Protege Beauty MezmerEYES – Bio-Restorative Anti-Aging Eye Cream?


Protege Beauty MezmerEYES is an all-in-one anti-aging eye cream that is formulated to relieve dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles, and fine lines. Made with vitamins and natural oils, the advanced skin renewing formula treats all signs of aging and slows the aging process.

Soothing the delicate skin around the eyes, the moisturizing formula protect the skin against UV damage and environmental factors. By lightening the outer layer of skin, the eye cream prevents further hyperpigmentation. Ideal for men and women, the soft, creamy product absorbs quickly and deeply hydrates the skin.

What Is Protege Beauty MezmerEYES?

MezmerEYES is created by the company Protégé Beauty. Dedicated to helping consumers improve appearance, every product is made to deliver the highest-quality botanicals. Straight from nature, the ingredients are combined with advanced technology that effectively improves skin health.

Manufactured at an FDA-certified facility, Protégé Beauty formulations are cruelty free and contain no parabens, phthalates, or sulfates. Created by leading North American scientists, the clinically proven products are made using a combination of science and creativity.

A feature of the unique Protégé Beauty product line, MezmerEYES features bio-restorative properties that treat the skin and repair damage. To restore elasticity and suppleness, Protege Beauty MezmerEYES not only moisturizes the skin but also protects the outer layer from free radical damage and premature aging.

Working from a cellular level, the formula helps rejuvenate fibroblast cells. By enhancing the firmness of the skin, the anti-aging formula promotes recovery and skin restoration. Ideal for maturing, sensitive, stressed, and irritated skin, the anti-aging cream is infused with essential nutrients.

To provide long-term results, the product promotes collagen formation in order to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Hydrating the skin without leaving a greasy, sticky residue, Protege Beauty MezmerEYES brightens the complexion and speeds up cell turnover. By alleviating inflammation, the anti-aging cream soothes the skin and increases cell metabolism.

Visibly firming and lifting the skin, it improves circulation, and reduces the appearance of dark circles, dryness, and dullness. For the best results, it is recommended that users apply MezmerEYES twice daily. With results visible within 4 weeks, each bottle contains a two month supply of eye cream.

Ingredients in Protege Beauty MezmerEYES

MezmerEYES features a naturally balanced blend of essential rejuvenating nutrients. The ingredients, as well as their benefits, are listed below.

Matrixyl 3000

Matrixyl 3000 is an anti-aging peptide that is made up of two proteins. Used to treat a diverse range of aging symptoms, the peptide restores a youthful appearance to the skin.

By supporting collage production, the ingredient increases elastin found in the under-layers of the skin. Through this function, the proteins remove impurities and reduce the appearance of blemishes.


Collagen is needed to maintain the health and appearance of the skin. A powerful protein, this ingredient is essential for reducing the signs of aging. A building block for elastin, it is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Hyaluronic Acid

As collagen production allows, wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation become more visible. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide that increases collagen synthesis. Providing a variety of anti-aging benefits to the skin, it also retains moisture and plumps the skin.

Jojoba Oil

This ingredient is a liquid plant wax that has been used for centuries. Originally used to treat impurities, cuts, and bruises, it moisturizes the skin and strengthens the protective barrier.

Almond Oil

A powerful antioxidant, this ingredient removes impurities from the skin pores and follicles. Helping to prevent acne, oil is mild and hypoallergenic.

Purchasing Protege Beauty MezmerEYES

MezmerEYES Bio-Restorative Anti-Aging Eye Cream is available for purchase on Amazon. Each bottle contains a half fluid ounce, enough for a two month supply, and costs $18.97.

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