Nootropics Cognitive Enhancer Absorb Health Nootropic AllStar – Brain Boosting Power Pack?

Absorb Health Nootropic AllStar – Brain Boosting Power Pack?

Adrafinil All Star

Mental enhancers or nootropics as they are commonly referred to, have allowed users to greatly improve their cognitive faculties.

Via the use of these supplements users can increase their levels of focus, concentration, alertness, memory retention and also experience elevated mood states.

A majority of these products contain natural ingredients such that they provide immediate results and don't cause any long term adverse effects.

About Adrafinil All Star

All Star is an all new nootropic which contains a wide variety of clinically studied ingredients that have been shown to be effective in a clinical setting. Some of the benefits that users can expect to obtain upon using the supplement include:

(i) Increased Vitality: there are various stimulants in the complex which increase the user's overall energy levels. This means that users can feel more energised through the course of their daily activities.

(ii) Improved Focus: due to many active agents which target our CNS operations, users are able to maintain their concentration and focus levels even during demanding activities.

(iii) Enhanced Concentration: due to a potent blend of nutrients, All Star is able to raise our concentration levels so that we can focus on a given task more efficiently and effectively.

(iv) Heightened Mood states: it is able to help in the release of more dopamine and noradrenaline which are known to assist in more positive mind states. These hormones also help in alleviating anxiety, nervousness and stress.

Compositional Information

(i) Adrafinil: it is a compound that has been found to be metabolized by the body into Modafinil, this substance has been studied and found to aid in increasing alertness, attentiveness and enhancing cognition.

(ii) Sulbutiamine: it is an amino extract that is important for the optimal working of our brain, it provides users with a host of benefits including increased memory retention, improved recalling capacity and enhanced mood states.

(iii) Noopept: it is one of the most potent nootropic ingredient known in the scientific community today, it is a potent racetam cognitive enhancer which improves the flow of blood into the brain so that it is able to function optimally and at a high rate. The compound is also known to increase alertness, focus and concentration levels in users.

(iv) Alpha GPC: this choline derivative is widely known for its amazing brain enhancing properties, not only does it help in increasing cognition it also assists users by increasing their acuity, sharpness and response time.

What Sets It apart?

There are many features that are unique to the product, some of them include:

(i) Natural Composition: all of the added components are completely natural and have been tested for any long term ill effects.

(ii) Scientific Backing: there are various case studies that users can check out to see if the product is right for them.

(iii) Fast Product Delivery: within pacing an order, users can expect to receive their shipment between 1-3 days. There is also free shipping throughout the United States on orders valued above $75.00.

(iv) Money Back Guarantee: the product comes with a full refund policy in case users are not satisfied with the quality of the product.

Dosage directions

  • 1-2 pills should be consumed daily along with large doses of water (8-12 fl oz.).
  • Users should check to see for the results before increasing dosage.
  • In case an individual is suffering from any medical condition or is taking any prescribed medication he/she should consult a specialist.
  • The supplement should be consumed on a regular basis (60 days) for optimal benefits.

Pricing And Availability

The easiest and most convenient means of making a purchase is by placing an order online at The product comes in small bottles which contain 30 capsules each, each unit is priced at $99.99. Payments can be done using a host of safe and secure means like PayPal, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover and Visa.

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