Supplement Review Muscle Growth Andro Freak PharmaFreak – Clinically-Researched Low T Ingredients?

Andro Freak PharmaFreak – Clinically-Researched Low T Ingredients?

andro freak

Andro Freak is a hybrid testosterone support supplement sold by Pharma Freak that claims to include clinically-researched ingredients, including the brand’s own ingredient PRIMAVIE.

Features Of The Andro Freak Testosterone Booster

  • Each dosage of Andro Freak delivers more than 125 mg of Primavie per serving, which is known as a patented form of shilajit in a highly concentrated form.
  • The formula also contains high amounts of L-Theanine for better alpha wave production and reduction of catabolic stress hormones.
  • Resveratrol is used in Andro Freak for its antioxidant properties.

Ingredient Listing For Andro Freak offered By Pharma Freak

The non-medicinal ingredients of Andro Freak include Hypromellose and Magnesium stearate.

Andro Freak Ingredient Benefits

Resveratrol is part of a family of compounds that are known as polyphenols. These compounds work as antioxidants, which means they are able to protect the body against the damage of free radicals. Free radicals can put the body at risk of developing conditions such as cancer and heart disease, thus making it important that one keeps their antioxidant levels topped up.

Resveratrol is seen in both anti-aging formulas as well as weight loss pills.

  • Resveratrol may help reduce inflammation and lower the amounts of cholesterol. A lower cholesterol level means that’s less likely for one to develop conditions such as heart disease or experience a cardiac arrest.
  • Having more antioxidants in one’s system can help limit the spread of cancer cells.
  • Antioxidants protect nerve cells from damage thus preventing the onset of mental disorders such as Alzheimer's.
  • Resveratrol prevents insulin resistance, which is known to lead to diabetes if left unchecked.


Shilajit has seen use in ayurvedic medicine for generations, long before the advent of modern medicine and the commercial supplements that we see today.

Studies have shown that Shilajit can deliver energy and nutrients the body, which may lead to an improvement in the following areas:

  • Increases memory and cognition.
  • Supports the healthy absorption of nutrients.
  • Increases energy.
  • Balances blood sugar levels.
  • Natural detoxification properties.
  • Increases oxygen, and thus blood flow to the entire body.


L-Theanine is sometimes called Suntheanine, and currently has no safety concerns despite its widespread use.

L-Theanine is found in tea leaves, and is its principal relaxant for the nervous system. It may be surprising to note that tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. Shoppers can find L-Theanine in all kinds of foods, soft drinks, and herbal remedies thanks to its mild flavor and cognitive effects.

Andro Freak Review Summary

Andro Freak’s use of L-Theanine is with the intention to relieve stress without the symptoms of drowsiness, and also to enhance the user’s immune system. When the user’s body is put in stressful situations (such as during exercise), the likelihood of the person becoming sick or injured increases. For this reason, L-Theanine is used to counteract the effects of physical and mental pressure during weight training.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that can be found in many different foods and is a common dietary supplement. B6 is responsible for more than 100 enyzme reactions, with an emphasis with the metabolism of proteins.

When coupled with a diet that’s high in protein, Vitamin B6 could help the user extract the full nutritional value from each meal they consume, thus allowing one to experience gains in muscle mass in a shorter span of time.

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