Diet Programs Ahara Rasa Ghee – Organic Grassfed Ghee from Vat-Cultured Butter?

Ahara Rasa Ghee – Organic Grassfed Ghee from Vat-Cultured Butter?

Ahara Rasa Ghee

As people become more aware of the foods they consume and attempt to eat healthier, different ingredients have grown to be more and more popular.

One of the most popular of these foods is ghee, which has long been used in traditional Indian cooking. Considered a type of clarified butter, ghee is made using pure butter fat, unlike actual butter which contains butter fat, water, and milk solids.

Because ghee doesn’t contain milk solids, it is easier to cook with than regular butter.

For those who are trying to eat healthier, ghee is also the perfect alternative because it does not contain high amounts of casein and lactose, making it a better option for those with lactose intolerances.

While ghee is an amazing ingredient, it’s important for those who want to use the product to find the best quality possible.

Ahara Rasa Ghee uses traditional methods of processing and the highest quality milk sources in order to be the best on the market.

By committing itself completely to a better process and better quality ingredients, Ahara Rasa Ghee is able to give its customers the best ghee possible.

What Is Ahara Rasa Ghee?

Ahara Rasa Ghee was started by Andrea Shuman, who discovered the product through her study and passion of Ayurvedic medicine.

Shuman had committed herself to finding the best ways possible to support the physical and mental health of the people she worked with and found that adding ghee to a daily diet helped her meet these goals.

Coming from the Sanskrit phrase ‘the essence of food’, Ahara Rasa Ghee was designed to support the health of customers, allowing them to experience the many benefits of the traditional ingredient.

By introducing this to an audience that might not consider ghee a staple, Shuman has changed the way ghee is used in the Western world.

Since its inception, Ahara Rasa Ghee has stayed committed to a very strict set of standards when it comes to crafting its batches of clarified butter.

To start, Ahara Rasa Ghee only uses the traditional ghee making process, using the outline found in Charak Samhita, an ancient and respected text used in Ayurvedic medicine.

The process used to make Ahara Rasa Ghee requires the butter to be turned into yogurt first, increasing the digestive benefits of the ghee.

By following these very specific and detailed guidelines to make the ghee, Ahara Rasa Ghee has been able to provide customers with a healthier spread and oil option, one that supports overall health and tastes delicious.

Ahara Rasa Ghee Benefits

Because ghee is often associated with Indian cooking and dishes, many have a certain trepidation about the food product, thinking that it can only be used in very specific recipes. However, one of the benefits of ghee is its amazing versatility.

As mentioned above, Ahara Rasa Ghee is basically an enhanced clarified butter, meaning it can be used on breads and pancakes, making the perfect butter replacement.

Because ghee has a higher smoke point than butter, but maintains the delicious and smooth buttery flavor, Ahara Rasa Ghee can be used to bake, cook, and even fry.

Because of its versatility, ghee is considered a staple in many homes, growing in popularity over the past several years.

Not only is ghee a perfect addition to any kitchen, but it can also be used for a variety of health and beauty remedies. Rubbed gently on the skin, ghee can remove makeup and even work as a natural rash ointment.

For those who have problems with constipation, a tablespoon of ghee is often more than enough to get things moving again. Eating ghee regularly also serves to support the digestive system.

As mentioned above, Ahara Rasa Ghee is first turned into a yogurt before it’s made into a butter, meaning it contains the enzymes and probiotics the body needs to digest properly.

For those who don’t have any healing ointments on hand, a small amount of ghee can serve as the perfect alternative.

For those looking to ghee for health and wellness purposes, the ingredient serves as the perfect alternative to butter because it is richer in nutrients.

Again, ghee doesn’t contain high amounts of casein or lactose, making it perfect for those with sensitivities. However, just as important, ghee is rich in vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E, as well as containing the essential fatty acid butyrate.

And to aid in digesting all these nutrients, ghee is very soluble, meaning the body absorbs it better than other spread options.

What Makes Ahara Rasa Ghee Different?

While ghee in general makes the perfect addition to any kitchen with its many benefits, there are key reasons why Ahara Rasa Ghee stands apart from other options on the market.

This biggest of these differences has already been mentioned, the traditional process in which the company makes its ghee. Ahara Rasa Ghee starts with Makhan, a cultured butter made when the cream is first made into yogurt.

By adding this small step, Ahara Rasa Ghee adds a probiotic benefit to its product, making it more beneficial for health and wellness. Ahara Rasa Ghee is also made traditionally, over an open flame instead of in industrial sized kettles.

And, in order to keep the quality of each batch as pure as possible, Ahara Rasa Ghee only makes small batches, allowing for better quality control.

Ahara Rasa Ghee was also meticulous about from where it sourced its cheese. Instead of using a large industrial farm, the company decided to use a smaller farm that had large fields to keep its cows healthy, happy, and producing the best milk.

The farm also supports the desire Ahara Rasa Ghee has to keep its cultures in a vat through the night, churning it with an old fashioned churn afterwards.

These little details allow Ahara Rasa Ghee to create the healthiest, best tasting ghee on the market.

Purchasing Ahara Rasa Ghee

Ahara Rasa Ghee sells its products on Amazon and through the largest paleo store, Wild Mount Paleo Market. At the moment, Ahara Rasa Ghee offers three distinct flavored ghee options, as well as its traditional and unflavored ghee.

The flavors available for Ahara Rasa Ghee are vanilla, turmeric and pepper, and garlic and lemon. Each jar of Ahara Rasa Ghee costs about $15, though the price may vary from retailer to retailer.

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