Supplement Review Detox Cleanse Acid Relief 360 – GutGard & ACTIValoe Aloe Vera For Heartburn?

Acid Relief 360 – GutGard & ACTIValoe Aloe Vera For Heartburn?

Acid Relief 360

Gastroesophageal reflux, also known as acid reflux or heartburn, is an extremely common condition that can be extremely debilitating and uncomfortable. More than two thirds of the adult population will experience gastroesophageal reflux at some point in a 12 month period, with a third of the total population experiencing the condition on an ongoing, weekly basis.

Gastroesophageal reflux is caused by the contents of the stomach passing through the lower esophageal sphincter and entering the esophagus, or the throat. As the contents of the stomach are highly acidic, the most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux is a painful burning sensation in the throat. Most individuals that suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, which is also known as GERD, often report a bitter taste and the sensation of food entering the esophagus.

Apart from the immediate discomfort caused by GERD, there are many serious health complications that can arise from chronic, ongoing gastroesophageal reflux. The constant burning of the esophageal lining caused by the highly acidic stomach acid can cause severe inflammation in the throat, which contributes to respiratory diseases.

Many individuals that suffer from chronic gastroesophageal reflux also experience a degradation of oral health. The highly acidic nature of stomach contents wears down the enamel coating of the teeth, causing discoloration and, if left untreated, causing the teeth to break down entirely. Unfortunately, the exact causes of gastroesophageal reflux are poorly understood, and as such the treatment methods that are currently available are not entirely effective.

Medications for gastroesophageal reflux are typically provided in the form of proton pump inhibitors that reduce the acidity of the stomach contents, slowing down gastric acid production. Although these solutions are effective in reducing the symptoms of GERD, they are known to cause a wide range of side effects including headaches, abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea, and severe nausea.

Fortunately, there are a number of completely natural solutions that have been clinically proven to significantly lower the frequency and intensity of gastroesophageal reflux events, providing individuals that suffer from GERD with immediate, long lasting relief from the condition. These solutions are completely free from side effects and are able to deliver a wide range of secondary health benefits.

One of the most popular natural gastroesophageal reflux treatments available on the market is Acid Relief 360 Formula With GutGard. The AcidRelief360 formula contains all natural ingredients that work in harmony with the body to promote digestive health and provide relief from occasional heartburn and indigestion.

In this article, we'll take a look at the AcidRelief360 formula and find out what makes it so effective to help you determine whether it’s the right gastroesophageal reflux treatment for your needs.

What is Acid Relief 360?

AcidRelief360 is a potent digestive health supplement from Stop Aging Now, one of the most popular natural health solution providers online. The AcidRelief360 formula contains a powerful blend of some of the most potent natural gut health supplements in the Stop Aging Now range, including GutGard, ACTIValoe, and a selection of highly effective natural herbal extracts.

The AcidRelief360 formula has been designed by an expert team of dietitians, nutritionists, health experts and physicians to deliver rapid and long lasting relief from acid reflux, as well as minimizing digestive gas and lowering the frequency and intensity of reflux events. The formula also contains powerful ingredients that are able to soothe the mucous lining of the stomach, enhancing digestive function.

A major advantage offered by the AcidRelief360 formula is that it works in synergy with the digestive system and is thus completely side effect free, non habit forming, and doesn’t interact with any pharmaceutical medications. The AcidRelief360 formula, like all of the products in the Stop Aging Now range, is created in an FDA approved facility that adheres to GMP manufacturing methods to guarantee the highest level of quality.

The Acid Relief 360 With GutGard Formula

The Acid Relief 360 formula contains five powerful ingredients that have all been clinically proven to minimize the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux and promote overall digestive health. The first ingredient in the AcidRelief360 formula is slippery elm bark, a herb that has been used to soothe the stomach for thousands of years.

Slippery elm bark contains high levels of healing polysaccharides that promote the healthy regeneration of stomach lining and mucous membranes, enhancing the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The second ingredient in the AcidRelief360 formula, GutGard DGL, is created from deglycyrrhizinated licorice. This potent ingredient has been proven in scientific investigations to boost the secretion of protective mucous in the stomach, minimizing dyspepsia.

The third ingredient in the AcidRelief360 formula is ACTIValoe. Sourced from pure aloe vera extract, ACTIValoe, like slippery elm bark, provides the digestive system with a huge dose of plant polysaccharides, protecting the stomach from gastric acid and soothing the gastrointestinal tract.

The AcidRelief360 formula is also supported by the addition of lemon balm, which has been demonstrated to minimize bloating and soothe nausea, as well as pure German chamomile, another traditional herb that has been used for thousands of years to reduce inflammation in the esophagus.

Acid Relief 360 Verdict

The AcidRelief360 formula is one of the most powerful and intelligently formulated natural treatments from GERD and acid reflux on the market, and is supported by the addition of ACTIValoe and GutGuard DGL, making it a triple-action solution that delivers immediate relief.

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  1. Dear sir

    Is it possible to obtain Acid Relief 360 in the UK?
    Wait to hear.
    Thank you
    Yours sincerely
    Sarah Davis

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