefulness.

The Anti Sleep Alarm houses an advanced sensor suite that incorporates cutting-edge accelerometer technology.

This built-in accelerometer is able to sense when the head tilts by just 15 degrees. Head tilting is one of the first behaviors that indicate the onset of a microsleep, which is one of the most common causes of road accidents.

Before a microsleep occurs, the neck muscles of the body relax, causing the head to tilt.

When the Anti Sleep Alarm senses the head beginning to tilt, it immediately lets out a very loud, piercing, and consistent alarm tone that alerts the driver. As soon as the head reaches a level state, the alarm cuts out.

The auto cut out feature of the alarm is ideal for long driving sessions, as it doesn’t take attention away from the road or wheel to reset, leaving the device always on and ready to respond to sleep signals.

As even a few microseconds of inattention while driving can result in serious accidents or even loss of life, the constant scrutiny the Anti Sleep Alarm places on the user makes it a highly efficient way of maintaining concentration and wakefulness while on the road.

The Anti Sleep Alarm is powered by an LR44 lozenge battery that is able to run the device for thousands of hours before being replaced, making it incredibly cost effective to run.

The Anti Sleep Alarm also has the advantage of being designed in the United States, adhering to design and manufacturing standards. The benefits of the Anti Sleep Alarm aren’t limited to drivers, however.

The Antisleep alarm can also be used by students that are studying for important exams during cramming sessions, keeping them awake and focused for study sessions.

It’s also a great solution for anybody that needs to stay awake in a situation that could be made dangerous during sleep, such as heavy machinery operation.

Anti-Sleep Alarm Verdict

The Anti-Sleep Alarm is the only solution of its kind on the market, and, while it’s not an ideal replacement for a few hours of good, restful sleep, it provides a modicum of safety in situations in which drivers are forced to operate a vehicle while drowsy, potentially preventing accidents.

The Anti-Sleep Alarm can be ordered from the product website, and is priced at just $7.99 USD with free shipping and a free tactical kit.

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