Supplement Review AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates – Will It Increase Athletic Endurance?

AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates – Will It Increase Athletic Endurance?

Athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts are able to select from a wide range of supplements that are able to deliver a broad spectrum of performance enhancing benefits. While standard supplements such as whey isolate protein and creatine have been standard elements of an athletic nutritional strategy for a long time, a new generation of supplement technology is allowing users to push their bodies even further, achieving greater results in a shorter amount of time.

One of the most promising new supplement strategies is the practice of nitrate supplementation. Nitrates are able to increase the production of nitric oxide in the body, which is able to improve vasodilation, or the relaxation of the blood vessels, arteries, and veins.

Vasodilation delivers a wide range of benefits to performance athletes and bodybuilders. By relaxing the blood vessels of the body, an increase in nitric oxide levels allows the body to pump more blood faster throughout the body, which enhances VO2 max, strength output, endurance, and recovery times.

One of the most potent sources of nitrates is the common beet. Beets offer many superfood benefits, such as reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and antioxidant properties, but are extremely rich in nitrates. A new supplement from AMRAP Nutrition is providing athletes and fitness enthusiasts with a potent source of nitric oxide elevating nitrates, along with a hydrating electrolyte blend.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates formula and find out what it offers to help you determine whether it’s the right performance supplement for you.

About Beet Nitrates

The Beet Nitrates formula is a new performance enhancing supplement from AMRAP Nutrition. Offering athletes the ability to dramatically boost their endurance and strength output, Beet Nitrates increases the rate at which muscle tissue is able to absorb oxygen, which translates into a powerful competitive advantage.

In addition to delivering a massive dose of nitrates, Beet Nitrates also contains an electrolyte blend that rehydrates the body. An important point of difference between the AMRAP Beet Nitrates formula and other beet products is that it’s created entirely from non-GMO beets, and is completely gluten free.

The low carbohydrate content of the Beet Nitrates formula makes it ideal for paleo dieters, and contains minimal sugar. Instead of relying on dangerous artificial sweeteners or high sugar alcohol content, the Beet Nitrates formula uses stevia extract, which is the sweetest natural sugar alternative available. Stevia extract is more than 200 times sweeter than sugar, but contains absolutely no sugar or calories.

The Beet Nitrates formula is able to increase athletic endurance, improve cardiovascular performance, speed up the muscle recovery and growth capacity of the body, delay the onset of fatigue, reduce the severity of training-induced delayed onset muscle soreness, and even lower blood pressure. The vasodilatory benefits of Beet Nitrates also minimize inflammatory, which improves joint and digestive health.

All of the ingredients in the Beet Nitrates formula are completely natural- consisting of a simple blend of non-GMO beet powder, potassium citrate, sea salt, stevia extract, and magnesium, the Beet Nitrates formula is free from chemical additives or artificial flavors.

The Science Behind AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates

The use of nitrates to boost athletic performance is extensively supported by clinical science. An investigation performed by Florida State University in 2016 examined the effects of six days of nitrate supplementation in a double-blind, randomized, crossover design study on a group of athletes.

The group that was provided with nitrate supplementation in the trial exhibited significantly increased oxygen uptake, power output, and endurance, demonstrating the potent benefits of nitrate supplementation.

Another clinical investigation into the benefits of nitrate supplementation was performed in Italy in 2016, in which more than 44 different clinical studies were collated into a meta-study conducted by a group of researchers from several universities. The study concluded that nitrate supplementation increases plasma nitrite content in the body, which delivers reduced energy demand during exercise, enhanced muscle strength capacity, and improved sprint performance.

Providing the body with an excess of nitrates has a counterproductive effect on performance, however- a clinical investigation performed in 2015 found that dosages up to 1 gram of nitrate salts daily delivers positive effects, but dosages beyond this can impair performance. As the AMRAP nutrition formula delivers roughly 0.5 grams of nitrites per dosage, it’s clear that AMRAP has dosed the formula careful to ensure maximum performance enhancement.

AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates Review Summary

The AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates formula is one of the most intelligently dosed vasodilator supplements on the market, and is backed up by a significant amount of clinical evidence. If you’re looking for a powerful and natural way to improve your athletic performance, AMRAP Nutrition Beet Nitrates are a great option.

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